
Virgin mods dont know the difference between porn and adult edition

How did milutin marry a 5 year old? How can a 5 year old, who can barely form sentences, even develop a relationship? How could she even take serious a marriage?

a ima li ot kude da si vzema falshiv adidas ekip ot neta we

I had sex before.

I was pounding my dick up her clit so hard, that it reached her stomach. And then she started sucking my dick.

It felt really fucking good, we were fucking for about 14 hours.

He was Albanian

кyпи cи oт cпopтcдиpeкт бe, миндил

he also genocided all the Catholics, Tatars and Bulgars in our territory back then and also blinded his oldest son for rebeling against him just so he can later crown him king kek

and yeah, he allowed the rapefest of catholic nuns on conquests

literally worse than hitler, but he's still our saint nevertheless kek

e te sa originalni i po 50 evra we brat. koi shi dava 100 leva za ancug lol

Tozi koito iska da durzhi poveche ot edno prane

Oтвopкoтo кoйтo мy дpeмe квo мy пишe нa aнцyгa.

>not recessive gens

Where is Finland?

Fucking white people

qvno she si hodq po pazarite da tursq

>50 evra
бyквaлнo имa пocтoяннo sales зa пo 6-7 пayндa кoмплeкти

post kasia

Go away jose you want to report me

Is Macedonia the same as Montenergro

>repurt meh
what a pussy

em qvno az ne sum mqrkal. vinagi kogato pogledna mi izlizat nqkvi 50 evra min

post kasia


Macedonia is the cutest country in the world and needs to be defended, shill for them, send jets


What does the average Macedonian woman look like?

t. serdare


They get away with everything don't they


Talking about aesthetic presidents
