Pokemon box 4

Pokemon box 4.

Previous thread:
Requests welcome.

Pick one.




I'd rather have a warm cuddlebuddy than a cold cuddlebuddy.

monitoring this thread for science







Cold is extra pillowy though.

Warm has plenty of fluff already. I'll be fine.







>tail insertion
This is my fetish.







Any requests?





You read my dicks mind, grassy snek is perfect.

Thanks for all the tail stuff, it's wonderful.

I'm glad you enjoy it!






MiEighteenth you would please

Mightyena. Sorry


Sure thing.



Ever since I learned I have enough bandwidth to play overwatch and post simultaneously my life has gotten much better.




Why do you post? What did we ever do to deserve this?





I enjoy it.



Well I enjoy it a lot!

I'm glad.







Why is lurantis so perfect?


She's both cute and lewd.

>human tongue
>not creepy mandibles













I'll put flowers on the grave.


Eh, we've been going awhile. If it dies it dies.