/lang/ - Language Learning thread

>What language are you learning?
>Share language learning experiences!
>Help people who want to learn a new language!
>Find people to train your language with!

>Language learning resources:
4chanint.wikia.com/wiki/The_Official_Sup Forums_How_to_Learn_A_Foreign_Language_Guide_Wiki

>Duolingo is a free language-learning platform that includes a language-learning website and app, as well as a digital language proficiency assessment exam. Duolingo offers all its language courses free of charge.

>Torrents with more resources than you'll ever need for 30+ languages.

>Google Drive folder with books for all kinds of languages.

>Drill based courses with text and audio.The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) is the United States federal government's primary training institution for employees of the U.S. foreign affairs community.These courses are all in public domain and free to download.Site may go down sometimes but you can search for fsi on google and easily find a mirror.

>Free resource to learn vocabulary, nice flash cards.

>It's kinda like Clozemaster in the sense that you get a sentence and have to fill in the missing word, also has nice statistics about your progress, grammar tips and more information about a word (noun gender, verb aspects for Russian, etc.)

>A flash card program

>Clozemaster is language learning gamification through mass exposure to vocabulary in context.Can be a great supplementary tool, not recommended for absolute beginners.

>Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations with over 300 hundred languages to chose from.

>Listen to radio all around the world through an interactive globe

Other urls found in this thread:


>Few more resources that didn't fit into OP

I've just picked up Arabic and am learning the script.

What are you using to learn the script?

The official Memrise course. I probably should pick up a book but dunno what.

>got booted from the telegram group

I know just enough French to make studying it feel unexciting but not enough to actually do anything with it

What did you do?

But can you say 87 in French?

Not being active for 2 weeks.

Who are you again?
I can add you back

Russian is difficult, lads

I really want to learn Russian. What about it do you think is hard? I'm pretty sure I could get down cyrillic if I wanted, haven't looked into grammar much though

Learning Cyrillic is the easy part

The grammar is definitely kys level, everything being gendered and the like 6 different cases is confusing as fuck

For me, anyway


I want to learn a new language. Why? For the heck of it.

These are the top four I want to learn (1 the most, 4 the least). Please help me order them most practical/useful to least as well.

1- Persian (Dari, family speaks it and I never bothered with it until recently)
2- Polish- latin alphabet/slavic sounding language seems super badass
3- Russian- sounds cool, learning Cyrillic would help with other languages
4- Swedish- literally just for Sabaton songs

I know Swedish will be the easiest. Will Polish or Russian be harder? Yes the former uses a Latin alphabet versus Russian's Cyrillic, but that shouldn't be such a problem as it only takes a few hours to learn a new alphabet from what I've heard.

Background: native English speaker with three years of high school French experience.

Given that you are a native english speaker with rather poor theoretical knowledge of linguistics, polish might fairly quickly become an incredibly flustrating experience for you, mostly because of its completely chaotic grammar, lots of irregularities and honestly fucked up phonetics. Good luck in case if you decide to learn it though.

It seems kinda useless as I've already decided to never visit Poland after reading about the gun laws there, but nevertheless it sounds beautiful.

I'll probably go with Dari, dad speaks it so I'll have it down fluently in a year or two if I work hard

working on chinese.
I bought some flashcards and I also started making my own.

still only have a few basic words and their respective symbols down.

I fin working with the flashcards and writing them down very helpful.
writing only the characters and pinyin (roman alphabet version of the word) without english so i can use my notes to challenge myself later.

I have watched a quite a bit of tutorials, and they are helpful, but I enjoy working at my own pace and direction a lot more.
constantly rewinding and pausing is a bit tiresome, to take notes or make sure i got it.

I'm worried I'm focusing a little too much on the written stuff and not enough on recognizing words when spoken.

Anyone learning Chinese here?

Out of curiosity - whats wrong with our gun laws?

Anyone here learning Esperanto?

Read this entire thread polishforums.com/law/poland-weapons-laws-carrying-concealed-51505/

I don't have enough hope


Just do this

Jes, sed mi estas eterna komencanto.

I would learn Persian since your family already speaks it won't be hard for you to find someone to practice, which is the best way to learn a language imo.


>read words with a perfect French accent in my head
>speak in a disgusting Australian drawl

>circumcised Burgerfat learning Polish for the heck of it

let us know how far you get with that, buddy.

I'm learning Finnish purely through memes.

Mi jam lernis ĝin, sed mi estas tro pigra por daŭrigi la lernadon.

Ankaŭ mi.


I've spent the last two years learning it using memrise and glossika but the listener can't even understand me so I finally quit. I can't justify this commitment for the next ten years for a hobby

La Verda-Flago ĉemizo ke mi aĉetis interrete ĵus alvenis poŝte. Sentas bona, ulo

What Is this?

Anki grind is real.

i messed with doulingo some years ago before traveling to mexico.
i dont think apps and touchscreens work that well for me.

as i mentioned here writing, drawing and reading to the best of my abilities, the words and meanings i want to learn works best for me.
not an anrbitrary set of words an app wants me to learn my means of virtual flashcards.

with real flashcards and can sort decks of different "difficulties" and even combine them for more complex problems.
i really think there is an advantage to having a physical medium, at least for me.

i bought 100 blank cards on ebay for 4-5£.
not exactly expensive.

the process of making them helps me remember as well.

All links to this deck are dead because the creator is now being a jew and is selling it on his website
Could you upload it by any chance?

That's a bit expensive. Try looking for system cards at your newsagents. I get a pack of 100 for a third of that price

is it quatre-vingts-sept
i havent thought about numbers in a while

I already gave up and am on the third circle thingy on duolingo Swedish

Jag är en man

im norwegian
its atleast 5£ a beer here (0,5 liter)
i dont think i'll get chinese flashcards much cheaper^^

hvorfor vil du lære svensk?

Why doesn't the Duolingo app display the lesson info on grammar and such like it does when using the website? Kinda frustrating

The Dutch guy learning Roach speech.

How long does it take to speak spanish decently? Will study 20-30 min a day since family my father reccomened it if I ever go to prison.

What's the deck?

Does anyone have advice on how to roll your r's?

Anyone have experience not knowing how and then learning?

pls help


Reminder that Gaelic will be the world lingua franca after the Third World War when the Irish annex the EU and promote a Gaelicisation campaign.

Get in on the ground floor, niggas.

Username nigga

A method I've used to learn new sounds is to compare their Wikipedia descriptions with sounds I can already make. If you compare the 'Features' section in the following


you'll see that the only major difference between the English-style r and the trilled r is that instead of constricting the mouth, the tongue goes up to the alveolar ridge. Develop a good physical sense of what you're doing when you pronounce an English r, then try to do the same thing, but changing that one aspect.

Though I reckon some native trilled-r speaker is going to reply that I'm retarded and it's actually much more complicated than that.

you're retarded, it's actually much more simple than that


>honestly fucked up phonetics
>compared to english