20% Of Millennials Identify As LGBTQ

>20% Of Millennials Identify As LGBTQ

do you think this is too high? too low?

I dunno but you are probably just jealous of his hapiness cause he smiles

I don't worry too much about what other people do

if you include asexual in your "LGBTQ" then definitely too low. we need more people who don't want to have sex at all

if not, then too high. too many queers and straights alike

well, considering biologically speaking that well over half the population is bisexual to at least some degree, it seems pretty low.

Mind you, societal pressures make almost everyone lie about their true orientation, so it's kind of a crap shoot.

>biologically speaking

Where's your proof of that fact? Citation please otherwise you're full of shit

20% less new children

seems to be inflated af with attention whores that want to seem important or unique by pretending to have qualities that wouldn't make them interesting in the first place

>LGBTQ doesn't even have enough letters anymore

pure hetero here, not coming in on some macho shit. i wish so bad that i was asexual. i often times am disgusted with sexuality altogether.

that aside, it's so hard for me to see other "hetero" folk as bi b/c i literally love super fertile looking women. i can't stand flat chested/flat assed/narrow hipped women. i honestly wonder how women find men attractive b/c i am so obsessed with the fertile female body.

needs to be 100%, the faster the human race leaves this planet the better, curently we are just turds making skidmarks on the porcelain bowl of life as we get flushed down further and further


What do I win?

I think it's pretty nice if you've got a kink

>i honestly wonder how women find men attractive
Same. We're ugly, hairy and often smelly.

which is more gay?
>dating a girl that looks like a boy
>dating a boy that looks like a girl

too attention seeking
everything the spouts out of millennial mouths is just pure falseness.
They don't give two shits about their little cause anymore outside of getting internet pats on the back for pretending and retweets. Their world is no more reality then the world they want to push for.

Obviosly dating boy that looks like a girl...

they "Identify" with whatever gives them more social media points

You know what assuming does....

Don't care, if it looks like a girl I'm fucking it.

20%? where did you get that number? I just read it was 32.9% Identify as LGBTQ

a girl that looks like a dude is more gay because thats what ppl are gonna see

if youre fucking the boy, thats gay no matter what he looks like. fucking faggot.

Any of the girls I was involved with identified as something other than straight, so I'll buy it. And not just identified, had relationships with women.

Way too low. White society needs at least 40% of sexual deviants to ensure their growth rate suffers.

Support LGBT promotion in white countries now. We must act now to secure a white-free world.

That's because it's the trend. 18% of that 20% isn't actually gay or even bi. They'll grow out of it. Just stupid kids being stupid.

>uses anime pic
>calls someone a faggot

Gets you thrown in SJW Prison?

Is this a dude or a chick

Either way i want to fuck it

Being "in the closet" is almost gone now, so when "the closet" is no longer necessary anywhere, there will be a lot more. The irony is that some will pretend to be LGBTQ for popularity.

I can't tell what's going on here

that's the spirit!

The backlash against all of this just makes the "queer" aspect stronger. People are and have always been nuanced in their gender expression. Machismo works for some people. For others it doesn't. Acknowledging that this is normal, rather than trying to make a big deal out of it (either by announcing yourself to be queer because you're a normal person who doesn't fit neatly into male/female stereotypes OR by hating on people who you think are faggy) is only going to set this trend harder.

No one with a life gives s fuck. It's really great when you have a life and come to shitstains like Sup Forums to laugh at you depressed, and jealous fucks. You're all worse than progressive leftist.

Everyone is like literally gay so that stat is underestimating

delet ur life OP

sure. Solves overpopulation and more holes to fuck for me. +less competition

Not sure why anyone would feel negativly about this?

I would fuck pic related, I don't care what it is.

I think its probably normal, probably higher percent of pop is normal, we just happen to live in a time when its more accepting of lgbtq ppl. Whereas in past generations it just forced ppl into hiding or preying on alter boys

12 years ago when I was in college 50% of girls identified as being Bi. Almost none of them were actually Bi though, it was just cool to be a bi girl at the time so every chick claimed they were to make guys go "OwO what's this?" hoping for a threesome.

It's just a phase people go through when they're begging for attention or trying to become popular.

Well if it means more girls with a feminine benis than I'm ok with that.

I think I wanna fuck him/her/them.

How about that?

and as long as they show it off on cam

Well of course.

i blame obsama for this
still would cornhole what ever the fuck this bitch is


Whatever. Who cares? Gender fluidity for all.

if you have problems with how other people are, the problem lies with YOU. Dont' judge. Just... be a human.

The group they identify with is small enough so they can feel special, but large enough so they can feel part of a community.
Obviously not all LGBTQ members are in it for attention, but I'd bet a fair portion are.

this is what happenes when you don't give your child a proper whoopin from time to time. Like the old saying goes, 'there is no greater medicine than a good beating'

Waaaaay too high. Only 1% of the population is gay. The media tries to make it look normal. Also that 1% are also the highest in suicide rates cause they are so fucked up.

>mfw nu4chan reeks of homosexuality
>they don't even try to hide it

hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahhahahaha my sweet summer child

more holes?

25% of he human population have mental disabilities so yeah that sounds about right


fucking chemicals in the water man

As long as someone isn't annoying me about whatever they are I don't give a shit you do you fam I'm not your fuckin dad

Neither too high or too low. It's an irrelevancy through and through because it literally has no effect on my life where another bloke puts his dick.

I think that's Tim the tool man Taylor's son...

>not accepting progress

i'd check out his tool box

Ok. Now show us the: get out meme. Gives me a boner somehow.

100 percent of Sup Forums identifies as a faggot tho



She's super cute. Would fuck and go on a grunge rock concert with.

Too low, they are all faggots.

about right I guess. 10% actually and 10% who are ambiguous enough that they might be. Those extra 10% though it'll take 10-20 years still to figure out the are just straight or just gay.

Makes me remember why we need another war

A new study finds that 7 percent of U.S. adults aged 18-35 identify as LGBT—fully 3 percentage points higher than a recent study of adults of all ages.

No one cares. If two people are enjoying rubbing their fleshy bits together, and there are informed consent issues, it's all good.

As the Pew Research Center notes, conventional surveys may underestimate the size of the LGBT population due to unreliable self-reporting. A team of researchers from Ohio State University and Boston University found that survey respondents were far more likely to report a non-heterosexual identity when assured of absolute anonymity than they were when interviewed using a standard public opinion method in which respondents can still be connected to their answers.
But even providing for absolute anonymity may not be enough to demystify the size of the LGBT population. It’s nearly impossible to replicate the conditions of the closet in a scientific survey.
The result of the reluctance to self-report has been a muddled mess of varying estimates and statistics. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in 2014 measured lesbian, gay, and bisexual people at 2.3 percent of the adult population, while the 2010 National Survey of Health and Behavior found that 7 percent of women and 8 percent of men identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.

IDGAF people can do as they please, none of my business, none of yours either.

He means 20% of 4chiners

i think the person who conducted this poll or authored this study belong in a gas chamber

Well 100% of millennials are retarded, cancerous fuckstains that the best thing that could happen to all of them is sterilization and/or (preferably) euthanization, so yeah, not surprised 20% of these snowflake twatbubbles want to call themselves LGBTQPOMGWTFBBQ or whatever else is popular at the moment for their attention whoring needs.
Worst fucking generation, ever. Even baby boomers who fucked everything up aren't as bad as these cockgoblins.

makes sense, abour 10% are homosexuals, another 5-10% are at least bi-curious and the rest have developed an identity crysis or mental illness caused by depression and/or lack of actual personality


4chins Yearly Unfunny Award for Overused Joke.


So what?

Simple homosexuality make up about 1.5% of the general population. I consider all the rest mental disorders created by society (social constructs?). Look here on Sup Forums - probably 20% of Sup Forums is faggots, traps, sissies and other sexual derangements.

Of course, Sup Forums likes to tease people with borderline shit like and presenting false moral choices just to fuck with people's heads. That kind of shit don't help the world figure itself out at all. It only serves to further confuse the low intelligence crowd.


Now it includes you.

Underrated post. My gender is Faggot and my sexual orientation i Faggot.

implying any random statistic some mouth breather on Sup Forums says is at all reliable

yeah but, people should also be able to call out other peoples bullshit. for me every person is an individual and should be treated as one, but claiming gender-fluidity or whatever just tries to boost your own identity without any effort or actual achievement.
stop making a fuss about it and make up fake pronouns that you than force upon people who see though that bullshit.
anyone like to make up a fictional worl where they are special, but most people are still able to differentiate between reality and fiction.

"Everything posted on Sup Forums is a absolute truth" - Winston Churcill

I don't get this men. Are they attracted to themselves? Because their body looks the same.


would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.

Yes, it's really the selfish and oblivious that really allow an empire to crumble, not the lawmakers or bankers.

>bi here
sometimes i get turned on by the thought of having an exact clone of myself and fucking it
also whacked off to pics of myself before
is that weird?
>mfw no fucks given

depends, are you hot?

>people reproduce by cloning themselves

i get a lot of compliments from people telling me how cute i am, and i happen to agree

You think more and more people turning LGBT is an evolutionary trait?

The earth is getting overpopulated and soon we wont have enough food or water to help support the race. LGBT people can help curb that.

More LGBT, less babies and people.

bu..bu..but da bibebull
bu..bu..but its a SIN!!!
and stuff

BI-sexual is code for gay. If you are a man and you do anything sexual with another man, you are gay.

I think it is mostly a mix between attention seeking behavior and men giving up on women and just settling for twink butthole. I don't really believe there are a ton of people who are actually genetically predisposed to be gay, I think most just are because issues in their life make it easier to be gay. One thing too is I think a lot of kids subconsciously noticed how much support and asskissing gays receive lately so they are just gay to get ahead because their parents will support them way more or else they would look like "bigots" and in big cities people practically bend over backwards to accommodate gays and they get away with a lot of shit straight people would not be allowed to get away with.

% Of Millennials Identify As LGBTQ
So we need to work on about 20% of the US Millenial population?