I work in a grocery warehouse...

I work in a grocery warehouse. I ride one of these things all day going up and down aisles that have different cases in them. I put the cases on pallets on the end of my mutant forklift. I make 26$ an hour. Pretty good for where I live. They expect about 150 cases an hour to be "picked" off the shelves. It's easy af but only 30% of who we hire actually work out. There are no women that do what I do. In 1.5 years of working there I have seen 2 females be hired only to fired shortly after for not being able to pick 150 cases per hour. Why tf do women suck so bad /b?

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Sounds sad man. Glad I don’t have your life...

They can't do spacial relations or into physics.

You move boxes man.

Are you me? I literally do the same thing on the same machine (we call it a centre rider though), for similar pay and are also expected to do 150 cases an hour or 1500 in a10 hour shift with 2 breaks.

I should also add that I happen to work in a giant fridge or freezer

Ever crushed someone?

How many cases can a pallet hold?

Americunts you can't even build a good horizontal picker order
This is a German Master Race Truck

At my place they run on hydrogen boi

depends what cases youre doing. the most ive done is probably 450 cases in 140 cubic feet. its like... 7 or 8 ft tall on a pallet if you can imagine that

no but i dont smoke weed in case i do

The real shit now is lithium batteries

there is a freezer and meat/dairy cooler at our warehouse but i work in the room temperature part with the dry groceries

yeah i call bs

We pay the lesser countries to do our manual labor now.

Satan trips

glad i dont have your poorfag life. i have enough money to do what i want when i want


I think you mean $26

2 full pallets = 140 cu ft

Mein Fuhrer!

this is OP this machine looks badass

the warehouse in this pic is built for the machine that picks the orders. so idk why there is a guy on a forklift in a facility with a machine order picker (dont remember what tehy are called but they ARE german engineered and cost nearly a billion dollars to install if i remember correctly... a fucking billion dollars taht would take forever to pay for itself germancunts lel)

Why do they suck so bad? Perhaps your penis is microscopic, or you have not taught them how to suck it correctly. You must admit, you brought this on yourself

Look for jungheinrich ece

i have a 7 white cock. i dont make my gf's suck my dick i get too horny and just want to fuck. so i just fuck.

7 white cock, sounds like a metal band

You just dont know anything about this

Witron out of Bavaria. I was close smd witron.de/en/

Nah bro i think you are really onto something here, do you have a newsletter to which i can subscribe?

These are the machines

This is how you fuel em up

I worked same job but with a forklift instead of a pallet jack. We never had women in the warehouse because women don't like that kind of work and most of them aren't into that level of physicality for pay. It's not social, it's not gossipy and it smells weird depending on the warehouse (mine was beverage). It's really not that women suck, they're just not going to do something that doesn't appeal to them. The job appeals to you. That's all there is to it.

You literally are being payed minimum wage where I live. McDonald’s employees get payed the same as you here. $50K is minimum wage in Switzerland.

I genuinely feel bad for you dude. I hope you can get through this.

there is no reason to not do something that pays that well. you basically proved my point in saying that its not gossipy and too physical. women suck, and should suck it up.

That's because Switzerland has a ridiculously high cost of living relatively speaking. What you're saying is meaningless.

i make more money than most of my friends. i live in a 1300 sq ft house with 2 pitbulls and a fat retarded gf i support almost entirely. i live well. be salty.

Good luck in finding something better. We’re all pulling for you!

Do you know where the apple cider vinegar is?

Is this irony?

most of you probably dont make half what i do lol

I think the problem here is that you're mad you're dating your right hand. Is that correct?

Hey op, what was the point of this thread, bragging about your shit life or insulting women because you mistake that for being cool?

You have it easy, where I work they expect on average 280 cases per hour (Liquor is around 900 "cases/units" per hour). Pickers can make more, think base pay is around $24/hr with incentive and safety pay bringing that up to $38/hr. Lots of mandatory OT too.

that sounds nice


I'm not OP you dummy.

I used to pick 1300-1500 cases a shift for 12.50 an hour. Doing boxes of file folders too, average weight is 40+ pounds. They moved me to unloading and loading trucks for the same pay, so I don't mind as much.

my fat retarded gf

my fat retarded pitbulls

that sounds... awful


What is logistics and transportation, probably the biggest type of employer world wide.

you look like that guy that was having a meltdown because someone was fucking up his face in all of his facebook photos with photoshop
granted you look more like the product photos than the source

Prime job for automation in the next 10yrs

What are state are you in OP?

Literally kys, you don't have a good life, if you did you wouldn't be trying to make others feel like shit. Get help friendo.

>2 pitbulls and a fat retarded gf i support almost entirely. i live well.
>i live well.
>live well.

No, you do not. Rid yourself of the useless dogs and girlfriend, then you will live well. Being a beta cucked bitch boy is no way to live user come on now.