Hi /b, can we make and age virgin thread?

Hi /b, can we make and age virgin thread?
For example: I'm 28 and haven't lost my virginity.
I'm really just interested how many more losers like me are out there.

Your time will come. Lost it at age 16 to my 14 yo cousin so not much better

24 y/o

Why that pic ? his ass wont be a virgin


23. Never going to lose it. I've accepted my fate.

Chin up almost satan literally anything could happen tomorrow

Yeah but there's a 0% chance anything involving a female will happen.

Why ? are you a hermit or something ?

Nah, just fuckugly and socially anxious as hell.

So you just have to find a female with the same issues


I'm not sure how that would work...if we both have those issues how the fuck are we gonna end up approaching one another?

45 now
not kissless
fingered pussy
felt tits
tasted pussy
got wanked off
got dick in-between legs near pussy

all when i was 16

where has my life gone?

online dating exists my friend and people who dont really enjoy going out just end up fucking a lot more than most

I guess. But at my age, who'd what to fuck me? A 23 year old who's never even kissed? I'd have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. The odds of finding a girl willing to put up with that are slim to none.

you're 23 stop thinking about girls and look at women if you find an older one looking for a toyboy the lack of experience will just turn her on

Hmm. Maybe that could work. I dunno why you care about my pathetic ass but thanks for the advice.

Im not a loser fag, I just dont give a fuck about girls and im not gay
So Im completly ok with my hand

tbf girls pretend slightly older guys when they're in their 18-25 period anyway


thanks for the insight woman now tell our friend he worries too much

Im a britbong we carry huge guilt

i'm not a woman but he does worry too much

Can't help it, sorry

hmmmmmm thats a lot of insight for a bedroom dwelling Sup Forums gamer chubster virgin you lost or something

No.1 get off of the fucking computer !

No.3 get out the house !

No.2 start by talking to women (with the view to only making friends/networking )

No.3 banish negativity (women hate whinny men) if you smile others will smile back, and see you as a happy don't give a fuck kind of guy

No.4 find things that make others laugh (women love a guy that can make them laugh, just look at russell brand, now that's one ugly mother fucker, but he gets shit loads of women)


I'm on my way to wizardhood, Sup Forumsrothers!

I'm 26, lost it when I was 18

I guess I can try that...you make it sound easier than I feel it will be

Count anal ?

Women actually like guys that spend most of their day on Sup Forums.

he asked >>how many more losers like me are out there

WTF is wrong with you faggots? We live in a capitalist society where you can literally buy anything you need.

Is that like what I should tell myself to psych myself up?

As crudely as this guy wrote it, he gets it. A couple of things are important to know

1) Women don't like men who fall off their horse; that is, don't portray yourself as whiny, incompetent, or incapable - it pushes women, at least women that are worth being with, away. You don't have to treat your virginity as a bad thing; some guys do the "I just haven't been with a girl I thought was worth it." Something like that.

2) Women aren't funny because they haven't need to be; men needed to evolve to be funny, because women aren't -as- attached to looks as men are (they are to an extent, see point 3). Try to be humorous. Don't be an unfunny dick trying to be a super lawl epix XD joker, but do read and keep up on current events so you can make topical jokes. Also, puns tend to work if you treat them ironically.

3) Work out and get a hobby. Working out isn't essential in getting a woman, but it helps; it also helps your self confidence and your ability to remain the capable and competent guy you are deep down. Having a hobby also shows prospective women that you have a life of your own, and that they will need to work to make themselves a priority to you. I don't know why this works but it does.

You decide whether or not someone is relationship material, or if you're even going for that, but this user's post and mine will certainly help you at least get to the point where you can choose if she's a one-time (or multiple time) fuck, or waifu material.

Also, don't say waifu in real life.

I can't say I've fucked a bajillion girls, but I've had my share. Hope it helps user.


I was in college when I lost mine. Some people just have different priorities. As a twenty-something, I dated a girl approaching thirty who just hadn't gotten around to it. I didn't take her virginity but that's because she was sort of rude and I didn't want to date her. It's not a judgement on who you are, just what you're doing with your life.

My gf like me it's true

you expect me to pay for a sweaty old skanky cunt that probably has aids

So, having sex doesn't make me not a loser. Virginfags should learn from me that losing your v-card will not automatically bring happiness or drastically change your life. Sex is nice, but there is more to life than getting your dick wet.

>inb4 fag
I have just wasted a lot of my time with women when I was younger, thinking it would bring me happiness. But you can only find that within yourself first, then you can share that with another person when you are ready.

Proof im an oldfag
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Because we are so rebellious ?

anal sex also counts as losing virginity ?

This is really well written advice. I'm actually gonna try this. Never would have thought a fucking Sup Forums post about my virginity would be this helpful. Thanks anons.

A: 23 y/o
V: no, lost my v-card at the age of 7

18 virgin. Not a loser though..


Yes or no

Gotta admit I have done everything in that list and I am not virgin, and I do have casual sex. Last time was a 2 weeks ago.

>the only exception is that I clearly say waifu irl.

Also TLDR for lazy fucks :
Become a fuckeable material, mentally or physically (both for more chances), or never get fucked.

no you double faggot

>eww, women are icky
And the cycle of virginity renews itself.

fucking white people

Virgin user here. Waiting until marriage. Nothing wrong with being a virgin, anons. Wait for the right person.

>So that your wedding night can be the awkward, fumbling cringe-fest you always dreamed of

Whatever. Guys prefer a virgin bride anyway.


I'm 26, yeah virgin, same boat a few years down the line, you know that moment when your with friends or something and there's a girl there and you end up sitting there alone with her and there's an awkward silence that turns to an awkward half conversation. That is my hell, I want a girl that instinctively breaks tension

Yeah I know what you mean. Been there plenty of times.

I do fuck his little trap pussy

sauce on the girl

[citation needed]



Well whatever it's what I'm doing

Thank you for your input.
Sincerely, user.


So true, and you'll be helping the economy by fucking a hooker. Why you waisting time?

24 year old virgin. Going to an hero soon.

nice trips

meh don't kys
theirs more to life than pussy

Im 26 but turning things around, should get laid by 2020 i hope

Yeah but I’m a full “never even touched a girl” virgin. Loneliness gets fucking hard to deal with after 24 years.

whats your problem now?
I mean are you obese or had some accident scarring? no job live with your folks?

>The odds of finding a girl willing to put up with that are slim to none.
She wont care, the thing is about finding a girl you have chemistry with. If you dont go to college its harder to meet new girls

Well I didn’t go to college so...

I dont want to have fake sex with condoms, i want to feel the real thing skin on skin and cum deep inside

I can feel my powers beginning to overflow within. I'm learning to harness them over time.

Harness your power by becoming a buff rich healthy and self hating virgin chad delighted by your own intelligence and manpower. =)

32 years old and I still haven't done the deed probably never will, because feminism and white privilege.
