What is this I found it on the side walk

What is this I found it on the side walk

could you have taken a shittier pic?

Some kinda fuse looks like

I can't tell what that is but I'm pretty sure your camera is a potato

Yes I could

Juul pod lmfao

Take off the plastic sleeve op

It's attached

Juul pod dumb nigger I got 100 of them it's empty to

Yeah looks like a fuse to me too

2 mb limit on photos

Lools like one of those glade air freshener refills. Stop picking up trash and taking it home dude.

Like my dad used to tell me "put that shit down, you never know, that couldve been up a niggers ass"

Take another picture but have the focus on whatever it is rather than what it's on

You rip off the plastic mouth piece then a rubber piece underneath then you can fill it with juice but they are single use you need e juice with nicotine salts for good effects

The thing is out of focus you moron


It's a fucking juul pod you mongoloid. Some vape fag probably tossed it since it's clearly empty.


How does it feel to be retarded?

Thanks dude thought it was a flash drive or something

Probably the same as it feels to still be on this website after jewgookmoot made 2mb a thing.


Naw they're a rich persons vape 50 bucks for a starter kit that last 3 days lol

Vape fag detected

>trash picker

did your mother teach you nothing?

Bitches love juul bro

Thought it was a memory stick wanted to see what was on it

Non vape fag detected