State you're job, salary, and age. No exaggerating:

State you're job, salary, and age. No exaggerating:

>Chef at Wendys
>$8.75 hourly
>37 years old

IT Sys Admin at European Commission (BE)
43,75€ hourly
33 years old

i build pallets for 5e hour and am 24.

31 , machinist , ~15$/h... and wait for it.. 5 weeks of paid vacation every year and 11 paid off days i can use whenever.. welcome to europe

Vape Shop Owner
23 years old

IT Director
32 y/o

15$ a hour is damn low. what a faggot.

>Account Executive
>$20.00 per hour, salaried
>27 years old

...or I was, just resigned today. Have another job lined up that pays more, but I have to relocate. Kinda scared of change tbh, but it's probably for the best.


0$/a lifetime
things will get better by god's will


14,29$ an hour, about 30-35$ when i finished the apprenticeship.
22 y/o

you might as well put -$25k at least, if you're in the US. those student loans are no joke.

>yfw you got an athletic scholarship and don't have to worry about that shit

College student
enough for beer
hopefully will make enough to pay for less shitty beer one day

> developer
> $30k/month
> 30

#gudgoalz #notjoking

>you're job
>chef at wendy's

Sounds about right.

>Teacher in South London
>360 months old

Data Collector for military vehicles and equipment. $22 an hr. Work 12 hour days, 6 days a week for two months, then no work for a month or so. 31yr old

$20.00 an hour full benefits 4 week vacation a year
30 y o

just trying to upgrade from natty to yuengling

>Waiter at restaurant chain
>About $20/hr average
Have a B.S. in Accounting with honors but shit sucks so fuck it.

Project manager/consultant for healthcare
30yr old

>no job, lol normalfags
>some kids gave me a quarter in the park the other say, and the cashier at Walmart gave me a buck fifty because they thought I was homeless
>25 years old

33 $/hour
30 yo

How is the chilli made? is it shipped already done in a bag as i suspect?

Security Guard
$13 hourly
39 years old


Chef at meatballs restaurant
25 y/o.
Leaving this shithole in two days, hopefully getting a job in Barclays at the service desk. Pretty much the same money but hopefully I'll have a life, cause right now this schedule is just so fucking terrible. Working 5 days a week from 12:00 to 23:00 and to 03:00 on the weekends.

Stop being a pussy and upgrade to tito's

HR guy, big industrial company
between 25-30

Poker player.
~$25/hr average.
19 y/o

>chemical salesman
I get a promotion soon, it can't come soon enough

its all about that passive income Sup Forumsruvs

>£8.20 or $11.03
>Free booze if no one's watching.
Saving up for a motorbike so I can kill myself.

Where are you playing poker?

Pizza delivery at pizza hut
$19 an hour with tips and mileage

> chemical salesman
meth dealer?

curious about this too OP, I heard it was the leftover meat from the burgers that people didn't buy over the course of that day

2 years strong unemployed. roomates getting pissed.

about 100 a year if you count birthday and holiday cash


cuck dishfag at tumbleweed. the restaurant is's just that I'm a bastard.

3 loads a day from 3 different men
2 years old

School loans ?
my freind makes 33$ a hour working in construction.
stay mad europoor.

HR guy? Between 25-30? Is this what you do, or what you want to do?

I'd probably be making a lot more if that were the case

>Warehouse worker
>14$/h for first three months, 16$/h after

>production assistant in motion picture industry
>1000/week before overtime (there is always overtime)

Literally standing next to John turturro rn

Working as a service writer at a jiffy lube doesn't make you a chemical salesman.

>IT Manager
>28.75 / HR with OT I make about 58k a year

Safe travels my guy

my wifeys parents are actually paying my fees so no interest or anything

also no pay back until earning at least $28k anyways

Postal Worker
base pay 57k
made 61k with holidays and OT last year
seemed like a good idea when i started
0/10 wouldnt postal again

I live in Canada. I play at local casinos. Posted the USD equivalent cuz I know y'all are mostly from the US. I also play online but hourly is significantly lower, with occasional large tournament cashes.

As someone who previously worked at Wendy's, you have meat that you don't sell, you throw it in a warmer for 4 hours, you freeze it, then you use it the next day after boiling it, dumping the greasy water, and chopping it up to go into the pre-bagged ingredients.

take a pic

Desktop Tech
33 years old

Show us your boi pussi

You're working 11 hour shifts and getting paid 50 euros what the fuck you're only making 4.50 an hour.

>factory worker
>2k € / month
>26 yr old

>bragging about this

Nigga what

>Nightshift produce stocking at shoprite
>$12 an hr
>18yrs old

No but selling industrial chemicals to contractors makes you a chemicals salesman.

Man they are hosing you.. how long you been doing this?

hmm, good to know. Thanks for the info. I know now not to buy that shit.

>Accounting Manager for Construction firm
>85k annually
>30yrs old

Let me see that cock sock

refrigerated warehouse

24 usd/h

22 yo student (doing this part time atm)

chemical engineer in Germany, $40/h, 36 y

>assistant for a company that installs white boards in schools and shit
>$10 a hour
>18 years old

>Management at a gas station
>35k a year + full benefits and 500-1000$ bonuses each month for quotas met, averaging 46k atm. Work 50 hours though.

once we get a real job in two years or so

Kek and lose my job

> itt people are poor and have shit jobs

Ye I get what you're saying my dude, just have no idea why you're asking. From what I said and the context of the thread it makes no sense. Unless you're asking just cuz I'm 19 lmao

middle class

Quality Control Manager at an indusrial manufacturing company

15.50/hr (Florida)

25 years old

not bad tbh.

Itt poor people call other people poor

Service engineer


sweet deal user, how hot is your wife?

>also no pay back until earning at least $28k anyways

so... your first job out of school then? You should be making at least 35-40k minimum with a Bachelors your first job out, unless you're taking a shit-tier major.

Hell, I got a degree in public health and was making 50k+ my first year

>business accounts manager

Yes it's because you're 19 plzzzzzz bb. All this talk of jobs has made me super horny

You're right, and that isn't you.

2 years, before this I was making minimum wage at Radio Shack. They are also paying for training and certs. They're actually treating me really well.

Engineering Student
Cashier @ Whole Foods

> earning 30k/month while other her get that a year
> poor
choose one

Security Guard (with dog)
33 y/o


thanks fam, i'll be moving from a relatively nice neighborhood to a not so nice one, so it'll be an experience, to be sure.

You're not me.

Or are you.

Lol fuck off.

a 23 yr old costruction worker makes 33$/h.
get in a union.

HAHAH starting wage for an Desktop support tech were I work is 22.50 with no experience.

>>Student, BestBuy employee
>>$10.50/Hr, soon to have 1 year appraisal for more.
>>$500/month military stipend

>making false claims then immediately googling pictures of bank statements to perpetuate the lie

Do you have a degree for that? if so
what is it in? Well done

No I wanna harass you. I love Canadians. I want to fist rape every one of their ham holes.

shes tasty we have been together a long time

my study is music tech and sound engineering

>engage the brutal criticism

its probably gunna be an all or nothing sorta thing where i end up penniless and alone but we shall see

Dude, I was in a similar situation to yourself, making less than I was worth, but the people/managers I worked with were incredible.

You owe it to yourself to at least look at other options and come to your company with a competitive offer and see if they can match.

Fuck bro this personality disorder is really getting out of hand. The schiz isn't helping.