


Logging HO!!!


Are you calling me a loglet?

No, a fucking homo faggot

You sad sad little pathetic bitch.

Double sixxs logged.


Grow up




How old were you when your dad left your fat ass mom?




You are PATHETIC , You sad fucking bitch!









Grow up!

I haven't posted in an Andy Sixx thread in 4 months or more.
I'm still a passive supporter of the Log.
Just like some people support Donald Trump, I support the Log.



That's all that counts.

If for some reason you don't see a log thread up at any given time (which rarely happens if ever) maybe post one and by the time it 404s there will be a new one up! That's all we can ask of you :)


I used to do that regularly.
I would even bump it myself.
I'll do it again sometimes, at least post one per day.

How much steam would Andys cream steam if Andy's steam could cream dreams?



Nice, did you just get bored or what?


Settle down, Beavis.


Dubs logged


I got bored with Sup Forums.
I came back some time ago and just didn't continue.

Understandable. This meme is the only reason I still come on Sup Forums usually

Can't you see that Spidy and Andy are on the same side? They should be allies, not enemies

Logposts are literally the only funny thing left in Sup Forums.

And the only OC in years.

When I 1st went into an Andy thread I thought "This isn't for me".

Then after constantly seeing them for months I had to get another look.

And lately I've been hooked. The creativity is really impressive - no shit. It's well written & all over the web.

I'm glad it brings humor in my day.


That is exactly what happened to me, I thought they were slightly annoying but when they started getting more replies and I clicked on a thread and I saw how irrationally angry it makes people, I knew I found a hobby on Sup Forums.

except they arent funny

>no shit

Grow up

Does anyone have the little black kid who has backwards legs?

Grow up, kid. They aren't meant to be. You'll understand when you get a little older.



Dub Sixx


Rolling for the cream

>You can talk about anything you want on Sup Forums

>posts the same fucking thread every day

Grow up, kid.


Rolling for the steam




Rolling for the dream...





I'm not OP dumbass.



Ha, what a idiot head. Him thought you was OP

So chickity-check yo self you should neck yo self
Come on and check yo self you should nickity-neck yo self
So chickity-check yo self you should neck yo self
Cause your autistic posts are bad for everyone's health

Him need grow up


Come back when you're more mature.

Your post matches your picture well

logging in

age a bit


Resident Evil Ghetto

hidden and saged. Unforce this forced meme


>hidden and saged.
This boards for 18+ people, kiddo.






Warm, creamy loaves...

Sorry I'm late, just logged in

Not a problem, thanks for logging today

Didn't wanna disappoint Andy by missing out on all the logging


Grow up, you need to grow past your immaturity...

logging in


It's funny that people are angry at logposters yet they aren't at the countless trap porn and just porn threads in general that revolve the same pics.

It's like giving them a taste of their own gay medicine.

dead meme