Hunger games, virgin isle edition i guess, first 23 people get in

hunger games, virgin isle edition i guess, first 23 people get in



Weird cat's brother, here to make a right

Prof. Zoom

Aho girl





Should I crap my pants to get out of work?


crumb cake


It's a simple question, yay or nay?


Black Hitler

Extremely Disappointed Ned

He is shy forgive him

Traps not welcome

long dick

Xeno soup

angry bird


Slick Ed

Fish lord


cool boi

This cat

plaque doctor

Ok what now op

No rule is on the OP other than first 23, user.

He has a name, you know. It's Chuck. I'm sick of assholes like you dehumanizing cats, acting like they're slaves to be owned. Cats have rights, you know?

i honestly forgot i had the thing that allowed you to put in long names
feel free to insult me and place curses on my family line if you see an error

I'm so sorry :(



thought it was 28 not 24


It was 23

oh ok

black dude trying to make sure black goku lives
looks like he won't be making this island great again

ned isn't the only one disappointed right now
doums has some big dog balls


wew lad, first day arena event
the fuck are tracker jackers? those massive asian bees/wasps?
satan has had a pretty bad day

f 2/3 of the tributes, holy shit man

RIP Chuck


and here i thought zoom was supposed to be the bad guy
that's just a waste of crumb cake


i can't make this shit up, first day feast but the only person who goes dies

My bet is on long dick

and then there were 4, i might have to host another one if enough people are up for it

Nah, Slick Ed is going all the way

wow, next slide has winner, place your bets
> Ed boy
> cool boi
> big balls doums
> long dick dude

Slick Ed is my choice

I bet on long dick

Woah, already?
Ed boy.

long dick

he may have not been able to protect goku, but he avenges his death

Fucking niggers man

f these mens


so cool that he managed to survive 3 days


gay boi

Thanks for hosting Nonon.

i'll make a new game, give me 3 minutes

>Kobayashi host
>Zoom host
>Nonon host
Who else has host today? It has been a good day.

thanks for hosting!

posting this slide because i forgot to put the discord invite, join us to get links to games, but don't join if you want to be a sorry sport and try to start drama KnEwF6

Who was this?

it was some new hoster

Still loling at naiL instead of niaL
