Essential anti nu male core

Essential anti nu male core

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what is it about ariel pink

the dude just writes fucking amazing songs

my life would be less enriched if it weren't for his songs

Are you serious? Look at him

Clueless redditor detected

Why would you post if you don't know anything about the artist?

sorry mate

ya dun know

jumping into the cultur war fray is pointless.

if there's anything that these last couple years have shown, it's that the sides are driving each other to worse and worse extremes.

republicans were basically harmlessly lame before, and declining, but then all this tumblr progressivism created such an atmosphere of constant nitpicking and condemnations and complaining that the far right bubbled up purely as a response to it. leftists provoked it.

and most of said right wingers are either young and foolish or undereducated and have little tact, and aren't even taking more reasonable efforts to correct or balance the tumblr left's insufferable tendencies.

and of course, the left, meanwhile, completely miss the message in all this and double down on their self-righteousness and complaining, as if that isn't what started all this bullshit.

I keep coming back to this (while for a bit having fun trolling apolitically, but)... the real answer is to just COOL DOWN and let this thing mellow out. Leftists are kidding themselves if they think that going even harder with the insufferable virtue signalling etc is actually going to make things better.

Like, just fucking RELAX and be a decent person day to day.

Nah, Ariel is GOAT and better than whatever scrawny reddit metal / prog nerd you can muster

New album is great btw

I agree with you but this isn't the thread for that

simple fact is ariel is fucking ariel and regardless of whatever he does, his music is fantastic. his songwriting is just fucking great and that's fact.

most of us here I hope have the ability to separate art from artist - not that I would even have to do that because I've never seen Ariel do anything wrong

>republicans were basically harmlessly lame before


Hahah epic meme bro xD


What did he mean by this?

is this real


this slays the nu male

check it


He is a numale, he's one of the most talented artists of the last decade and a half but he is still a numale

He's the numale version of Lil Peep though

he looks like jesus

I don't know what he meant by it, but it kinda makes me like him even more
again pal

ya dun know

I mean, I hate their party, and yes they can do a lot of damage if in power, I just mean they were fucking losing. It took quite a bit of insufferability on the left's part to get the middle american working class annoyed enough to backlash against the dems. and no it wasn't simple "racism" - remember most of these people had VOTED for Obama. but when you then have these cosmpolitan assholes on twitter and everyone in media writing up shit on why you're racist every day turns out people get annoyed. but progressives just seem unwilling to consider this, so they'll just keep pushing working class people to more and more frustration. oh well, I'm opting to just ignore politics, except for environmentalism.

>friends with sam hyde
>nu male

Is it because he dyes his hair? If so then 99% of classic punk artists are "nu male"

anti nu male? he looks exactly like a numale

>people hate to be reminded of their racism
That's not working out so well...oh wait.

Ariel Pink does in fact hate twitter leftist types.

Agreed, I love Ariel's work. I personally don't care about someone's politics either way, if the work is good. I just wanted to make a point that this endless baiting of left vs right is lacking any endgame. People have to just be nice. Leftists are now saying that "Nazis" are around because we ignored the reality of Nazis. No, "Nazis" (pseudo, trolly ones) exist because leftists continually annoyed people and called them that until finally you got a big chunk of young kids being like "ok, fuck it, fuck you". The leftists MADE them. The violence happening (and make no mistake, the violence at events is usually Antifa), is their fault. Endlessly provoking people, mocking working class people and calling them stupid. WAY TO LOVE THE WORKING MAN, LEFTISTS.

stop embarrassing yourself


People were LESS racists until they started getting called racists every day by the media, I mean. It's the truth. If you want to counter racism, endlessly lecturing working class people on why they're bad people is not the way to ingratiate yourself and your ideas to them

But you don't really even care about that, do you? You secretly just like mocking poor people.

Bones is strange. He's a unique character. Also reminds me of Buckethead for some reason.

I've never listened to Ariel in my life (where to start, guys?) but everytime he does something/says it's very acidic but truthful.
I hate it whenever they preach shit like "don't post photos of killers or terrorists, that's free publicity and disrespectful to the victims' families".
Information has to flow freely. I'm not saying "tell your 3 year old kids about suicide", but more to remember that there's evil in the world and this is what it looks like.
He may have pink hair but he's a bold guy. I like people who absolutely go beyond the looks and I respect him as a person.

this obliterates the nu-male

Its pretty rewarding to start with Doldrums/House Arrest/Lover Boy and then work your way into his more polished recordings, but Before Today is the most accessible access point. From there, definitely check out House Arrest and Lover Boy, and if you really can't stomach the production, listen to PomPom/Mature Themes/Bobby Jameson.

I thought John Maus was friends with Cigar, not Ariel. If that's the case, another reason to like Ariel. Great songwriter, very genuine, not a twerp.

He should work his way down.
FF, Scared Famous, Duh, Welcome 2 Our World, Yas Dudette, etc. after Doldrums and House Arrest / Loverboy

only nu males judge people by their appearance as opposed to the content of their character

Well if he can make it that far, yeah.

what's a "nu male"?

fuck glumph and fuck white people

Will follow advice, thanks.

This is a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread, not a music thread.
Fuck off.

but doesn't the average ariel pink fan look like this though?

>People were LESS racists until they started getting called racists every day by the media
Not that user, but a lot of what people get called racist for is actually racist. Why would you think it's going to encourage racism to call out racism when you see it? Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away.

but im a nu-male and he's one of my favorite artists?

The numale is baffled by this raw proto punk.

but im a nu-male and i like the stooges?

If the only thing keeping you from becoming a Nazi is a few people making fun of you online then you were a shitty person to begin with.

Hey that guy's actually pretty funny.