What do you think is more important, honoring the symbolism of America? or practicing your rights as an American?

What do you think is more important, honoring the symbolism of America? or practicing your rights as an American?

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One and the same.

I think it's more important not to be distracted by stupid shit like this

Completely agree with that. However, it seems to be a bit of an issue lately.

Symbolism is just what other people apply to something so basically what you're asking is - is it more important to be you or is it more important for you to do something that other people want you to do?

practicing your rights.
Symbolism is pretty idiotic

Kneeling is honoring what the flag represents. People not liking it is too. The president trying to curb free speech by saying they should be fired is a serious constitutional issue though.

Honoring the symbolism, in this case.

These niggers don't know what the National Anthem is even about so fuck them and fuck the NFL.

>Honoring the symbolism, in this case.
you may disagree with there reasoning, but are you advocating that they shouldn't be allowed to protest in this case?

that's not a protest though..
if they wanted to protest they'd have simply refused to play
but this is all just a publicity stunt for a dying sport which causes severe brain injury to already severely mentally deficient fuckheads

Overpaid babies playing a kids game. They are employees, PERIOD ! You have the right to do what ever you need to do on your own time. AND if it wasn't for all the people who died to make this country what it is, these idiots wouldn't have theses jobs. You don't like this country, find some place else to live.

Said the woman

>that's not a protest though..
how is it not?

Playing footbowl

Fighting meaningless symbolism with mindless symbolism.


Protesting the flag is akin to protesting your ability to protest.

Naturally this is very confusing for someone with 90 IQ who's career involves smashing their head into other people.

No they have every right to protest the way they are.

And I have every right to be disgusted by it. You don't protest the fucking national anthem because of Black Lives Matter.

Regardless the league should have shut this down immediately. It has to do with establishing commonality between the two teams, the individual players, and the audience.

With that gone, the advertisers are heading straight for the hills. NFL is fucked. Fact.

aren't they the same thing?

they're only different if youre a nationalist of facist.

How many first world countries accept immigrants with open arms? Packing up and walking away isn't as simple as that, or else a lot of people would just leave.

Yea because you keep bringing it up. Let it die out.

can like everyone shut the fuck up about football, jesus. who gives a shit whether their standing for the pledge or not. who gives a shit! the pledge don't do anything, how can it honor some dead guy. nationalism needs to die.

>your rights as an American?

This is not an issue of rights, stop saying that. You do not have the right to go to work and just do whatever the fuck you want. You do not even have the right to go on twitter and say whatever you want without fear of getting fired. Free speech doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. It means that the government can't punish you for speech. And even that has limits.

Do you?

Correct. The free speech in the constitution is free from govt interference... like the president saying you should be fired.

"Whatever they want" they made a gesture when they aren't in play. Fucking butthurt racist retard.

This explains it better than I or anyone else on Sup Forums ever could


Watch it and then try to tell me why the fuck them protesting the national anthem should be acceptable? Legal and allowed? Yes. Acceptable? Fuck no.

>Correct. The free speech in the constitution is free from govt interference... like the president saying you should be fired.

No, not like that. That's the president offering his opinion, which he is entitled to do. It would be a free speech issue if the president ordered that they be fired.

>race card

Yeah you can just fuck the hell off.

As to your other point, they are at work. They are at the office, and if their boss tells them to cut that shit out then they WILL do it or they will be looking for another job.

I think being a spoiled millionaire trying to make a political gesture based on loose facts fed by a corporate media in a billion dollar televised industry just to garner more attention is the most American thing ever.

the correct answer is who gives a shit. They are taking knees. They arent pissing on the flag. Idiots are just looking for excuses to cry about something.

I just wish this shit would get over with. I don't care what these niggers do and I don't care how mad it makes idiots who watch football. There are actual problems in the world right now.

They can do whatever they want.

But when people stop watching and they stop getting 10 million dollar paychecks for sports I don't want to hear any fucking bitching. Insult the hand that feeds you, but only if you're really fucking dumb.

>This is not an issue of rights,
it is an issue of the social awareness of individual rights being less important than honoring national symbolism. not talking about legality here.

Again has nothing to do with rights. Literally nothing.

I really dont get their reasoning for protest anyway, cops have shot people of every race, whites more than any, and 90 percent of blacks shot have been violent repeat criminals

A couple of scared cops make a huge mistake or maybe one bad cop out of 1000 and suddenly its Americas fault... lol please, if you dont like it try another country

They need their victim status. They need to feel oppressed. It gives them an out. It gives them an excuse. And it gives self-hating white liberals something to be self-righteous about. It's all a big fucking waste of time.

nuke the spook