This is Maisie, say something nice about her

This is Maisie, say something nice about her.

She really plays a hell of a role

Her queefs smell like citrus and ambergris

Em.....she doesnt have a troll face?

>Opps she does

I like her outfit.

You are as disgusting as diarrhea mixed with rotten fish and placenta... but at least you're not a nigger.

I would eat her ass

If she ever were in a hostage situation with other girls, or even only one other, she wouldn't be picked to be gang raped.

She dies next season when she fails to kill Cersei. But it will be a nice funeral.

is this really one of your noods ?

Her Chest edges are super difficult.

The background is nice

she has a q.t. patootie

She is a lesbian, and therefore, will not reproduce. Her awful genetics will die out.

Really liked her dad in the goonies

Her grandfather was a hell of an actor. least she isn't fat?

Don't listen to all those scumbags, I think she's adorable! Us lesbians will be happy to take her off your hands.

So... yoour not total retard, like your face looks like?
So you've got that going for ya

i am really glad to see that the sex change went well.

Also she has a really cute smile.

Would love to Fuck her
Femanon here


Why isn't she an ogre she looks hella ugly

Oh god I see it

she looks like one of the new klingons

someone post the video of that one dude whose head is blown up in an ISIS execution

Will you put on the Sansa mask while I fuck you?

She can game on 3 monitors without moving her head.

one of the better-looking women on GoT. (isn't sayin much)

she doesn't look like she got beat with a tire iron

She isn't nearly as retarded as she looks.

she's probably the only celebrity I'd date


She looks very little like shrek in this pic

Uhhh... fuck... well, it's nice how you can be famous... even tho your mother sneezed as you were crowning and fucked your face up irreparably. Also, it's very neat how you are famous and I have no clue what for. That takes some degree of talent to be able to have that effect.

Not possible, she's looks like a fucking alien.

You have the facial structure of a half eaten Russian turnip. I want to use your forehead to compact beer cans so I save space in my trash bag.

I want to be her toilet

Maisie looks relaxed and composed. Nice mood.


>Relaxed and composed

Literally the only thing you can say about her. Her face looks like a compacted car with dead children squeezing out from between the metal like a giant playdough toy.

It takes talent for a person to be famous without YOU knowing why?

You could fill a library with what YOU don't know. Don't act like you're some near-omniscient deity, who knows everything except for all but the most obscure facts.

She's famous because she is one of the lead actresses in one of the most popular television shows in the world today.

Breaking bad?

breaking bad ended years ago ese

She doesn't have nearly as much hair on her arms as I was led to believe.

a entire library



She has a tight cunt

Looks like Quasimodo is her father

Turns out she's on game of throwns. I don't watch that cut rate, tacky ass rating hungry garbage. So I assume she's like a troll or some shit on the show. I can't see her being a princess or some shit.

She's rich, and she ships at abocrombi and fitch. That just makes me feel like she's a fuck head

Whos the ogre?



not fat