Tyler the Creator

>I'm a motherfucking walking paradox
Anyone else notice how genius it is? at first glance he's just an attabtion seeking edgy weirdo troll, but many of his statements, lyrics, and his persona contradicts himself. I sent the last weekend re-listening to his stuff from Bastard and goblin all the way to Scum fuck and even watched his old vines. and I realized this is all part of an elaborate paradoxical act.

he's a genius

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does hip hop attract so many pseudo intellectuals?

blame conscious hiphop trash

Insecure mildly cosmopolitan neoliberal bourgeois white upper class children need something to placate their empty existence so they watch pseud cartoons like rick and morty and smoke weed and read DFW and listen to hip hop

>t.pseudo intellectual

Those kids don't read.

Actually I'm an idiot but good try

>something to placate their empty existence
woah... so deep.

op here. I'm not even an intellectual. I just like how his act ties together

Kys because you're exactly the type of white bourgie hipster I described who hides behind irony and memes

You are The Last Man

Yo people, people, people, people!

You need to listen L.A Cabin experiment:

Sub-mental, mentally free basing out of your brain waves!


Then discuss about hip-hop and rap, it all comes from R&B

op here. am I the only black guy on this board who loves Tyler?

>t.pseudo intellectual with fake "self-awareness"

T. Pseudo intellectuals hiding his own faults by calling out others

And you're surely passionate and geniune hard working man.

>am I the only black guy
Stopped reading right there.

You perfectly described second post in this thread


>people actually listen to hip-hop jungle bunny ooga booga noise
What is wrong with you people.

Seriously someone respond to tell me I get you guys never grew up and want to live out your fantasies of being a cool gangster and fucking bitches but come on surely one of you has a working ear canal

>Le ironic XD post
his interest in men wasn't random, in fact the signs were planted since goblin

Damn you reked this guy lmao

You know the bait works when someone posts something like this

>Seriously someone respond
ok, here it is. I hope now you can rest

wait i got fucking wrecked? how? the other dude is a pseudo intellectual motherfucker

2 things:
1. Tyler isn't even conventional hip hop. the rest of the community distances himself from him and the other forner members of OFWGTKA

2. if you know quality music mr. shitposter, what are we supposed to listen to?

>t.pseudo intelectual trying to fit in

>T. Pseudo intellectual grasping at any corners he has to not admit that his entire life got summed up in a single Sup Forums b8 post


pseudo intellectuals

>Listening to music

>t.pseudo intelectual trying to hard too insult

>T. Pseudo intellectual who knows he is wrong


>t. pseudo intellectual trying too hard

>t.pseudo intelectual projecting

>T. Pseudo intellectual projecting

>ironic XDDDDD post as an argument

Wtf OP I was just walking home thinking about that opening line of Yonkers. "I'm a fucking walking paradox - no I'm not" . I highly separate from the rest of the immorality in the track but that is one of theost stand out lines I've ever heard in hop hip. The delivery the theatrical it of the interplay within the psyche, it's quite visual. I was think walking he the whole time how I would shoot a music video for this. This is really damn eerie that you posted this, I was JUST thinking about this special line for half hour coming home. Spirits are among us.

That's a neat gif, thanks

>bragging about intellect online by calling others who criticize you pseudo intellectuals
>bragging about your intellect online
>actually defending mass replying to posts

nice gif pseudointellectual
did your mom make it lmoa

at this point I know you're baiting. should've realized it sooner, my mistake.


I geniunely think that Tyler was always a pretty good lyricist. His lines are creative and fun but also can be very emotional and relatable. Don't know why most pretend that he is bad or average

This is the cringiest thing I have ever read

it's because of the fanbase.

Nice Reddit meme gif

Did I offend your Reddit sensibility, David Foster Wallace fan?

>reddit boogeyman with no proof
found the newfag. can't even use a proper strain argument. I'm fucking glad summer is almost over.

The only thing more cringe than that post is David Foster Wallace lol