Hello autists

Hello autists,

Here is my Credit Card info, if you can unscramble the #'s you can use the card all you want until the expiration date (october 2017)

Card Number:
2 2
4 4
5 5 5
6 6
9 9


security code: 78905431

Good Luck! :D

Interesting. Bump

Bump, I need money.

Any hints? This is pretty much impossible as you just put the numbers in order.

is this real?

If you need hints this game is not for you, I'll say this its 16 digits, security number is 3 digits, its an american card.

Okay, and specific cypher? Or anything along those lines?

Also we were only given 15 digits


Last digit is for you to find out ;)
Use a luhn algorithm solver...

It's Amex, they only have 15 numbers. So we know what the first number is 3, and the 2nd number is 4 or 7


Oh my fucking god this has me pissed off I cannot figure this shit out

If that's the card number, we still need to find the expiration date.


I meant to say security code

Tru tru !


you can't even use most of them without a name and address to link too

You can just use any. It doesn't matter

what abiut a cvc

about also




412 security code?

How'd you get that?

mostly guessing its probably not right. I tried to think of what would be most likely from all the cards i have had in the past

You've gotta solve the expiration date cipher

none of those work user. I know visa usually starts with a 4 and MC a 54

I know we haven't figured out the card number, but look at all these dubs and trips


Well, I had fun. Gonna leave this page open on auto incase anyone gets it. Good game!


RIP thread good job OP you win!

we giving up lads?

Only 15 numbers which means it has to be Amex

Starts with 34 or 37

fuck i can't get it. I should of studied my cryptography harder in college.


