Lets decide who gets to live

lets decide who gets to live

>penis length (if available):
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status:
>hair colour:
>eye colour:
>racial preference:
>favourite music genre:
>do you like niggers or not:

Fuck that long ass list, we got things to do faggot

>absolutely not
>soapy butt

>browsing Sup Forums


>3/4 spanish 1/4 welsh
>i dont believe in shit, we are just experiencing random conciousness
>16 cm at best
>im alone
>no children
>brown/black hair
>green eyes
>i dont work
>i like white girls, brown hair if i can choose
>rock, but im enjoying flamenco a lot these days
>black people is fine, niggers should be killed
>im a normal person, not a faggot
>a bit sadistic, i like bdsm (100% dominant)

now what op?

Also CIA pls go

>race: Mexican
>gender: Male
>religion: Catholic
>height: 6'5"
>weight: 210
>penis length (if available): 7"
>relationship status: GF
>children: NA
>hair colour:Brown/black
>eye colour:brown
>job: Waiter
>racial preference:Spainard
>favourite music genre: Metal
>do you like niggers or not:
>sexuality: Straight
>fetish/es/: Jeans

>race: aryan
>gender: male
>religion: agnostic
>height: 5'11
>weight: 75 kg
>IQ: 112-118 roughly
>penis length (if available): 17.5 cm
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status: married 2+ years
>hair colour: brown
>eye colour: hazel
>job: none
>racial preference: aryans
>favourite music genre: seinfeld theme song
>do you like niggers or not: fuck no
>sexuality: hetero
>fetish/es/: feet

Mixed race, male, nihilist, 5,9 160pds 135 iq. 6.7 inches baby and im single

OP here, you live, 3/4 spaniard and 1/4 welsh means aryan

You're good in my books little vato

Good scoore faggot, but please have kids since you listed "aryan"

> Norwegian and German
> Male
> christian
>Extreme genres of metal

>135 iq
>thinks that nihilism is a religion

>5'8 (feels normal, but short according to internet)
>133 (some paid test taken in 9th grade, no idea how accurate)
>nothing atm
>full time student
>everything but country
>best friend is black, other than him, i dont really care for them
>anything anus involved, hers not mine

Fucking amazing, you live another day

ye, im white but i probably have some north african (like argelian or egiptian) blood, my spanish grand-grandparents must have fucked some sangnigger bitches, i look like benicio del toro but uglier of course

yeah no, fucking die bro, sorry...

penis too small,
>likes nigs
small height
fat as fuck

are you even trying?
Please post a pic

white, specifically baltic/celtic
male, natural born male, trannies are mentally ill
>religion: none specific, but i'm definitely spiritual
>height: 6'1"
>weight: about 190 last time i checked, maybe 200 now
>IQ: never taken a test, i'd guess slightly above average
>penis length (if available): 6.5", can get to 7 when i really get going
>breast size (if available): N/A
>relationship status: single, still hung up on a thing from years ago
>children: N/A
>hair colour: brown
>eye colour: brown
>age: 18
>job: none, in college as well as welding certification
>racial preference: white, people who date outside their race can fuck off
>favourite music genre: all over the place, i guess rock and its offshoots if i had to pick
>do you like niggers or not: not even human, worldwide genocide of africans can't come soon enough.
>sexuality: straight, also known as normal
>fetish/es/: too numerous to list and too fucked up to not get mocked

>>race: Caucasian
>>gender: Male
>>religion: Pythagorean-ism
>>height: 6"
>>weight: 138-140, fluctuates between these two
>>IQ: lol
>>penis length (if available): 6.8 inches
>>breast size (if available):
>>relationship status: Widowed bcuz my ex overdosed :- )
>>children: no
>>hair colour: blondish brown
>>eye colour: light blue
>>age: 19
>>job: TIG Welder at a steel foundry
>>racial preference: I don't care
>>favourite music genre: Oldies(velvet underground type)
>>do you like niggers or not: Not all black people are niggers, there's a difference.
>>sexuality: Straight
>>fetish/es/: I don't even like sex, I like learning new shit, and making $$ more rn

yeah okay melanin kin

5'8 165 doesnt sound fat to me

i love how you said the other guys 5'9 is "fucking amazing" but 5'8 deserves death.

>race: white
>gender: male
>religion: catholic
>height: 6´
>weight: 143
>penis length (if available): 6.5
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status: single
>children: none
>hair colour: black
>eye colour: green
>age: 21
>job: undergrad
>racial preference: white/asian
>favourite music genre: any
>do you like niggers or not: meh
>sexuality: straight
>fetish/es/: anal/petite

Perfect, absolutely great user, long life to you
as for fetishes i can say the same

Yeah nah mate, head to the gallow pleas

hey my best friend of 10 years is black too, met him on a video game, flew out n hung out a bunch, he also agrees most blacks are illiterate retards too, but he actually strides to do better. I feel where ur coming from homie.

why do I gotta die, what did i do wrong bruh

>race: white
>gender: Male
>religion: half-assed christfag
>height: 5'10.5" or so
>weight: 179 lbs
>IQ: I don't fucking know, nor do I care
>penis length: 5.5"
>breast size: N/A
>relationship status: Confusing as shit with a pearl in it
>children: N/A
>hair color: light brown with red mixed in
>eye color: a dark hazel
>age: 18
>job: interning at a courthouse while living like a NEET in my hospitalized grandmother's house
>racial preference: none
>favorite music genre: I would say rap, but baby metal is almost a tie
>do you like niggers or not: American History X standards of a nigger? No. If you mean blacks, then I dislike most people.
>sexuality: straight
>fetishes: foot...aside from that the rest are mostly just me white knighting chicks, like cleaning them up after they piss themselves, or helping them through their problems. Also tentacles. I like to imagine I'm an octopus fucking girls with tentacles

He deserves death because his dick is small and he did dgay

saying "bruh" for starters

thank, friend

you are starting to contradict yourself

7 inches
in a relationship
90s-00s rap
niggers no, blacks sometimes

height, weight, race, religion, hair, fetishes all let you live

they both say straight

what did I do wrong internet forum-user?

is that better

race: Black
gender: Male
religion: godless heathen
height: 6'4"
weight: 180-185 lbs

(based on "giqtest,com" credibility is up for debate [arithmetic score of 14/20, vocab score 18/20)

penis size: 7 inches
breast size: N/A
relationship status: in relationship
children: none
hair color: black
eye color: mud eye
age: 21
job: college student
racial preference: (more about temperament than race specifically)

music genre: jazz/fusion
do you like niggers or not: no
sexuality: hetero
fetishes: feet/macro/submission etc..

>doesn't like niggers
Choose one


>½ white,½ hispanic
>substitute teacher (beginning in a couple weeks)
>white or hispanic

Second thoughtl you get to live bro, naamsaying homie?

127 LB
Somewhere in the region of 125
>>penis length (if available):
>>breast size (if available):
>>relationship status:
>>hair colour:
>>eye colour:
Dead end supermarket.
>>racial preference:
>>favourite music genre:
Up beat electronic.
>>do you like niggers or not:
I don't dislike them.


kill it with fire

badabing badaboom homie daqauan

nice, live

i like your hair

So everyone here just happens to have a wildly above average IQ? I am starting to think the numbers being provided are not accurate.

>race:1/4 spainard, 1/4 native American, 1/4 English, 1/4 German, so bi- racial?
>gender: M
>religion: none, not atheist, baptized in Catholic church.
>height: 5'9
>weight: 200
>IQ: idk last time I believe 120 something
>penis length (if available): 6in
>breast size (if available): jacked
>relationship status: married
>children: 0
>hair colour: black
>eye colour: brown
>age: 27
>job: director of medical facilities
>racial preference: White
>favourite music genre: classic rock
>do you like niggers or not: hate nigs like blacks
>sexuality: straight
>fetish/es/: thick woman, oral, milfs


go take a test then mang

Fair enough, you get to live but post a timestamp (not of tits) to prove you're a femail please
Standard procedure

By order of OP

5.5 inches
C cup
work at godaddy
dont care
some bondage

Being that the average is IQ is 98, and the average dick size is 5', a lot of people in here are not telling the truth.

>Standard procedure
I follow my own rules.

gtfo nigger, clearly a fake

because we arent average

>fuck if i know
>negative six inches
>fuck no
>what the fuck
>i don't want to hit the character limit

well there is a bias that people who have stats worth bragging about are more likely to post them than those who don't.

how the fuck do you have a 5.5 inch penis and are a female?

Do people actually measure their penis? Is that a thing? Like you just decided one day to break out a rule and measure your schlong?

>who gets to live
no one. everyone dies. nature takes back the earth.

>average is IQ is 98
nigga wut
the average IQ is 100 by DEFINITION

fucking dead, instantly

Yes, OP here, I measured last night when flaccid, 15 cm

In the US, as well as like 40 other countries, the average is 98, this is what was being referred to.

we're getting dumber... oh god...

>race: white
>gender: Male
>religion: agnostic
>height: 6'2"
>weight: 130
>IQ: na
>penis length (if available): 5.5"
>relationship status: BF
>children: NA
>hair color: black going gray
>eye color: green
>job: operator (see pic)
>racial preference: white
>favorite music genre: classic rock
>do you like niggers or not: no
>sexuality: BI
>fetish/es/: Trap and light bdms

>race: Aryan? (English, Scottish)
>gender: Male
>religion: Agnostic
>height: 5'10
>weight: 13st (83kg?)
>IQ: Never measured, should be above average
>penis: 8x5.7
>relationship status:in monogamous relationship
>children: 0
>hair colour: Blonde
>eye colour: Blue
>age: 18
>job: IT
>racial preference: Asian/Aryan
>favourite music genre: Depends on situation and drugs. Rap normally, EDM close second. pre-90's is good too, particularly pre-war jazz, swing etc.
>do you like niggers or not: they're good as individuals, get on with them. As a collective they're literal animals that should be eradicated
>sexuality: straight
>fetish/es/: outdoors/public

>usa has lower IQ than literal defined average

>fucking dead, instantly
why :c

>race: Lets just go with Aryan
>gender: Male
>religion: Agnostic
>height: 6 feet
>weight: 150lbs
>IQ: Never tested before, but I destroy those facebook fake IQ tests 8)
>penis length (if available): 3.5 inches soft, 6.5 hard
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status: Dating girl for 1yr
>children: 0
>hair colour: Blonde
>eye colour: Blue
>age: 21
>job: Trampoline Park associate
>racial preference: Black
>favourite music genre: Hip Hop
>do you like niggers or not: For the most part, yes
>sexuality: Heterosexual
>fetish/es/: Threesome, used to be shower sex but that didnt turn out as fun as I hoped

>race: Caucasian
>gender: Male
>religion: Buddhist
>height: 6’
>weight: 325
>penis length (if available): 6.5”
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status: Married
>hair color: Dark Brown
>eye color: hazel
>age: 33
>job: Therapist
>racial preference: No real preference
>favourite music genre: Alternative rock and hard rock
>do you like niggers or not: the word nigger means an absence of couth and intelligence, so no. I do not like niggers
>sexuality: straight
>fetish/es/: Too many to list

>Aryan? (English, Scottish
jesus christ you don't even know your own ancestory? at the very basic, the british isles are either anglicans, saxons, anglo-saxons, or celts.

>There is a higher being
>Never tested
>Just shy of 7"
>In the tail end of a bad relationship
>Not married
>No kids
>Student but work in tile trade off-season and an aid in a nursing home during the school year
>whites and quadroons
>alternative, rock, classical, punk
>Chris rock two types of black people pretty much sums up my attitude
>straight but I'm comfortable enough in my sexuality to identify a man as attractive
>had a gf who was into rape stuff and have to Samir it was a little hot on my end

not the dude that answered you but

>red hair


ur probably fat too and not telling the truth about your weight

race : white
gender : female
religion : agnostic
height : 5'4"
weight : 90 lbs
IQ : 112
breast size : 34B
relationship status : dating someone
hair color : blonde-brown
eye color : blue
age : 18
job : none
racial preference : none
favorite music genre : not country
do you like black people? : yeah, why wouldnt i?
sexuality : bisexual
fetishes : bdsm, master/slave, daddy/little

Here goes the most generic of them all

>race: English/Hispanic
>gender: Male
>religion: Christian
>height: 5'9''
>weight: 185
>IQ: 121
>penis length (if available): 6.5''
>breast size (if available): Don't have tits
>relationship status: Single
>children: 0
>hair color: Dark Brown
>eye color: Green
>age: 19
>job: Unemployed ATM
>racial preference: What? is this supposed to be who Id prefer to fuck? If so then the top tier ethnicities that have the hottest women IMO is Russians, Scots, African-Americans, Koreans.
>favorite music genre: Depends
>do you like niggers or not: They are alright
>sexuality: Straight
>fetish/es/: MILFs, of course.

>race:Native American (70-75%?)
>gender: Male
>religion: None
>height: 5'11"
>weight: 200
>IQ: Who the fuck knows
>penis length (if available): 6-7 inches? (Never bothered to measure, get compliments for girth though)
>breast size (if available):
>relationship status: Single
>children: None
>hair colour: Black
>eye colour: Brown
>age: 29
>job: Private security Supervisor
>racial preference: White, East Indian, Arabic...basically anything from the mediterranean
>favourite music genre: Not sure, maybe chill hop? What I like depends on the setting and mood.
>do you like niggers or not: Only the ones that dont act like niggers
>sexuality: Straight
>fetish/es/: Thongs, Nice asses, White women

You don't seem to understand what they are saying. Unless you are just trolling, then nvm.

>wanting to kill a bisexual readhead chick
you gay bro

Quite good my guy, you very well live here, good stuff mate

Yep, Aryan.
Fuccck that's all so good, 9.5/10


Yeah live, you smell weird though

live live live live live

>race: Lets just go with Aryan
>hair colour: Blonde
>eye colour: Blue
>racial preference: Black
absolute fucking scum, you deserve a mass grave right alongside the chimps.

reminder that coalburners AND oildrillers are just as bad as the subhumans they bang.

nah... die

we're talking about erradicating people not sex

I love redheads. Give us a peek?

I've never been told my ancestry, pretty sure the family just doesn't know. Not sure how I'd find out, not like I care.
What's the differences between those 4 anyway?

it's not a uniform opinion, but many people who are not racist dont view all blacks as Niggers. some may even say not all niggers are black, they're just retarded people who have no respect for the freedom and property of other humans, or interest in bettering themselves or their community.

they're mostly black though...

Out of curiosity what helped you determine this?

Why only a 9.5 pal?

death unfortunately, you were close though...

Fuck I didn't check that one properly, yeah that coal mining fucker gets death, totally my goy

>you smell weird though
It’s tapout body spray...

if i do will you guys let me live

I will give you a pass

no harm in trying

Asatru/Norse Heathen
6.25 inches
Melodic Death Metal
Indifferent until they cause trouble
Too many to list here.

i take that back, i'll give a 10/10 dude

Yeah I'm OP, show bagine and we willlet you live

ah so that's what it was

>well above 100, but I don't think I've ever taken a legitimate test
>somewhere between blonde and brown
>alternative pop
>I have nothing against them
>beautiful eyes (that counts as a fetish, right?)


Beautiful, live well and happily

>death unfortunately, you were close though

What did it?

those were the different groups (albeit one is the combination of two) that eventually inhabited the british isles. aryans inhabited the mid-european regions

5'10" is perfectly average unless you're Dutch

>race: German, Portuguese, Hawaiian
>gender: Male
>religion: Agnostic
>height: 6'2
>weight: 206
>IQ: 116
>penis length (if available): 6.3"
>breast size (if available): N/A
>relationship status: Single
>children: None
>hair colour: Black
>eye colour: Brown
>age: 22
>job: USAF, Sensor/Radar Operator on a AWACS
>racial preference: White
>favourite music genre: Classic/Indie Rock, some pop, some rap, and Bluegrass
>do you like niggers or not: hell fucking no
>sexuality: Straight
>fetish/es/: Male domination of females, Plaster pale skin, light BDSM, and authority (boss and secretary, teacher and student, that kind of shit).

Fuckin firewater man
