Post something illegal you have ever done

Post something illegal you have ever done.

I created a new law

I'm coming for that booty Chris Handsom

I jaywalked a couple of times.
I've collected rainwater a couple of times. Not on purpose, but I have buckets outside and when it rains they fill up quite a bit.

>i likes ya, i and i wants ya.

I once the whole thing

accidentaly or on purpose or both

I stole my friends pokemon card

Dude what the fuck? Accidentally the whole thing?

Jaywalking Mr FBI.

Ate a cake on a Sunday while wearing a loud hat in a built up area

did u get caught


Cocaine at all. Ever.

>nice trips btw
But wait, is that actually a crime

i've stoled a couple music and aslo a game i think

tought so. I require life penalty

fucked 16 year old when i was 27

Fucked a dolphin at florida keys

I forget to use my turn signal sometimes

I collected rainwater

Nice try FBI

Where did you live? In most states that's perfectly legal. 16 is the age of consent most everywhere.

Lived in Nevada. Only problem was we were all in Utah camping.

I got chocolate in my peanut butter.

I once got drunk, and stole a door knob. I, also got a pigeon to drink absinthe.

Only in a few states.

>in most states
The legal age in the US is 18. This applies to every state.

I once sold gum in singapore

I forced an Iraqi enemy combatant to watch the movie Battlefield Earth even though its a clear violation of the Geneva Convention.

Couldn't be more wrong

not illegal but pretty much will rile up most folks here