Excelled in multiple genres

>excelled in multiple genres
>made 5 10/10 albums
>abused heroine for years
>abused cocaine for years
>abused alcohol for years
>still made it to the ripe age of 69
>released an album 3 days before his death
>its one of his best

Is he the most successful musicians ever?

don't forget inspiring TR to get clean. among other things.

everyone needs a friend like him.

Not the most successful quality or popularity wise to be honest, but he surely will be among the 100 or so most important people in music history for the next hundred years.


Trent Reznor

Trent Reznor?

Tim Razor, of Yard Long Fingers fame

The Alan Rickman

He's up there

David Bowie is the best, better included than Michael Jackson and Freddie Mercury

>gets offered to shag a corpse
>doesn't do it

eh, he didn't miss much


Yes. Few musical artists can balance quality and popularity like he did. The Beatles are similar, though they didn't have the reaching out into other genres that Bowie did nor the long length of his career. I'm not even that much of a Bowie fan personally, but I can see him for what he is/was.

>abused heroine for years

He didn't do Heroin, just coke.


Don't forget
>Starred in a game and composed most of the soundtrack for it and played two characters in it

He did herion in his space oddity years its what the self titled song is about

>ywn achieve his level of aestheticism

What was his best album Sup Forums? I think it's lodger


*shitty game

still impressive though

>made 5 10/10 albums
Only 5?

>Amazing Acting career

Also got IP clean

Hunky Dory
Aladdin Sane
Scary Monsters
Ziggy I guess

Maybe Blackstar, heroes, and lodger too


>Space Oddity
>Hunky Dory
>Aladdin Sane
>Diamond Dogs
>Station to Station
>Scary Monsters
>Black Tie

Oh for sure more than that. Everything you said, for sure, and DEFINITELY Lodger. But also:
The Man Who Sold The World
Station To Station
Let's Dance (one of the best albums of 1983)
The Next Day


not with those teeth

His performance in Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence is severely underrated in most circles. Much like that movie in general. He's phenomenal in it.

He's British, can't help it

Not to mention his fantastic performance in The Man Who Fell To Earth. And let's be honest, Labyrinth is shit without him.


Also his performance of The Elephant Man on broadway is amazing from the snippets I've seen, he didn't have any make up on either.

>Is he the most successful musicians ever?

That would probably be Bob Dylan



Let's Dance
Never Let Me Down
Black Tie White Noise

i like bowie as much as the next guy, but let's be real here, he did not make five 10/10 albums

Hunky Dory

are all unassailable 10/10s and a strong case can be made for heroes and scary monsters and lets dance

Yeah, he had more

>forgetting Aladdin sane

You must live on your back

Every film he was in was elevated simply because of him. Especially Zoolander.

Anybody else hate Bowie?
Can't stand his voice and his stupid gimmicks.


Dude, we all love Bowie but come the fuck on