ITT: Things about people that instantly make you lose all respect for them

ITT: Things about people that instantly make you lose all respect for them.
>"dude weed lmao" people
>"traps are not gay"
>being vegan
>being Muslim
>advocating for the removal of the electoral college because Hillary lost
>identifying as an SJW
>having any gender identity other than male or female

ITT: we guess what OPs political leanings are because he was too vague

ITT: Things about OPs that instantly make you lose all respect for them.
>when they are faggots.

I agree with most of the list

sending nudes and expecting them to stay private

People who prejudge other people based off of a few arbitrary traits

actually funny

>being a hick from Kentucky who dropped out in 3rd grade but talks about it like it was a huge school career
>be hick who causes problems for other people because he has no friends or girlfriend to have his own life
Someone tell me how to deal with someone who shit talks you behind your back with your once called "best friend"

>3 or more tattoos
>mummy's boy
>dressing like the two above (faggot jeans, faggot jacket, those "N" shoes that are not nike)
>doesn't carry a knife

but what about if she has a feminine penis? That's not gay tho.

I agree with everything but the vegan/muslim parts. I just hate the vocal vegans that think the whole world can somehow survive on grass and water.


tattoos and/or piercings

advocating gay shit

rise above them
become better than they are and literally anything they do, even if it's justified, can be rose-tinted to be jealousy-- and jealousy never looks good, ever

but on topic,
>people who give a shit what others are doing

seriously get a fucking life worth living you degenerate fucking cunts, you're on Sup Forums

if your opinion accounted for shit-fuck-all, you wouldn't be on Sup Forums

>traps are gay as fuck
>seriously bro gay as hell
>there's only one thing gayer
>that's you, for thinking about not just one dick, but two or possibly more, while unironically calling others gay
>you are what you eat dickbreath

>>being vegan
Fuck you.

Thanks my guy. Have a great day

>Feminazi bullshit
>Gender fluid/complicated

> Doesn't watch Young Sheldon

Those n shoes are new balances you fucking retard


>i know what i'll do with my day! shill a terrible show! watch out world here i cum!

>people who can't drive
>ford owners

Sorry about not knowing the name of your favourite brand of fucking shoes.

>has 2 tattoos
>too hip to be a hipster
>clearly daddy's boy is superior
>khakis and a polo, for me, thanks
>carry a 6 inch full tang bowie razor despite guns existing
These threads are gold.

>people who say bi-sexuals aren't just confused gays

Don't confuse hillbillies with red necks. Red necks are basically commercialize wanna be hillbillies.

my grandma was a hillbilly from Kentucky. She lived through the depression and always worked hard labor throughout her life. She was nice, strict and old fashioned, but nice.

Red necks are just people who buy stuff to "look country" and make all rural people seem like assholes. Most hillbillies and actual country folk just want to live their lives traditionally.

Shit I hate, in no order:
>Fur fags
>Modern day gamers
>people who don't make a lot of money
>Anyone that believes in welfare/food stamps
>People that are above 22 working unskilled jobs
>Old people
>People that don't know the first ten amendments
>People who think going to the gym for better pussy is a bad thing
>Anyone that is a dick online to someone online
>Anons that don't read everyday
>anyone that identifies with something. It can be anime, sports, politics, LGBT. It's a faucet, not who you are.
>Really anyone on Reddit, Tumblr, Sup Forums and like 75% of YouTube

Why am I even here then? There's good threads and I can genuinely have conversations on an uncensored platform (unlike Reddit).

People who don't know what arbitrary means

>people who say they are going to kill themselves and not do it
>people who change their major over three times
>people who do not know what they doing in college
>obese people
>faggots who watch/read one piece
>faggots who just watched an anime and buy all the merch
>faggots who say they are going to study but dont and fail a quiz

>not knowing 27 amendments

Ok, my turn.
>people who answer questions that weren't asked as if they're a teacher in grade school

>people who protest by blocking doors and roads
>people who wont have sex with me :'(
>everything about myself
>people who go on a rant defending literal cucks when someone uses the word cuck as a generic insult
>stealing bullshit you don't need like electronics and shoes
>deadbeat dads who make society raise their kid
>people who raise their kids with tablets and video games
>mass shooters. At least be a serial killer at that point.
>people who get offended on behalf of other people (ex: white people getting mad that a white guy owns a taco restaurant because muh cultural appropriation.)
>people on welfare and foodstamps the majority of their adult life unless they have a serious disability
>people who blame the government for every problem they have, no matter how small

>literally the entire human species

Can't wait till doomsday faggots.

Lol in highschool like 10 tens the preppy kids would tell me to kill time in class so that we didn't have to start another paper or something.

I'd just say some really stupid shit that requires an extremely complicated and vague answer.

Like I told my civics teacher who was really right leaning that I was a Marxist, I think we dodged like 5 or 6 papers with that one

But I like girls too

>prejudging people
yeah faggot I mean you

found the Rusty Limpah fanboi

Beautiful girl.

>"dude weed lmao" people
>"traps are not gay"
>being vegan
>identifying as an SJW
>having any gender identity other than male or female

But there are these special dumbfucks that I started encountering recently.
>"You owe me respect"
Seriously? Respect out of what your little special feels?
>"Equal rights"
And equal lefts, bitch.
>Pedos are rapist

Except for the knive thing.
Prettu much agreed.

Good thread, good thread.

Traps are pretty gay but let's be honest, it's pretty fucking hot.

nike sucks


red necks are just rural people who work or spend time outdoors, they're just average rural low people who lack the presumed sophistication of an urbanite. hillbillies are the trash version of that which live in the hills east and south. posers are posers.

>Anything even close to relating to communism

We would get along just fine

>>Pedos are rapist
are you actually arguing for virtuous pedophilia after that rant?
you are filth.

>try to enforce their religion on everyone
>Cry racism when in reality they couldn't spot racism even if it was burning a cross in their yard.

>people who don't make a lot of money
Not everything in this world is about money
>Old people
You got to be trolling...

Other than that list seems pretty solid, even though some of them applies to me.

>pedos are rapist
Anyone who gets turned on by children is a disgusting creature. You are retarded for trying to defend these people.

>vegans and vegetarians
>believe in new age shit, do yoga
>instagram girls
>dogmatic beliefs in any religion (inb4 fedora)
>commies or more extremist left wing
>"That's just your opinion", "every opinion is valid" and the worse "everything is relative"

>college cunts who think they are geniuses despite majoring in some meme field and working at starbucks the rest of their lives

How are there still people like this? Engineers and Doctors and anything like that is actually really hard and requires intelligence, but people seem to think they get some sort of participation trophy because they majored in mass communications

>"God I cant stand these climate change denying stupid redneck pieces of shit! How can they be such science deniers! now if you'll excuse me, I have a crystal healing appointment, need to make sure my kids arent vaccinated, and have a flat earth meeting later tonight"

>Rick and Morty fans who think they are intelligent because they watch a fucking cartoon

>people who post porn in Sup Forums