Do I have to put bandaids on those cuts again, or can I leave them like that?

Do I have to put bandaids on those cuts again, or can I leave them like that?

please stop cutting yourself

timestamp or kys

put a band-aid on you life.

Make sure they clean.

Don't need bandaids. Too late to seal them shut.

Timestamp. also get some dis-infectant it won't be so red and itchy

Cute cat scratches, you edgy fuck.
Pic related, an true hero.

Salt helps a lot

if you want to cut it off that badly i would suggest a saw and a bottle of morphine

you call them cuts? get fucking real!!

re-opening them will make you feel happier user

You can cut your wrist

Get help. Also, don't go to Sup Forums for advice, for obvious reasons.


>Trying to show off cuts by asking faggots if it needs a bandaid
Fuck off you attention whore, just kys

ive cut myself a lot and never put bandages on them and they never got infected

Hey man, cut it out.

this, kek

Well i have a little advice for you, hope it helps.

you fucking pussy, you cut verticle. ... lemme guess your gf/bf dumped you and now your life sucks.

Fuck off, you know knowthing edgy twerp fuck

Hey man, cut it out. [x2]

going for the tony the tiger look?

Lets me guess,,,

You didnt make the cut?

Reminded me of this

Rub lemon juice on them to heal faster.

Do I have to put bandaids on those cuts again, or can I leave them like that?

this is my fetish, moar please

you probably need to hydrate

Just blow your brains out already. Stop begging for attention on the internet you useless waste of a human life.


they make spray that acts like the protective barrier that you'd get from a band aid. I've done some self harm before. I used to heat up pieces of metal and burn my self with them but my favorite thing to do was taping the bare ends of an electrical cord to my nipples. I hooked the cord to an old dimmer switch so I could control the amount of electricity flowing. I would start of low and then give myself quick jolts and then go to high and see how long I could stand it. I wouldn't cut myself now because I'm too lazy to clean up the mess

No one cares what you "used to do" fucking normie. Blow your brains out with a shotgun.

>has to specify that they self harmed for attention
Litteraly off yourself.

I'm not looking for attention. I'm just trying to relate to op. If op had mentioned going to movies, I would have told about times I had gone to the movies just to join the conversation

you two should get in the 69 position and choke to death on each other's cocks

Bullshit you stupid emo faggot. Litteraly kys, please. Do the world a favor.

Good fucking come back you autistic nigger.

I honestly hope you bleed to death. Your cuts make you look like a cheese grader. Good luck wearing short sleeves & shorts in public cunt.



that arm looks nasty, but you can stop it getting even worse

this guy said he was going to cut his toe "OFF" he only cut off a piece of it. that stupid little jack knife hatchet thing he had couldn't have chopped a hotdog in half

Why are you trying to look like a birch tree?

Fucking loser stop cutting yourself with blunt knives get a sharp one. Cunty mccoward rub shit on it