Favorite album cover thread

Favorite album cover thread

he drown lol

One day I wanna print the full painting and hang it up on my wall.

he down

Makes me comfy




off to a bad start, boys




Easy, Metal Ducks cover from their split with Lawnmower Deth

100% Agree



I thought it was Rob Schneider on the cover



>The album cover is a graphic picture of member Bushwick Bill in the hospital. Bill was shot in the eye as he and his girlfriend tussled over a gun. Bushwick Bill wanted her to kill him and during the altercation he was shot as both hands were on the gun.[3] The other two Geto Boys members and the group's management team took Bill out of the hospital room in order to take the picture, removing his eyepatch and intravenous drip in the process



le art school student






Boris' album cover references are neat

me too desu


nah this masterpiece on all walls desu




We lost the sea - Departure Songs

i think this is in the physical copy


vinyl came with a poster which wasn't mentioned on the order and nearly made me cream

seen this here a couple of times, is the album any good? genre?


Post Rock
it's pretty good, definitely worth a listen



Best album ever made.

Swans are adept at making covers that perfectly describe the album

i love this, one of my fav albums as well

Same, it's so underappreciated

Thee Oh Sees consistently have amazing covers.


The last guy () wasn't even replying to that album

Gave it a listen because of the cover, i'm not completely in love with it but it has some interesting things going on.

highly underrated album

I don't like blackgaze and other similar genres all that much, but this fucking shit was incredible.

What is the full one?

I'm not even the biggest fan of the album but the cover is top notch

It's one of the easiest 10/10s i could ever give an album.

The first 3 songs are all enormous, Jade Fields makes me feel like my head is about to erupt, and Onerionaut blending into Golden mind is probably the best music I've ever heard.

I once was having a bad acid trip and listened to Golden Mind and it completely leveled me out. It's just pure fucking beauty

I remember seeing this cover years before I even knew what the band was and always loved it



Thanks to this album my hard drive is haunted.
I tried to download it from slsk a while ago, but something bugged out and now I have a folder on my hard drive that functionally doesn't exist, but it's still there. I can't delete it because Windows can't find it, even though it's right there.

I'd have to wipe the hard drive but there is too much other stuff on it. I never did listen to this album.



Someday I'll see the picrelated live.



his others are pretty consistently decent too

>tfw you have seen this live
>tfw you went again and they played 2016 pile of garbage instead

These are great too.

I love this kind of artstyle and i wish hip hop albums still were wildstyle graff and whatnot

Pinkerton...theres just something so cosy and stabilising about it. Its great to listen to when depressed.











more like complete rip-off


Is that Zizek?

it's robert deniro in the movie "cape fear"

Highly recommend if you haven't heard. The entire album is themed so well.

only truly good ones ITT


I can't say that I am a fan of Neurosis, I'm only just beginning to experiment with metal in general and Through Silver in Blood felt considerably generic with little deviation from continuous sludgy guitar riffs atop run-of-the-mill drum patterns. That being said I do love the album cover of their most recent studio album, mock me as one might though it reminds me of the Kingdom Hearts franchise with a degree of edginess that reminds me of being twelve again, such fun days those were. The contrast between the gritty-yet-legible white font and the sophisticated grey background that it lies on.

On another note I quite appreciate the Drunk album cover too, though the album itself was fairly hit and miss for me.

This one's great, never listened to Bright Eyes though I love the detail on the album cover, took me a while to notice the patchwork which made me feel quite warm inside. The spectral decoder on Casadoga if gimmicky was also pretty cool.

this is a top ten album cover, music isnt too bad either


XXX has a better cover (and is one of the best tapes of the 10s)

This cover made me appreciate the aesthetic of american housing.










It also fits the music great
