Why do so many white guys have yellow fever?

Why do so many white guys have yellow fever?

What's Sup Forums's general opinion regarding gook women? How have your experiences been?

White women have been brainwashed by the Jews.

i couldn't possibly hate white race traitors more there's my opinion

Beta yellow fever fag detected.

>Why do so many white guys have yellow fever?

Weak men want submissive women. Simple.

Good experiences.


Because i have a big cock and most asian girls ive been with seem to handle it better than white girls. Bigger pussies i guess. Also softer skin.

Been with my lady for a few years. We hit it off right away. She drains me nearly every day. Cleans up the house and puts my laundry away.

Every white woman I've been with has always expected me to break my back for them. Not saying asian women are better, but this one is great.

I thought they were known for smaller pussies? Maybe they're just more eager to please.

mmm me like slavegirls

What did you mean by this?

Asian women are traditionally more feminine. That's not to say they're hotter or anything.

White women got a bad rap from modern feminism that a lot of men don't want to get involved if there's a possibility that they could go full militant. Not to mention that white women are significantly more controlling now. That wouldn't be an issue except for the fact that they know they can be if they want to and there's nothing you can do about it because "much gubermint" will baby then.

I'd rather take my chances with the unknown known over the known known. I don't want to be forced by my government to bow down to some entitled cunt.

Plus, fob Asians and actual Asians are no strangers to xenophobia so that's a plus.

maybe so, but i'm 9+ inches and without fail every asian girl ive been with has ridden it like a champ. Almost every white girl has complained about it being too big for them so im sticking mostly with asian girls until white girls learn to take cock better.

I was with this girl from Hongkon, Not the typical small eyed girl.
When we fucked for the first time we didnt had the chance to down on each other, it was more of a quickie.
The 2nd time She was at my place and I tried to go down on her and SHE STOPPED ME.
She was shaved n all but said she didnt want it.
But when she gave me a blowjob she licked me all the way to my asshole..?
Like what the hell. You will lick my asshole but dont let me eat you?

never really liked them. i like thickness. minimum 140lbs with tits and ass. their faces can be pretty, but only fucked two, very disappointing

Anybody know how to get a teenager for hire in the Philippines? I really want to test the limits of this age of consent tour.

Cause they are hot
>thread over

Try the gangs there? Give a poor family food to fuck their daughter?

I dated a Nepalese girl for 6 years.

Main difference is cultural. Parents both from Nepal born and raised.

They have such an incredible respect for men. They aren't "submissive slaves" they just know how to act around people.

They don't undermind you in front of people. They will have thoughtful arguments that are healthy behind closed doors. In public, they will side with you and respect you to a T.

When they have those cultural values, it's fucking bananas how healthy a relationship can be. Thoughtful, reasonable and logical.

I've seen this in Asian couples at my college as well.

White grills have this weird sense of "I'm the fucking God and I'm always right."

Asians can be REASONED WITH. That right there. Do I need to have a better selling point? They're also frackin sexy.

bcos hot asians bred more hot asians throughout the years
everyone else just bred richfags and douchefags

Dated a vietnamese girl for 3.5 years, and a Malaysian girl for 3 years.

No more asians for me, they were both nutty and more trouble than they were worth, and emotionally immature.
I stick with white women now.

all men...

only beta cucks want dominant women

Im dating a half nepalese girl right now, its great.
mom is nepalese and dad is rich white as fuck. the combination of her upbringing got the best of both worlds

Only beta cucks feel the need to be with a submissive woman, us men can manage women that think for themselves.

Trips has spoken.

Asian women are gods gift to penises. If you ever been with one you will understand the magic that is asian pussy.

I'm pretty sure your woman is the boss and you go along with it.

Keep. It. Dude.

a lot of asian girls that date white guys tend to be fucking unhinged or unstable. The black sheep of their families. The cultural difference, mentioned earlier on in the thread as a positive actually becomes a window into immaturity and repression of feelings. They will be crazy in bed, but youll never truly be close to them.


Asians aren't submissive, they're extremely thoughtful and argumentative when it calls for it. They aren't manipulative or fucking crazy. They don't make a scene in public either if they don't get there way.

An Asian girl will stand by you, but express her concerns or feelings in private. It's like having a fucking conversation with a person instead of trying to understand a crazy bitch.

You're a beta cuck who gets walked all over by shitty, self entitled cunts.

> us men
> manage women

Implying you actually have to "manage" a women. Like ya a fucking chore. Lmfao

Asians are people that you can talk too and reason with logically.

Could you beta any harder user?

And the downside?

not from my experience, especially the ones that don't know English that well. They tend to be extremely vain and unstable. I imagine if you met one in their home country that would be fine. But the ones that travel by themselves. No.

The Nepalese girl I dated for 6 years actually had this weird over attachment to her family. She moved out west with them and also to further her education. She didn't want to stay with me and be away from them. She works a shitty job and lives with her parents. She could have stayed with me. We would have gotten married, had a great financial set up and a great life. She sort of haphazardly tossed all that to live in the sardine can of California with her parents.

To further your point, she wasn't exactly all there in terms of life decision making...