Being white but not supporting White Pride

>Being white but not supporting White Pride

Explain yourself

because my parents aren't related



because i see no redeeming qualities in collectives.

Having your identity bound to something as superficial as race dismisses the individual consciousness you are and everyone else is. Seems a tad spooky.

Because I'm a real white man, not trailer trash like you. You redneck assholes are a blemish on real white society.

I'm not a cringy edge lord

My pride comes from other earned sources user.
Achievements, if you will.

>race being superficial
what is objective reality

I'm a little disappointed that as a straight, athiest, white male I have nothing to be publicly proud of. Everybody else gets to get fired up about something. Not me.

>cringy edge lord

What does that mean?

I'm proud to not be a nigger.
Does that count?

Easy: I'm a Jew. Fuck yo white culture! HAHAHA!

Might wanna look up the definition of the word superficial Mr. objective reality. Since that is literally what race is. An archaic divider of humanity that boxes your individuality in some perceived schema.

Dubs checked jews rule the world why are you so fucking hostile.

I'm not sure. Probably programming to hate goyim my whole life.


a cringy edge lord

> Anonymous 09/27/17(Wed)02:11:15 No.746384017▶
>I'm proud to not be a nigger.
>Does that count?
> Anonymous 09/27/17(Wed)02:18:40 No.746384433▶
> (OP)
>Easy: I'm a Jew. Fuck yo white culture! HAHAHA!
> Anonymous 09/27/17(Wed)02:20:35 No.746384533▶
>Might wanna look up the definition of the word superficial Mr. objective reality. Since that is literally what race is. An archaic divider of humanity that boxes your individuality in some perceived schema.
> Anonymous 09/27/17(Wed)02:21:31 No.746384596▶
>Dubs checked jews rule the world why are you so fucking hostile.
> Anonymous 09/27/17(Wed)02:22:59 No.746384685▶
>I'm not sure. Probably programming to hate goyim my whole life.
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>Reply to Thread No.746383133
That sounds like your problem you fucking twat. If you don't have anything you can be proud of it is due to your own lazy apathy.

If you want something to be proud of don't pick something you won through birth (race, or family wealth), only assholes do that.

it's like "being left handed" but not supporting left handed pride

or "having a synophris" but not supporting the synophris pride

i dont have any problem with what i am so i dont need to show to everyone who i am , to prove i dont know what .

btw pride must better coming from something we earn , not by someting we didnt have done anything for that .

You have to fight mind control proud or not. Be who you are inside. I'm proudly Irish fully with the exception of some cherokee. The best people I came to know later in life are from all walks of earth. Taught me to be truly free in body and mind and I'm much happier

haha agreed

I'm truly ambidecstrious

agreed - white supremacists are degenerate retards.

Because something you have no control of is nothing you should be proud of.

>white pride
>white guilt

Decisions decisions.

So, you heard someone say it and repeat it to seem cool without knowing what you are saying or realizing that you are looking like a moron by misapplying it.

I truly don't understand the full eastern europen left in America in the blm protest denouncing their own race taking up for African Americans all while having blacks spit in their face saying kill whitey like in ferguson. And im black. They are cucks.

It's fun watching angsty white teens fuck up their future by accepting the liberal propaganda that we're all equal.

Race is a spook

That was the worst black dude impression ever.

A black guy cares about people saying kill whitey? Not even believable.

Blue Blood reporting in.

I have abandoned guilt; embraced achievement, pursuit of the advancement of myself and my family. I don't hate minorities. I just have complete apathy for them.

That damn liberal propaganda.

I cant believe the liberqlw managed to put that "created equal" bullshit in the constitution.

Why should I be proud of my race? I'm not proud of my gender, sexuality, anything else that I can't change, so why race?

Honestly though, give me a single reason that I should be proud to have been born white.

>"created equal"

It says all "MEN" are created equal.
Not niggers.

I think this would be a wonderful opportunity to pause for a moment and give thanks for the great contributions of the Black community to our society. Their peaceful and generous nature makes them ideal neighbors, lending testimony to their exceptional family values and parenting skills unrivaled by any other culture. Their commitment to academic excellence enriches our schools and serves as an example to all who hope to achieve prominence as a people. Real estate values are fueled by the mix of African Americans into an area due to their caring and respectful nature of these communities, an example of all they have achieved through their enthusiasm for self improvement by hard work and a self-reliant can-do nature. Without their industrious and creative drive, we would be poorer as a nation.

I see your point but... eh I got nothing.

All I'd say to that is that I didn't do any of the great things white people have done so I'm not really proud of them as a race.

Oook. If you say so user. True biggot you are. I won't argue. Was just looking for some white ass insight from the white left.

I am the white right wing and you make me fucking sick you subhuman primate. Cant wait for trump to deport you


Are you fucking drunk. Tweaked out I voted Trump. I'm no shade of brown. Lived here my whole life. Trump isn't fucking racist furthermore. But go fuck yourself. You act 12. Not argueing and wish id caught someone's attention with a little more intellect. Nice DUBS. Have a nice night/day faggot. I miss the real Sup Forums

good god who the fuck cares.

There are a difference between black and NIGGER

Agreed, I would only add that race is a concept so wide that it covers white trash, robbers, murderers, rapists, other nationalities that would try to genocide me beside having almost the same genes etc. You can't root for your race, religion or even nationality without including at least some degenerate or hostile people in your "team". Only supporting your inner circle of friends and family makes sence

Looks like... um this Nazi couldn't handle it. Wish I could've got here in time to join.

Fookin' triggered.

And.... The Jew wins again.

I C everyone went to the night might thread with the crazed

first post, best post

Your post suggests otherwise




Only a retarded incest born redneck would say that about that comment

Me and him were both playing characters. Hes not black and I'm not a trumpfag.

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls.

No, because I'm not a stupid amerifat with a tiny penis

Haha well memed my friend

White pride is associated with racism and being a known racist is a direct path to social ostracization and unemployment.

dubs confirms.

This nigga has a very good point.

Glad to know you really didn't vote trump man... i am black that was me the SAMEfag YOU CALL NIGGER. I'm no troll just wanted to show your bitch ass us "blacks" weren't all "NIGGERS" but your not smart or chill enough to debate. Good night.
Autist. What a dumb ass. your ip######/

Will be hacked fooker

It only does because the media and the liberal community said it is. Only whites are not allowed to have pride in their race. Though Globally whites are the minority and are being genocide out of existence by being "forced" to accept Refugees from Islamic countries when there are several other Islamic countries that they could go to.

How’s can you be proud of The race that spawned this?

Fucking brainwashed cucks need to chill and unite what the fuck happened to Sup Forums. Bunch of cuck pussies pretending. This is what the left and right want.

Where'd you go white boi. Respond give me more data.

Why is irrelevant.
All that matters is that it is what it is.

Kuzz we was kangs an shit.

>cringy edge lord
You just have to put "lord" after everything you say, all the time, don't you? Fuck lord.

>implying I'm white

Dubs checked

Depends on their demeanor.

make Sup Forums great again

>2017: its insensitive to not like someone solely based on the color of their skin, come on guys can't we all just get along

It actually is not. Knowing the truth is better than believing the lie.

pretty much this, to be honest.

nig nog here, and I support their right to have pride in their race. If the blm retards can act the way they do so can white people,shit ain't really fair in my opinion

Since this bitch ran here is what I Would be shown. If he hasn't ruined it.


Is it?

The only thing that will change the way things currently are is to take the press away from the Jews.

Good luck with that.

it is literally the white version of we wuz kangs and shiet.

gtfo you communist faggot

>pic related

but really though, whos got the time? seems exhausting

I am not mentally challenged, thank you.

Yup it will never happen huh. Press media hollywood. Doesn't matter what you call it they own it. Always will.

Because it's ridiculous to be proud of something you don't choose, Same goes for black power, I'm not endorsing double standards here

Asian guy reporting in.
Personally I don't have a problem with white guys, I mean, without y'all there wouldn't be any THICC big booty white women around. And I absolutely love love love the BBW. Gotta be blonde though.

>pic extremely related

You should be proud of who you are what you are. YOURSELF in general. No-one matters as much as how you feel. Heart mind and soul.

no race is superiour over another.
neither is any nation.
all borders are man-made.
all of us are human beings.

racism is bullshit.

Because my superhot halfrican gril wouldn't like it. You kissless faggot without friends.

Hey my Jewish vict...erm...friend. Wanna see my new shower? It won't hurt. I promise.

You win this thread user, OP can fuck off back to Sup Forums

>>and its for free

no because theyre dead jews

races are for loosers

im not some faggot fingol posting shitted images im broud who i am and can accept other races too

Objectively wrong.

I agree and yes this has gotten exhausting everyone else but is ran from the convo. But your right.

Not retarded.
Saging this ultra faggotry.


like F1, Nascar, Indy500 etc.

ITT: assmad shitskins

Maybe but that doesn't necessitate bringing race into it Sure you are your actions, but your skin color isn't one of those things you could say you "accomplished"