I got a problem that appeared on my left foot 2 days ago. I have these like clear bubbles...

I got a problem that appeared on my left foot 2 days ago. I have these like clear bubbles? Under the skin and it's in between most of my toes. Medifags can you tell me what this is? I've looked everywhere and i only get one result Dyshidrotic eczema

bump because anything that isn't porn 404's on Sup Forums within seconds these days.

I sometimes get that on my hand around my thumb and near my middle / index finger joints

fun as fuck to pop but if you leave them alone for a few weeks they go away

at least mine did and Idk what caused mine

your gay mate

Dunno, couldn't stand dermatology class. Have you tried an over the counter anti-fungal cream or powder?

Have you been doing a lot of walking or running lately? And if so are your shies tight and are you wearing tight, clean socks?

Pustular psoriasis

I haven't tried any powder but i will

I got that. Pretty sure it's Dyshidrotic eczema. I just use cortisone and it keeps it under control.

Honestly i really want to but I'm afraid it'll cause an infection

I guess i have since I'm mostly wearing shoes all day and i do reuse a sock for 1 day more

How long do they usually last? And do you do anything like keep then clean at all times use cream anything?

Looks like an open and shut case of full blown nigger faggot aids.

Pop it and rub it with rubbing alcohol, it will be gone soon.
Wash your feet more often and apply baby powder between your toes. Buy better socks (100% cotton).
I had the same problem because of excessive sweating (caused by hormonal issueas that are fortunately fixed now).

It's heat rash, caused by heat, depressed of oxygen and of course wetness, take off socks as often as possible and keep cool, try not to heat them up and you'll be alright

Anything on your hands? Particularly the webbing between the thumb and forefinger?.
Most likely explanation is an "athlete's foot" fungal infection. If it's not fungal then maybe scabies, although that more commonly starts between the fingers.

No my fingers and in-between are all clean. I only have this problem on my left foot

Could be Dyshidrotic eczema but probably some sort of fungal infection. Try using an antifungal spray, keep it dry and clean and try not to wear shoes unless you have to. Dry your socks in the sun instead of a dryer and spray the inside of your shoes with an antifungal spray.

Looks like ringworm to me. Does it itch?


Here's another clear view of it. The black circles are where i have it

>caused by hormonal issueas that are fortunately fixed now
How's your fancy new vagina?

It doesn't itch at all it doesn't cause me any itchiness or pain.. It's just well there

Tbh OP, you're probably just going to have to settle for "atopic dermatitis". A bit vague, but an antifungal with hydrocortisone, like Fucidin H should sort it out.

It's called pompholyx or dyshidrotic eczema. You should buy some Cortizone 10 Intensive Healing Lotion for it. It worked great for me.

Athletes foot.

She's OK. She cleaned after dinner and now sleeps. How's yours?

This does seem reason and many have already stated it so i guess I'll buy one and try it out if it doesn't work then i can just go to the next treatment. I mean i don't think it could get any worse as long as i take care of it

I had a brain fart