Is hunting wrong?

Is hunting wrong?

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Only if eating meat is wrong. People who hate on hunters while eating factory farmed meat are maximally retarded.

Not if you need to cull an animal population that is getting to big and threatening other species. Those who oppose it tend to be virtue signalling liberals who are ignorant to why it is useful.

If you kill it you eat it that's my only rule

No. If anything, killing a wild animal with a clean shot to the head is more humane than letting it suffer for months or years at a factory farm.

No not in principal. If all you are doing is thrill killing or killing for animal parts then that is wrong. If your goal is to fill your freezer with a buch of meat to feed your family then there is nothing wrong with that

Can tell your not much of a hunter. Head shots are the absolute last resort

It depends on what you're hunting. Overpopulated animals like deer are ok. I am really into firearms as a former armyfag, but I don't think I could bring myself to kill an animal. But I don't begrudge others who do.

Endangered animals, like African safaris on the other hand are an abomination

For food, no. That’s no noble. For “fun”, yeah that’s pretty sick if you have “fun” killing animals. You should be put in a mental home.

> hunts
> for food
> I fell bad for and am thankful for every animal I kill.

Agreed, trophy animal hunting should be banned out right

Am on the same thought line as this faggot.

Hunting endangered and exotic animals should be punishable. The problem is that sometimes the money is used to help preserve the species.

But then again, this all happens in the middle of buttfucking nowhere Africa where corruption is rampant and niggers be nigging. Also, the hunters that get caught tend to be rich so they end up free allthesame.

I go out into the farmlands and hunt bulls with a AR-15. I'll empty 2 clips into a bull and use a cordless saw to cut out a nice steak. Start up a pit fire and roast that meat right there in the country just like God intended. I have no idea why people think it's wrong to hunt, but I tell ya, I won't go hungry as an avid Hunter.

Fuck all y'all, there's nothing wrong with hunting for fun or shooting animals and leaving them. I do it all the time. Every year, I shoot at least 3 deer and sometimes I don't tag any. lol @ you moralfag bitches. Fuck you all.

As a hunter who follows the rules, I despise your kind

I'll take shit that never happened for $300 Alec

Those digits

Ah, I used to love going. Made me so horny.

I miss shooting foxes with a boner the size of texas

clean shot to the head. i think you mean heart, lungs, or spin.

Hunting is only wrong if it causes harm to another person. Common examples would be hunting animals that belong to someone else or causing a problem with the ecosystem from depopulating a species.

Do you aim for the spine?

I highly suggest reading "The Most Dangerous Game", in which a human experiences what animal feel like whilst hunted. Its short but gripping, and it gives insight on how we kill prey. Its a good read.

This x100. Rather eat an animal that got to live and roam free in the wild than an animal that never got to see daylight. That's why I buy only meat that is from a farm where the animals had a good life (in the Netherlands BETER LEVEN ***)


Can tell you didn't finish high school (yet?)

>The problem is that sometimes the money is used to help preserve the species.

not really a problem. the money rarely makes it through those corrupt nog government chains to end up helping a species. every nigger finger it touches swipes some off the top until there's hardly anything left.

and then, they will just take you out and let you kill the first trophy you see. they don't actually cull out the old, weak and sick animals.

I went on a safari hunt with my doctor who's good friends with my dad. Kind of weird watching this man who really fights hard for the lives of his patients go wildman with a gun killing animals left and right.

It costs >$50,000 to shoot anything worth shooting in Africa.

The animals that are put on licence to be shot are usually past breeding age, getting old, and will most likely die soon anyway.

So some dumb Murican trophy hunter drops $50,000 to shoot a zebra.

$50,000USD in fucking AFRICA.

Now, where does that money go you might ask? Thats a good question, You see all those anti-poaching teams, rolling around the reserves with M16's & body armor? They are at work, ergo, they need paying. $50,000 goes a long way towards that bill.

Now, you have;
1no. dead zebra
1no. funded anti-poaching team
1no. happy Ameritard

So, Murican takes his zebra head, and gets it stuffed, hung on his wall to masturbate in front of. What happens to the rest of the animal?

Another great question!

It gets butchered, carved up, and feeds the local community/rangers/keepers/etc etc.

So, from this zebra that was going to die anyway, literally nothing bad has happened, apart from you guys who've never even seen a zebra cry about it & virtue signal to high heaven, whilst ignoring the fact that trophy hunting (as barbaric an act as it is) is literally the only reason why there still are elephants, rhinos, lions, and all that good stuff.

Dont get me wrong, I'm not pro murder of anything, but trophy hunting is one of the rare circumstances where the good outweighs the 'evil'.

Head shots are standard for small game with a rimfire or smallbore air rifle.

>So some dumb Murican trophy hunter drops $50,000 to shoot a zebra.

shhhhh you're ruining their narrative.

You will understand why meat is good once you eviscerate a live deer and eat its entrails as the steamy warmth from its body and it gives its shuddering last gasps.

At that point i am usually deep inside it's cunt

hunting is conservation. take a hunting course and you will not ask such silly questions user.

i tell any libtard (all of them love non-gmo and organic anything foods) who asks why i hunt that hunting is the original organic.

No, if deer had developed rifles before humans, they'd hunt us

No. 2+2=5 is wrong.

it's only good because you are actually a incarnation of unemphatic stupidity.

It's the most beautiful powerstruggle there is

Animals are always being hunted. it's nothing new to them. Cept a hunter goes for a clean headshot and a bear will eat you genitals first.

Stop having sympathy for a world that couldn't care less about you. Life eats life.

And someone explain to me why plant life doesn't matter. Many plants are smarter than clams and oysters.

It is both objectively right and morally right.

Morally: we're predators, we have evolved to eat all sorts of food. We are the only species that seems to attribute value to other species as though they are worth the same or more than our own. Kick a cat, post it on the Internet and watch your life decline, and rightly so. If you're hunting for food then you're doing what you were born to do. If your intent is to hunt for thrill and then survive off of your quarry then you're doing nothing wrong morally, quite the opposite.

Objectively: we're conservationists. Population control of animals is necessary for a huge number of reasons, many of them are legitimately for the protection of the species being hunted. Disease control, food cycle management (predator reduction for prey species conservation), protecting livestock, overpopulation management... the list continues and is long.

Hunting: good times for good reasons.

Trophy hunting endangered species without conservational benefit: stop it pls.

Uncle Ted thinks you are stupid for even asking

No. Most conservation money is coming from them anyway, well, more like a 50/50 with federal funding but without the hunting tag sales and such most conservation efforts could not continue. This doesn't address if it's wrong to hunt but it does inform one why it's currently wrong to try to stop hunting from occurring.

ignoring the fact that most hunters in America never go to Africa you dumb fuck.

If you're killing for sustenance, then it's all good as God gave us dominion over the animals. If you're killing for sport, you're a sad overcompensating faggot and should kys

Wanna hear a miracle story? My parents let me get a hunting license and go hunting with a friend when I was younger and they are both VEGAN. So if they can find a way to condone it idk how it could be wrong.

Holy fuck. It's the Nuges doppelganger!

No crazy libtards in the thread? What is it Christmas? praise Sup Forums

Depends on where, when, what you're using, et cetera. I see a couple of fags here saying that it's only ok if you're doing it for sustenance and I have to ponder if they're vegans or not. If they're vegans, ok, if they eat meat then they're idiots. The hunter takes responsibility for the kill whereas you allow someone else to do your killing.

No, in many parts its necessary to control deer or varmint populations.

Hes only talking about trophy hunting fucktard

if you eat it i dont see why it would be

Not if it humans.
Hunting humans for sport is never wrong.

as a Jew, I would never kill an animal for mere "sport." It is wrong. You're talking about grown men using advanced technology to kill defenseless and unaware animals from far away.


Pretty much what this nigger said

nope but shepherding is so cain killed abel

no other answers is accetable

>grown men using advanced technology

Shit, i didn't know hunting was that easy. Can some of the hunters here take you with them so you can show um a thing or 2?


Agreed. That's why i pan-fried my wife's murderer after forcing him to eat her.

It's different though. I don't give a shit about livestock, they were born to die. Wild animals have actual lives.

To be clear, I don't hate on hunters. I just wouldn't do it myself, even though I'd have no problem working in a slaughterhouse.

Hunting for food?

Hunting for "fun"?

People who hunt for fun are the niggers of society.