"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." FAB = -FBA

"For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." FAB = -FBA

People do not realize what Isaac Newton's third law of motion really means.

Everything is balanced. Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Birth-death, old-young, big-small, strong-weak, start-stop, up-down, rich-poor, beginning-end, fast-slow, hot-cold, pain-pleasure, win-lose, day-night, full-empty, high-low, in-out, success-failure, united-divided, give-receive, creation-destruction, on-off, positive-negative, etc.

Positive and negative forces moving in balance are the physical universe.

Other urls found in this thread:


what about thought? how does thought interact with matter if only matter can interact with other matter?


Everything physical (matter/energy) goes back and forth in balanced circles, cycles, or the equivalent. Even light and other forms of energy that appear to go straight out move up and down in balanced waves.

The physical universe has to move in perfect balance to exist.

Luck: Good luck and bad luck are the balance in action and the way the balance most affects our lives. Luck is manifested on many levels. There is the day-to-day luck, from little things like getting a good parking space or a bad one, to big things, such as winning the lottery or finding out you have cancer. Then there is the long-term luck. You are lucky if you are born with good looks, money, health, talent and intelligence. You are unlucky if you are born unattractive, poor, sickly and without talent or intelligence. Most people are in between the extremes, but it does not matter, because we are immortal, and it will all balance out. Luck will move back and forth; everyone will get equal amounts of good and bad luck.

What goes around comes around. Everyone gets their turn.

The eternal mixer: The balance is the result of everything moving around randomly. Example: if you take a jar filled with black and white grains of sand and you shake it, it will turn gray and mix perfectly, and no matter how long you shake it, the black and white grains of sand will always stay evenly mixed. Time and random movement will always create a perfect balance of all physical things. It is as certain as night and day, and why we have a night and a day.

If you flip a coin a thousand times, it will come up heads about half the time and tails about half the time. The odds of random events are predictable; this is why Las Vegas always makes a profit on gambling year after year. You can see the truth if you look at the big picture. You will see that random events are predictable because they balance. It's a fundamental truth of life everyone knows, but ignores.

Everything is Everything, but nothing is Everything. Also numbers.

how do you know when something is perfectly mixed or perfectly even?

Because order is chaos, and chaos is order.

but chaos and order are opposites

This is why on the Fourth of July, about 162 people will be killed in auto accidents, and every fourth, about the same amount are killed. An average of twelve auto accidents happen every minute; about six thousand teenagers are killed in auto accidents every year in the US. About four million people are bitten by dogs.

Why is the number about the same every year?

Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for insects as well as for the stars. Human beings, vegetables or cosmic dust; we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance. Albert Einstein

Destiny: Not being in control does not mean our future is predestined. No one knows the future; the future cannot be known. Anything can happen. The only thing we can be certain of is that it will be balanced.

through a medium, made up of matter, because thought is made from matter

>Everything is balanced
That is surely not what Newton's law means. That is some esoteric bullshit.



the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness.

Just ganna leave this here

what if I murder someone and get away with it

is it still balanced?

But opposites are order and chaos.

how is thought made from matter if matter can't interact with thought?

normally in order for an object to be affected matter must run into or smash into other matter, but thought possesses no matter

yes and so are true and false, we know clearly that they are different, not that they are the same

This sentence is false.

Op here, The truth of the balance is the most clear at the edges of physical reality. If you look at the biggest things in the universe, the stars and planets, you will see that they are all going in balanced circles (orbiting) around each other. If you look at the smallest things that make up all matter and atoms, you will see the same thing, electrons going around a nucleus. The edges reveal clearly the fundamental nature of our reality. Everything is going around in circles. As you become more aware, you begin to see that all physical things in between the biggest and smallest are doing the same thing in one way or another. Soon it will be as clear to you as night and day, and you will know the nature of everything.

The key truth is the knowledge of the balancing opposites, because you can see this truth in action everywhere you look. Change or movement is caused when parts of a cycle or system are out of balance. They always will move or change to balance. Example: In the weather system, when there is a high pressure zone and a low pressure zone, the air in the high pressure zone will move into the low pressure zone causing wind and bad weather. If you are hungry, you eat, etc.

Shut up, you're not OP, stop pretending to be me!

thought is made from brain, brain is matter

>normally in order for an object to be affected

well there you go

Yes. Even if it takes life times to balance out, everything will eventually balance out it is the nature of the universe we live in.

What defines false? Your simple mind of logic thinking and semantic. To someone else this sentence is true.

no actually its true

we know instinctually that there is a difference between opposites, that is what opposites mean

how do we know two things are opposites?

the brain is matter, but thought is not

how do they brain and thought interact if one is made of matter and the other isnt?

It's opposite, but the same.

The good news is, all of the best things are going to happen to you; the bad news is, so will all of the worst things, if you do not learn the truth.

Death is the great equalizer: If you are born with advantages, you can have more good times than bad times in your life, but when you die, you are reborn with disadvantages, and have more bad times than good times and vice versa. In the long run, no one has it better or worse than anyone else does, because life will always balance eventually. It is the nature of the universe we are part of, the universe we can see. Religious books say life is fair, and it is the truth.

Evolutionists are missing the intelligence behind it, the spiritual influence.

Eastern religions: You may think that I am talking about something that sounds like Buddhism or Hinduism. Parts of the truth are found in all religions, including Buddhism and other eastern religions, but they have also been distorted, misinterpreted, and misunderstood, just as the Bible has been. Eastern religions and philosophies do not work any better than the religions and philosophies of the west at revealing the ultimate truth. The truth in them has also been unseen by mankind, but it will be seen now by those who are ready to see it.

This is not true

The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.The cycles.

Consequences: People may think, if everything is balanced, then it does not matter what you do. That is true, if you want to continue living in the savage animal realm. If you want to evolve past the animal realm, to a realm where there is no fear, pain or death, you have to learn and spread the truth of life. You have to live as a spiritual being. If you live like an animal, you will continue to be one.

Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief. Frantz Fanon

Cognitive dissonance: Get to know these two words. It is the unseen enemy of mankind. It does more to cause war, crime and suffering than anything else, because it prevents people from learning and changing. If you are ready to overcome your cognitive dissonance and learn the truth of life, keep reading.

No. This sentence is false.

If this sentence is true, then you are wrong, and I am right.

What's not true

balance is just an idea, balance doesn't actually exist in the objects themselves, it comes into existence when we relate the objects to each other


Your mind is not true.

Now suck my dick slowly.

A man should look for what is and not for what he thinks should be.
Albert Einstein

Truth you can check: It is as matter of fact as the ground and as useful as food. It's the kind of truth that can make hate and war as unnecessary as ignorance.

Charles Darwin revealed how evolution works, but not what it really means.

Evolution is no longer just a theory; it has been proven true beyond a reasonable doubt. The problem is, even people who believe evolution is true disassociate themselves from the process. They somehow skipped all the lower forms of animal life and just started out at the top of the evolutionary ladder.

The evidence says we evolved as life evolved.

Human beings did not just appear at the top of the evolutionary ladder to reap the benefits of those millions of years of evolution without having to live through it.

In other words, you were those other animals. Someone had to be them.

You had to be lower animals to be a human now. You lived as all the different animals in your evolutionary line. You lived through millions of years, and millions of lives and deaths to get to where you are now. That's what Darwin's book means.

In addition to the fossil evidence, the genetic code proves that all animals, including us, evolved from bacteria over the last 700 million years on earth.

In other words, you were a microbe, an insect, a fish, a dinosaur, an ape...

ITT: Pseudo-scientific bullshit

Evolution is not true, because clocks are true.

Anti-Darwin -

Assuming, however, that there is such a struggle for existence — and, indeed, it occurs — its result is unfortunately the opposite of what Darwin's school desires, and of what one might perhaps desire with them — namely, in favor of the strong, the privileged, the fortunate exceptions. The species do not grow in perfection: the weak prevail over the strong again and again, for they are the great majority — and they are also more intelligent. Darwin forgot the spirit (that is English!); the weak have more spirit. One must need spirit to acquire spirit; one loses it when one no longer needs it.

didn't say thought was matter, said it came from matter, why do you young faggots persist in trying to change what someone says in an argument?


i didnt say that you said it was matter, i was just asking you how they interact, since only matter can interact with other matter

neurons are not thought because neurons are made of matter and thought is not made of matter

If a perfect hammer requires no nails, is it still a hammer?

When all of the evidence (100%) says something happened, and there is no evidence (zero) that anything else could have happened, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest, rational people.

We have come a very, very long way, but we have a little further to go. The next and last step in our evolution is learning and accepting the truth of life, and this includes acknowledging our true past.

The truth will free us from the animal world we all evolved from.


But neurons are tiny computers, what makes them important is not what they're made of but how they are arranged.

this is bullshit because i can break things and they stay broken, potential energy and plaque holes
use more than 2 minutes of thought and you'll find enough non-circular non balancing correlations

also kys for ressurection faggot

OP here: Intelligent design and evolution both happened.

Evolutionists are missing the intelligence behind it, the spiritual influence.

Resurrect my boner with more of your beautiful thoughts.

your logic is fucked up

Whoever has strength dispenses with the spirit ("Let it go!" they think in Germany today; "the Reich must still remain to us"). It will be noted that by "spirit" I mean care, patience, cunning, simulation, great self-control, and everything that is mimicry (the latter includes a great deal of so-called virtue).

We all live in a simulation.

Immortality: "It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious."

It is not possible to be aware of being unconscious from your own perspective. You cannot be aware of not being aware. You can be less aware/conscious, such as when you are asleep, but not completely unconscious (dead), because time would stand still for you. A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.

How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view.

Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.

You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens. True or false?

The "you only live once" theory: Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation; they believe when you die, you're dead. What about fish, clams, horses, bears, flies? People that say you only live once are saying some souls get to live just one life as a worm, and that is it for all of eternity.

Other people believe you are judged by a god after you die. Is the worm judged?

you're asking the wrong question

thought is produced from matter

want proof?

remove the matter

how do you know?

Exactly. Now go shoot yourself in the face.

>how do they brain and thought interact if one is made of matter and the other isnt?
the same way a computer chip (matter) interacts with electrons (energy)

Many people think human beings are the only animal that is conscious. Is a dog or cat conscious? Where do you draw the line? Is a bird conscious? The truth is, all animal life is conscious and alive just like us.1 The only thing that makes humans different from other animals is that we have a mind that can think and reason at a high enough level to know the truth of life, and those that know rise above animals.

It is time to see and accept the truth the evidence supports.

You are immortal; it is impossible to not be, because it is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious. Just that one sentence proves it. It is like these sentences: It is impossible for it to be light and dark at the same time, you cannot have your cake and eat it too. They are simple, but certain facts. The sentence "It is impossible to be conscious of being unconscious" is a simple and certain fact.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it can only be changed from one form to another. Albert Einstein

Like energy, consciousness cannot be created or destroyed.

This revelation will change your life. Now you know where you come from and what you have been doing for about half a billion years (evolving). The next question is how does life work and what is next, and we can know that too.

People are trying to understand the universe independent of consciousness, and it is the most important factor in the equation.

The universe as it relates to conscious life can be understood now. It is the ultimate truth; the truth that will transform mankind and the world.

what if i said

"matter is produced from though"

"want proof?"

"remove the thought" ?

Because I have no free will to know otherwise.


Actually, no. Newton's laws of motion mean exactly what they say and nothing more.

but the computer chip and energy are both made of matter, thought and the brain are not both made of matter

but you could just as easily say "life is not a simulation"

Do it! Shoot yourself in the face on webcam!

No I couldn't. See, I didn't say that.

worm cannot comprehend commandments from god or even God himself, therefore, worm is innocent and hence "saved"

if you can say one thing then you can say its contradiction

The greatest present: For the first time in history, the first time in our 700 million years on this planet, we can know life, know what we are, where we come from, and where we are going. We have to take advantage of this brief opportunity. It has been a long time coming and will be a long time gone. This book will give you the power to change our present course to one that leads to a place without pain, fear or suffering, a place some western religions call heaven.

Keep reading: New and different revelations about life are not easy to accept. Do not let the things you disagree with stop you from reading further. Many of the things you do not agree with or understand when you first read them will make sense after you read more of the book. Do not skip around; it needs to be read in order to make sense. It is a small book (101 pages) that does not take much time to read. It is worth it. Search "Truth Contest" and read the top entry called The Present.

But if I never do something, can I say I could have done it?


matter would still exist, like it did before you were born, but thought isn't matter, nobody said it was

I said it was produced from matter, why can't you understand that? or how it is produced? what answer do you WANT to hear?

then you're retarded./
energy interacts with matter all the time, from light reflecting off mirrors (energy interacting with matter) to turbines spinning to trap electrons etc

The first three pages of this book are a game changer, because they are true. The problem is, most people cannot see the truth of life.

It's not what you look at that matters; it's what you see.
Henry David Thoreau

When you see the truth for the first time, it is what people call a peak moment, or a moment of clarity. You get a larger percentage of what each moment of life actually contains; you are filled with life. Your mind is the gatekeeper of life, and sometimes it lets a little true life in, but most of the time it does not.

Figure 1 shows how mankind currently perceives life. Figure 2 shows true life. (Pic Related)

The arrows represent life coming to you from all directions. The dotted line shows how your mind blocks most of the life coming to you. Without the mind blocking life, you receive all of life, true life, and reflect it all back out.

Seeing Niagara Falls or the Grand Canyon for the first time is a peak moment for most people. Why does it make you feel so alive? Nothing really happens to you. Why doesn’t it feel as good the second time you see it? You are seeing the same thing. The reason is, your mind opens up when something is special.

The truth is, every moment of life is special, and you can be completely open to life most of the time. You have to see the truth to see true life.

How do you know counterfactual definiteness is real?

The obvious is that which is never seen until someone expresses it simply. Khalil Gibran

The truth of life does not change anything in life except people's minds. Things stay the same. The truth just removes the unnecessary suffering, conflict and confusion from life.

The truth about life is actually very simple; it is just hard to see for the first time.

Life: It all boils down to how you feel from moment to moment, how often you feel good and how often you feel bad, and it will be balanced like everything else physical. Your infinite past was balanced, and your infinite future will be too, unless you change from a physical being into a spiritual being. To change into a spiritual being, you just have to know the truth, which changes your point of view and your perspective of life so that you start to live your life as a spiritual being.

Our life does not have to be just fifty-fifty like the physical world, because our spiritual-self, our immortal-self, is not physical and does not need to be balanced to exist. Our physical environment cannot fundamentally change, but we can. You just have to know it to do it.

Nothing is going to make any real difference in your life except separating yourself from the balanced physical world. It can and will change everything.

>The truth will free us from the animal world we all evolved from.
i don't see how history will lead to humanities ascension, whether it's towards robotic consciousness, or some other form of bodyless free form of thought`

if you took away your thoughts, would matter still exist? how do you know?

energy is another form of matter, thats why it can interact with matter, one can convert matter into energy because they are both physical and corporal

however thought is not physical or corporal

i dont know, but it is a "clear and distinct idea"

no it's not.

The truth reveals that you do not need to experience the bad to have the good. The bad will still happen, but you will perceive it differently.

Good/bad: When you know the truth, you take the two sides of life, the good and bad side, and see them as one whole. You do this by understanding what the balancing force means. It means all bad times will pass and be compensated for by an equal amount of good times. It also means all good times will pass and be paid for with an equal amount of bad times. It will always balance.

When you know the truth, you will enjoy the good times more and still avoid a bad time when you can, but when you cannot, the knowledge of the balance helps you get through the bad times. This is because knowing that the worse it gets, the better it will be, makes bad times almost enjoyable. More importantly, it centers your perspective of life. You see both sides of life; whole life, true life.

You do not get just 50/50; you get 100%.

The knowledge of the balance takes away your reasons to be mad, sad, hate, worry, envy, be disappointed; it takes away all negative emotions and feelings.

It removes all stress and negative mind-made feelings from your life.

The mind starts disappearing, and true life starts appearing.

As the mind gets smaller, life gets bigger. As the mind shrinks, life expands. When the mind disappears completely, your perception of life becomes clear. Eventually, you will only think when you have to, which is not very often. You will be able to accept the present of life, no matter what is happening. You change into a new being, a spiritual being, and you become the present, the eternal NOW.

yes it is

>how do you know?
how about you look up the definition of reality yourself, dipshit.

protip: it's not dependant upon you being alife or deaf

no it's not

Because matter and the universe existing aren't dependent on my observation of them. When I die and perceive nothing anymore the universe will still be here.

>energy is another form of matter
no, it isn't.
otherwise it'd be called matter, you fucking dunce.

i'm done talking to a retard, or a boring retard pretending to play stupid for (you)'s
go back to skewl mr 12 year old, this site is not for your kind.

It is understanding are history, understanding that we evolved from those other animals, that we were those other animals. We did not just start out at the "Crown of creation" to reap the benefits of those millions of years of hard, brutal evolution. We evolved to get to where we are now and the next and last step for mankind is to wake up to our true past, where we are now, and where we are going. It can only happen with the truth

How do you know?

We want to expand our life, not expand our minds as they did in the 1960s.

The more you live in the present, the more fulfilling life gets. Time will slow down; you will see the magic and wonder of life you saw as a child, and you will experience it without the ignorance and all the negative emotions of childhood. Soon, you will be able to see life better than a child sees it or any animal has ever seen it. You will see the real world, an enchanted world.

Your two selves: Most people are not aware of the fact that they have two different selves. You have a mind and a spirit (consciousness), and though they seem like one thing, they are separate. The way to realize that this is true is to realize that something has to be listening to the thoughts created by your mind.

What is it that hears your thoughts?

There is the part of you that thinks and the part that hears the thoughts. The thinking part is your mind; the part that hears the thoughts is your spiritual-self. You do not actually hear thoughts through your ears, because your mind is already inside your head. The point is, your spiritual-self receives the things the mind creates in a similar way to hearing them.

Check it out: Just ask yourself, what is it that is hearing the thoughts you are thinking right now?

It is your spiritual-self, the same thing that receives all life.

As shown in the drawing, mankind is currently living as their mind-self, and as a result, does not know their spiritual-self. “Know thy self,” as Socrates said.

You have to know true life to know your true self.

some people think that the world is a product of their brain, hence "reality" is structured by thought

in that case if one took away one's thoughts then one would take away reality, since reality is a representation created by our brain

if all of reality is a representation created by our brain, then the universe existing is directly dependent on it

energy and matter can be converted one into another, energy affects matter because energy is made of matter, if energy had no matter then it would not be able to affect other matter, since only matter can affect matter

however thought is not made of matter

We were never other animals. I've only ever been me. You've only ever been you.

Well-typed. I too, share in this believe because faith is required in order to understand things outside of our dimension/reality/etc.. I only apply my faith in such a way that makes sense. For instance, I believe we're all of one infinite thing [organism?], and yet we've been involuntarily divided into ourselves and given our own uniqueness via appearance [eye/hair/skin/color, body structure, gender...], labeling [name, age, height...], thought [beliefs, morals, values...]etc.. I also believe in reincarnation because if the above is true, and birth exists as an entry into this world, then who's to say we're not all just trapped in one of potentially infinite sentient objects with the capacity of being poured into other objects over the span of an eternity?

Perspective and perception: The same world is perceived differently by a frog and a cat, a cat and a dog, a dog and a human, a child and an adult, a woman and a man. You see something different than I do. All perspectives are unique.

We do not see things the way they are; we see things the way we are.

People see and experience life through their own mind and senses and from their own unique perspective and awareness level. This does not change the truth. The physical world will never change; it cannot change and still exist, but the way you perceive it can. Perception and perspective determine how clearly and truly you see life and how fulfilling or unfulfilling life is for you. Knowing the ultimate truth makes it possible for people to see life clearly and to be filled by it.

You cannot control life, but you can change the way you see life.

Animals other than man are more fulfilled, because they have less mind blocking life, but they are stuck with the perspective and perception they are born with. We (human beings) can greatly improve our perception by learning the ultimate truth.

All the problems we have stem from people not knowing the truth of life.

Unhappy: People look around and think, why are there so many people that are unhappy? We have progressed so far, yet people are still unhappy. Why isn’t this world the wonderful place it could be? Changing the world doesn’t change us.

It does not matter how much we progress materially; it will not change anything. Only learning and seeing the truth will change us, and thus change everything.

The truth transforms a mortal man into an immortal spiritual being.

Can your mouth receive my shit?

>the next and last step for mankind is to wake up to our true past
lmao, look at this retard. look at him and laugh.
>our true past!
eating berries and living in caves?
>our true past!
being single celled organisms?
>our true past!
being stuck inside a blackhole along with all the other matter and energy in the universe?

The answer is no, because too much shit is already coming out of it.


It does this because the truth just shows you what you truly are, and that changes everything. The truth does the same thing for the way we see the world and for the same reason. It shows you life clearly; it shows you true life for the first time.

True life is perfect: You can see and experience a perfect life, because that is the way life actually is. Our imperfect minds mess it up.

It is hard to believe from your current perspective and level of awareness, but it is your own mind that makes life imperfect. The universe has to be perfect to exist.

You do not have to believe it; you can know it.

The present: It is interesting that the “NOW" is called "the present.” The present is the ultimate gift; it is the gift of truth and life. You are given the present every second, and you will receive it forever. The present is the only thing that exists, the only thing you are ever conscious of. Your life is a series of presents moving through time. The future does not exist until it becomes the present.

Life is one perpetual present.

Creation is happening now: Your body, mind, and the world around it are being created from microsecond to microsecond. Things may look the same, but they are not; everything is constantly changing and being recreated. Our life and our world is being created from moment to moment.

Life and everything in it is always new.

so you mean if i keep failing as hard as i did the last 10 times , will i success once and for all for real good?

Black holes did not exist at the dawn of time. They couldn't form until enough entropy was present.

>reality is a representation created by our brain
wrong. look up the definition of reality already, dumbass.>energy and matter can be converted one into another, energy affects matter because energy is made of matter, if energy had no matter then it would not be able to affect other matter, since only matter can affect matter
hurr durr all contradictory evidence is ignored while i still have absolutely no evidence to backup my retarded notions, dur hur hurrr i'm a hoarse!
but no really, horses are actually smarter than you.
energy and matter are two entirely different things, go back to fifth grade science class, faggot.

black holes existed before the big bang.

if energy and matter are two entirely different things, how do they interact?

if energy doesnt have matter then how does it interact with other matter? since only matter can affect matter

Not exactly you could continue to fail for the rest of your life, but it will always eventually balance out. So if you are a failure in this life it might change around later in life or it might not but you will come back as successful. The successful rich people will come back as the opposite either now or later.