ITT: Sup Forums tropes that you hate

>OP posts an "ITT: we post good ____ albums" thread with a pic of an album that they like
>first reply is "okay OP you start"

Other urls found in this thread:

Okay OP, you start

Okay OP you start

I knew someone was going to post this even though it doesn't make any sense

>ITT: shit albums
>your favorite band's discography
fucking EPIC dudes kill yourselves

>cringe thread
>screenshot of the thread

>post charts and guess each others personality

>states an opinion
>16 (You)s calling it bait or calling you an objective pleb

>Open the thread with an artist pointing at the camera
>He is pointing at us


>try to talk about an artist who incorporates a political element in their work
>whole thread collapses into political shitflinging

This so much

>"I've just discovered this hot stuff" thread
>it's radiohead, anco or tame impala

>post some white artist saying some shit against white people

>why do black people make awful music?

*Replies to every post in thread*

fucking hate this

i do too


Is Sup Forums the most meta (serious as in not s4s) board?
Only /lit/ comes close imo

This doesn't happen that often but it seems that really often when I make a thread it just seems to be derailed by something, usually something that doesn't even have anything to do with the topic. Once I made a normal ''What does Sup Forums think of this album?'' thread about Richard D. James Album and people just started insulting each other.

it used to be
shitty cross posters from Sup Forums are dumbing it down daily though, it's sad

>op posts music trope in greentext
let this faggot frog die already jfc

>cringe thread
>autry, tmm, attila, falling in reverse, brokencyde, over and over again
>cringe threads in general

Waifufags in general desu

>"Rate my taste, Sup Forums"
>Chart is literally just Sup Forumscore and secondary Sup Forumscore

>obvious bait thread
>158 replies

>Tell user with entry-level or Sup Forumscore taste that they are possibly missing out on a lesser-known artist that might blow them away and check off everything that they look for in music.
>"So what you're saying is that obscure means good and popular means bad?"

>still hasnt given up on Sup Forumsdrones
i just ignore them nowadays

Beta ducking faggots

Oh noes, the bad Sup Forumstards, poptimists and raptards have taken over my board and the mods won't fix it.




>it's another frogposter thread
they should be permabanned

i dont mind posting charts and such but way too many people on here ONLY post, never comments. fucking scrubs