Who here thinks they can defeat me In combat? Pic related (its me)

Who here thinks they can defeat me In combat? Pic related (its me)

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Everyone you faggot.

Why do you walk like an absolute madman?

Ha feeble man. I am highly trained in ninjitsu And krav maga. You wouldnt last 30 seconds In Conflict with Me.

A lifetime of training and being In peak physical condition.

Where are you faggot? I'll come smash your teeth in cunt and then fucking cut your fat slut of a mum up into pieces you tiny dicked chav.

>(its me)


i guarantee this guy, practices everyday with weapons on things.

he's probably really good with them. without a gun to defend yourself he'd be a force to be reckoned with.

ive got a aged hardwood 5 foot staff.

it's hard as fuck and i'm really good with it. combo's and all.

Youve never seen a man with my reflexes. I will smash you like an egg feeble human.

Trips check em

If dubs. I kill you with a spoon.

Skinny ass pos has never done a pushup in his life, let alone ever practiced with that thing. Push him over and he'll fall into a pile of kindling.

All I'd need to do is take your sunscreen away and you would burn to death you reflective looking piece of white trash.

I win.

you;re very flat chested, femanon

is that why you're so angry?

It's obvious this man is a god of war, unable to be defeated by any mere mortal. Just by looking at this man you can tell he is a master of his art, combat. I guarantee you this man slays pussy just as well as he slays army after army of heretics. Truly we are blessed to be speaking to such greatness

Propane is his mistress.

anorexia champ unbeatable

share rat killings

This can

>you;re very flat chested, skeletal
>is that why you're so hungry?


Good funny routine, have any others?


I'd allahu ackbar your whole house before you could even touch me, faggot.

Oi son! that dont look like a butter knife!

Expect a visit

Not me. You look quite dangerous. What is thy bidding, sire?

Whooops your fedora fell man

Sure bro

He's pimpin it all over Arlen