Help me Sup Forums i need a good movie to watch

help me Sup Forums i need a good movie to watch


i dun seent it. twice actually

the handmaiden

Dallas buyers club

oh sweet jesus have a seent it. stellar film. just fantastic.

soft core porn aside it was actually really well done

Noah, I watched this movie a few days ago and it's fucking amazing. I can't stop thinking about it. It could just be bc I was looking for it but it's a near life changing movie.

have not seent it. thank you fam, ill check it out


have not seent. Noah is also on the list. thank you user

sounds like it could be pretty interesting. added to the list

Dis 'un righ heah'

aint not seent it either. it has been added to the list. much uhblaged

Mystic River

police story

good flick, would watch again.

directed by clint eastwood? how have i not heard of this? added to listerine

I watched mystic river a few years ago based on suggestion and it's not that good. It's like as good as a lifetime movie could possibly get.


o hell yeah. my boy chan. added forsure

eh ill still check it out sometime. noted tho

gonna pass. i dont fuck w clowns

Sean Penn is great in it though

Looks gay. A good clown movie though
>pic related
It's low budget, but it's nice.

what if they wanna fuck with you?

He is, that's undeniable. I just had a higher expectation based on what people were saying about it.

aw man I haven't seen this. my penis

ken-ball hall-cost

Mystic river is good. Looking back I think the movie Running Scared tries to steal elements from it.
>don't watch running scared. Shit movie.

How does this photo make you feel user?

Return to Oz. It's Disney's live action sequel to the original Wizard of Oz.

Hot tub time machine 2



clown = hard pass

id have to take a hard pass

started it once. ended up passing hard 20 min. in

never seent the first wizard of oz, actually. ill probably get around to it eventually


normally that would = a pass, but ive on a Korean film binge lately so ill probably check it out

Vampire hunter D.. Warriors of virtue . fight club. Alpha dogs. Blow. Roadhouse. Kung fu hustle. Me myself and irean. Off the top of my head

red sonja
conan (arnies ones)
layer cake


fucking terrifying as a child...could never unsee

not gay. lead chick is a qt



Zombi 2 / Zombie flesh eaters. serviceable zombie movie with good effects and some actual scary stuff

frankly the only ones that seem to interest me here are the ones ive already seent. ill throw em on a 2nd list for when im really desperate, tho

osht added. jung woo ha is the man

is the movie better than the poster?

been putting off watching this cause i know itll give me feels kek

never really been a fan of zombie flicks but ill give it a spin sometime

Go watch John Carpenter's They live

intravert, oldfag, feelsfag here.

Amelie is one of my favorite movies of all time. Recently added to my favorite movies list, Blue Is The Warmest Color. Both French films. Get ready to read subtitles. Both on Netflix right now, too.

Blue Is The Warmest Color

To add to my list of worthwhile movies:
Goon. Hilarious hockey movie. And I HATE sports movies and don't even watch sports. But great movie if you're up for some not as heavy, and it's apparently based on a true story.
Get Out. Really fucked up movie.

Nymphomaniac was really good, too. Part 1 was better than 2, but I feel like you should watch them both if you liked the first part. Each part is three hours.

I'm sure the moment's passed, but what you in the mood for? If not open to old movies, what's the year cutoff?

i dun seent it

Ive been meaning to watch both amelie and blue is the warmest color for a while now, but i keep putting em off.
Goon i did see a long time ago and I havent heard much about nymphomaniac. thank you for the recommendations fam ill add em to my list

oh i can dig old movies. i once spent like 2 months watching nothing but mid 20th century japanese samuria movies. my cutoff is silent movies

There was this one foreign movie I saw on Netflix about parents who raised their children to name things incorrectly, and never let them leave the house. I think there was a bit of implied incest as well. Any one know the title?

as for current mood, tho.. i could go for anything right now honestly

No homo. Spirited away

dun seent it half a dozen times. probably my favorite animated film of all time. magical af

Problem Child 2

Dogtooth. Pretty fucked up movie!

why would a feat in animated filmmaking need to predate a claim of heterosexuality?

Thanks! How the fuck? You knew that offhand?

It was sarcasm really. I love hisaishi.

I'm just that motherfuckin good!

Foreigners do movies right. They aren't constrained by the US market's requirement of a certain type of storyline. I think that's why I like 'em.

Liza, The Fox Fairy. I enjoyed it. Not a top 10 or anything, but good. Quirky and different. And the last "big" scene is really something special and unique. Hungarian film. More subtitles :)

Super! was a pretty unique movie. I think it was worth the watch.
Hector and the Search for Happiness. Really liked that movie. Something different from Simon Pegg.

Wow, nice. I'll see if I can think of anymore flicks for you to "hound out" if you don't mind. lol

Hmm. I was hoping to narrow it down a bit... The last movie to really blow me away was Come and See (1985) if you haven't seen it. Fair warning, it's a bit of a soul crusher. Also recently saw the original King Kong (1933) and it was fantastic. The best version of that story by a wide margin. And for something more recent, I thought Patriots Day (2016) was surprisingly well done.

Ooh! God Bless America. Holy shit was that movie accurate. Another antihero type of movie where the protagonists go around killing all the vile stupid shit in America.

Speaking of soul crushers....

Instructions Not Included. Ok so I can tear up at movies. NBD. When this movie ended I couldn't stop sobbing for like an hour. Only movie that's ever gotten me like that. I recommended it to others and people were so piiiiiissed at me for how destroyed they were.

Mexican/American movie. Half english, half spanish. Be ready for more subtitles.

If you like crime movies watch Heat with Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino.

Oh man, OK on watchlist for when I need a good sob. Last movie to really fuck me up that way was Don Hertzfeldt's It's Such a Beautiful Day (2012). The guy who did Rejected cartoons.

Gonna rattle off some of my favorite movies that I think more people need to know about:

My Favorite Year (1982)
The Dish (2000)
Revenge (1964)
The Twilight Samurai (2002)
The Bad Seed (1956)
Devil in a Blue Dress (1995)
Croupier (1998)

Tampopo (1985)
Children of Paradise (1945)
Days of Wine and Roses (1962)
Never Cry Wolf (1983)
My Darling Clementine (1946)
Nashville (1975)
The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)

I know some of these are pretty well known, but they all have fewer than 20,000 votes on IMDb, so I'd guess "most people" wouldn't have seen them.