Who's the Amy Schumer of music?

Who's the Amy Schumer of music?

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Meghan Trainor


wendy o williams




Unironically Grimes

Led Zeppelin: talentless hacks that steal from others

Father John Misty

I hate Grimes as much as any dignified individual, but at least she has some talent.


Someone genuinely talented that people literally only hate because they're a woman?

Probably Beyonce or Lady Gaga.

>genuinely talented
That joke was funnier than anything Schumer's done, good job, user.

So mad

I don't like her comedy, but can someone explain why everyone seems to hate her?

because everyone on this board is a fucking retard incel who don't like to see women who don't act like innocent 16 year old virgins succeed


She's a woman.

It's a balance of her own awful, uninspired humor and the fact that a chunk of her material that is actually decent she just stole.

Look up Amy Schumer joke stealing compilations. I know there can be only so many original jokes before jokes between comics sort of run together similarly but she has taken entire joke structures and just put slightly different language into it.

>I don't like her comedy
Guess what, no one does. I remember when CC pushed her sketch show that got canceled after like one season, and then maybe like a year later she blew up for no good reason. I honestly think she just acquired a large sum of cash and wanted to be famous, forcing every company to say she's some incredible comedian. All she talks about is food and the supposedly millions of guys who want to fuck the ham beast.

There are funny women out there but she is an actual hack who got shilled way too much for her talent level. The hate for her is no different than the hate which Dane Cook and Carlos Mencia received.

Cool white knight

fucking fpbp

someone who nobody seems to like but is still somehow highly successful


lil peep

too obvious

Bloodhound Gang

Mike Patton.

