If I am to hack someone's pc, to get hard evidence of that person having CP on his laptop (I can only assume as of now)...

If I am to hack someone's pc, to get hard evidence of that person having CP on his laptop (I can only assume as of now). Is that evidence useful to lock his ass up, and/or will I be punished as well? I live in Sweden. Don't know where else to post a question like this other than this anonymous board.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=swedish paedophile jailed


We don't take kindly to your kind here in Sup Forums

Why do you suspect? Tell the police why you suspect, let them do their job. This isn't your responsibility and you're playing a dangerous game.

Usually criminally acquired evidence does not count. Of course the police will probe for more, but if the only thing that you get is information you hacked from him, that will go nowhere. Instead you will receive punishment for hacking him. Breaking the law in order to reveal another crime is not permitted.

just go to flashback.org

He is a photographer of young looking guys (14-22y/o) and makes nudes with supposedly some of them. When I was modeling I saw tor browser on his pc. He is also a very creepy guy in general, and has been abused in his youth.

>makes nudes with supposedly some of them
Critical question: You think so because why?

He told me, he wanted to take pictures of me naked as well (didn't agree). I'm 19 so nothing really wrong there but he said that he photographed a 14 y/o boy naked. Even laughably told me that the boy got a boner at first too. Is that even legal?

snitches get stitches.

Why make such a deal of it? Jerk of and move on really.

Deep. Deep, man.

this. Trick him into revealing it himself, instead.

Any evidence you gain through illegal means will be thrown out as inadmissible in court.
You will also be committing a crime in the process.

>and has been abused in his youth
so let's get him into trouble and that will solve things. Nope, not getting him into therapy or anything.

Yeah you're right, idk I feel a strong desire to hurt him emotionally. Its kind of me being a moralfag. Then again I might as well let him jerk of his dick to pre-teens and go on with my own life.

Dataintrång ger böter eller fängelse i högst två år.

How will I get him into therapy? I know it probably won't be the best solution to have him locked up. But I just want him to pay or something..

Tell THAT to the police plus the Tor browser thing, then let them do their thing.

Of course you're a moralfag, you're a Swedish cunt.

I'm pretty sure getting boners is legal. Why do you even care faggot.

Sure, you might pull something off. But you really won't gain anything. There is nothing to gain.

At best this guy go to prison for photographic young guys that most probably enjoyed being photographed. It's not like he is forcing himself on anyone as you can probably attest to yourself, considering you got away without any real harm.

You faggots where are your dubs. You ruined everything.

I will. This is good advice thank you

Why pay? He took pics of boys who agreed. It's not like he forced you to do nudes.

this thread was already tainted with singles
also, you fucking hypocrite

For me that part is not the big deal. It's about my assumption that he most likely posts/sells those pictures on the deepwebs for other pedophiles, hence the tor browser

And before I want him to pay, I have to be sure that it's not just an assumption. So either hacking him or tipping the police would probably be best.

They don't sell them, dude. It's prolly free. Does that anger you?

No problemo. I have a parent who used to do criminal defence in another European jurisdiction.

Also you're Scandinavian, you guys have the BEST success reforming convicts in the world, look up the stats if you don't believe me. Low low low reoffending rates. So don't worry about this.

If you consider a couple rows of repeating numbers as 'everything' it would probably be best for you to leave Sup Forums for a while and to go outside sometime.

I don't care if they are free or not, if those pictures get posted there without the permission of these 14y/o's or his parents, then yes it angers me.

You're on b where they post pics of girls without their permissions and it's ok. Like creepy neckbeards fap over pics they shouldn't share. Does it bother you cuz you are like a girl then?

You're such a sad fucking cuck

Let the man have some fun. The Swedish justice system is fucked anyway.

It bothers me because 1. He is a fag 2. The boys are underage and thus more vulnerable than a cheating cougar

Can you put all the evidence on an USB?
Go to a cyber café, and send all the evidence to your "Internet police"?

You can also find one of the parents of the childs and send them all, and explain them.
They will probably go to the police with their children, and then you don't even really need evidence.

>implying swedish police arrests pedophiles

lmgtfy.com/?q=swedish paedophile jailed

Wait, so you're a moralfag despite admitting to being homophobic AND wanting to break the law? You've demonstrated repeatedly that you're the opposite of a moralfag, so why don't you go turn yourself into the police? I sincerely doubt you're over 18. If you are you sure don't seem like it.

I meant you admitting you wanted to break the law by hacking this guy's private shit, of course. Figured I should clarify since you clearly aren't very bright.