Need help Sup Forums

Need help Sup Forums

Been with this for about a month and is still no healing, what to do?


Looks like an infection aftermath did any puss come out of it?

It's an ingrown nail. You need to see a doctor or get brave with a knife and dig that fucker out of there.

Looks like an ingrown toenail bro, people get that shit all the time. Either dig it out yourself or if it's really bad and deep go to a doctor and he'll deaden your shit and get it out for you. I've dug out at least 10, bad genetics I think


Yes, before it was white like cum, now its almost transparent.

At the beginning I though it would las 2-3 days, like always, but it's been a month

I started getting it when I took off the ingrowing nail, there was a lot of mud there

Yea, ingrown nail. I had the same problem about a year ago, went to show it to a doctor and they ended up cutting a piece of my nail off. Don't try to dig it with a knife on your own, you'll just end up getting your whole foot amputated.

dig the fuck out of it yourself. Only pussies go to the doctor for this stupid shit. Are you a faggot OP?

I'm pretty sure I can see the nail still ingrown. When an ingrown nail is really bad the doctor will clip off like half the toenail and basically have your nail restart so it won't fuck up again.

I have an ingrown nail too for about 6 nonths already.
It hurts like shit and I should go to the medic.

dig it out yourself. be the man you're supposed to be

Okay, let's do this

If you have money you can buy anew ingrown nail kit at the pharmacy. It's basically an ointment and a special bandaid to hold it in place. I've used it many times, works after a few days of constant wearing of it, maybe switching it 2 or 3 times per day.

If no money, you need to try and access the nail growing into your skin and try to cut it. Soak foot in warm water to help skin become soft. It will hurt.

>hobbit feet

kill yourself

Tried 4 times, hurt like shit.
I may try some pain killing method or just throw some alcohol and do it again to see if I have sime success.

I meant an, not anew

Do it faggot

Ingrown toenail - cut a small 'V' shape into the centre of the nail and lift up at the edge until it comes out of the skin. Or go to a doctor and he'll do the same with local anesthetic

What I always use is Dr. Scholl's Ingrown Toenail Pain Reliever. I just remembered the name. I think is is less than $10.

stop being a little pussy cunt and just pull it off

I'm pretty sure I got the ingrowing nail before this started to happen, but will try removing the whole nail

do daly soap footbath and maybe usw some of those nail rectifier. if this dosnt help soon. a doctor can the nail so he can grow right again.

Ingrown.. don't cut tour nails so short or this will happen. I had tuhat samettinen problem with my toenails too, fixed it just nyt growing nails overly long and when cutting them i leave about 1mm. that overgrown part..
sorry bad english.
>Pic. Related

>but will try removing the whole nail

Don't be a fucking retard

proceed. fag lord

That same*
Fucking autocorrect

I can tell you what NOT to do. Don't go on a flight, the pressure will make that shit grow 5 times bigger and you'll ooze.

remove the fuck whole of it. you dont have any more options.

drink that alcool and just carve the fck out of your toe. it is needed cant you understand?

ye man then i will post it on Sup Forums gore thread

Something that happened to me with ingrown nail, was that I THOUGHT I got the fucker, but it was actually cut, and part of the nail was still growing inside the skin. So it was like a dagger still growing. After digging the fucker out, it started healing... but then later the whole nail came out.
But that's cause... fucking diabetes.

Daily reminder that Sup Forums is not your personal E.R. , take advice at your own risk
>cut tour
>tuhat samettinen problem

Learn to properly cut your nails. NO ROUNDED EDGES. Straight across 90° angles at the corners and not too short. This is the reason it it happening to you and if you don't change that, it will happen again and again until your nail is so fucked in shape that you will lose it for good.

But right now, go to a doctor. Small surgery. Done.

Go see a proper podiatrist user, I had ingrown toenails on both my big toes when I were younger since it runs in the family. I went to see a podiatrist and the only thing that hurt was the anesthesia, the rest was just a bit of tugging followed by having my toes gauzed up and me figuring out how important big toes are for balance. Left clean looking scars and no recurring ingrowths.
I got to see the toes of my uncles after they "Sorted it out" themselves and compared to mine it looks like they had theirs fixed by the only medically inept Igor from the discworld universe.

what has diabetes to do with that. besida that... is diabetes this bad? i domt think i have it but im curious bucause ive been told by a doc that 90% of the deadly disease on this earth are related to diabetes (like cancer, heart failure, kidney failure and so on)

Wait what. Explain?
I tend to dig the clippers as far into the side as possible before cutting. Am I fisting myself by doing this cunt-act?

fucking do that and you will be someone in this sea of nobodies

Nobody runs on tour family

Yup, nails are supposed to extend just a bit beyond the toe or fingernail.
Is that a fat joke?
What I meant is ingrown toenails is something we are genetically predisposed to on my fathers side of the family.

>is diabetes this bad?
Yes it is. Apart from living and eating by the clock you can loose your toes, feet, wounds don't heal, you go blind and just all out organ failure.

Friend of mine was born diabetic. Got drunk too one night, didn't take his insulin and didn't eat, passed out in his bed, died in his sleep. Think he was 20 at the time.


OP if you have a nail salon, specifically an Asian nail salon, they can dig that shit out for you and it's cheaper than going to a doctor. But you'd become a fag I'm the process for getting a pedicure.

>Wait what. Explain?
>I tend to dig the clippers as far into the side as possible before cutting. Am I fisting myself by doing this cunt-act?

Yes, this is basically your parents not teaching you how to wipe your butt after taking a shit or to brush your teeth. People don't teach their children how to properly cut their toenails.


On the fingers it doesn't really matter. If you do it like this it won't happen on itself. Unless yours has changed it's shape too much already. Also don't wear shoes whenever you can.

Problem is, hitting a corner or furniture and breaking a corner can cause an ingrown nail too. Gotta be careful.

i knew there are a lots of different kind of diabetes but it is true that lot of form of cancer are relates to it?

You're a rather self congratulatory troll, your joke was grammatically incorrect and didn't actually elicit much of a reaction from me.
Perhaps op can live with becoming a fag if the alternative is being turned into a poorfag by a doctor.

THIS right here. Have had numerous ingrown toenails - one of which had to be corrected surgically (the rest I took care of with a great deal of pain).

Have religiously practiced cutting my toenails the right way over the past ten years and it is no longer a problem.

And too be clear. Yes, you did this to yourself. Improper cutting techique caused your ingrown nail with 99% certainty. I'd say it is usually the cause.

After that shitty shoes with sweaty feet and injuries. And some people have nails that have a shape that naturally tends to grow in easier.

I will see a doctor, public health insurance things, they're free.

Sorry for everyone who wanted to see me take it off.


Remember to walk on the outside of your foot after leaving the doctor op.
The big toe is what your brain uses to keep it's balance, if it's numb you'll be falling over when trying to walk normally on that foot.

I had one of those last week. It was infected severely. I pried it out with a flathead screwdriver. Come on OP. If I can do it, so can you.

im going fucking berserk if you dont dig the fuck out of your fingers into that purulent toe

Taking another look at it. You need to see a doctor. That shit won't go away on it's own anymore.

One can see that you've been cutting it the worng way for a while. Nail shape is just stupid now. Maybe they're put one of those braces on it after it heals. You'd be wearing that for months and the nail would be reshaped. Or maybe it'll be fine after the procedure. It'll probably still look stupid but whatever.

Another free tip at the end, wounds on your feet are dangerous. Keep them as clean as you can. They heal slowly / badly and therefore get infected easily. Take care of your feet. They carry you around.

>It was infected severely.
No it wasn't. I had a wound infection on my shin this year. 1 week in the hospital a intravenous antibiotics 3 times a day after anitbiotic pills failed to stop it. That is a severe infection. You had a little puss and pain.

yeah, looks like it has to be fixed.. the syringe in the toe is painful as fuck but after that you feel nothing anymore.. get that fixed, life is to short to suffer because of this little fucker

>ingrown nail
>go to doctor
Doctors managed to fuck it up for me, afterwards I just went to a pedicurist(?) and let her fix it with a lot less pain and a lot faster and cheaper
Don't do it yourself, you'll fuck it up, you don't know what you're doing

Did you go to a regular doctor or a podiatrist?

its inflamed, a pedicurist (!) really cant do anything about it (imo) and it isn't covered by health insurance in most countrys btw

Cut it off

shit. Dog. Be careful. My dads toenail USED to look like that. Two months later he had his toe nail removed due to foot fungus. If you did any bare foot near water crap. Go see a dr. Its better to look a fool while they fix an ingrown, than fuck with a fungle infection...

>>It was infected severely.
>No it wasn't. I had a wound infection on my shin this year. 1 week in the hospital a intravenous antibiotics 3 times a day after anitbiotic pills failed to stop it. That is a severe infection. You had a little puss and pain.

Big deal - I spent two weeks in hospital with an infection. You lose.

Remove toe-bab

If u want a over time not guaranteed fix u can take something strong like nail cutting scissors and try to take the ingrown part out