What other types of girls should one avoid?

What other types of girls should one avoid?

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>"i like hangin out only with guys because they don't have any drama."

pretty much all of them. I wish I could just opt out of having a sex drive because wanting women has caused me nothing but problems.

The ones who tag their boyfriends in just girly things and other relationship posts on facebook.

You speak the truth, my dude

the one who lost their virginity before age of 18

Feminists and emotionally unstable, FROM EXPERIENCE. The other ones are ok and sometimes amusing.

Yeah they just hang around a few guys so they can sleep with one when i is convenient and then they got the orbiters they will never sleep with but use for favors and free shit.

any girl who doesn't have a plan to live on her own.

look for a self-reliant girl with solid goals.

>i'm broke again can you "lend" me some money?

Ditto for the ones who use dates for free food


save up all your money and then bounce around the world sowing seeds in all the poor women and help BLEACH the earth

the ones that idolize their father

The rest. They're all lame as hell.

The ones with a vagina

Oh, only them? How about all of them?

You could go for older women??

>any girl that doesn't help her friend clean up after a party.

You just made me think of my current girlfriend and it made me really sad.

She's hella loyal to me but been fucking since like 13, makes me annoying thinking of all the others guys that got there first, that just used her. Also falls into the emotionally unstable catogory.

But hey, on the bright side those two things together make for some really freaky sex.

Horsegirls (they are all crazy - first in bed and later in your life), too good looking ones (they get every evening thousend offers - and when you say one wrong word and she is pissed - boom), the ones with too many guys (more than 6 or 7 when they are over 20 - these have the slut gene)....

Divorces are more damaging to a man's life than prison sentences so I doubt going for older women is the solution. You're just trading issues for different kinds of issues.

Yeah, but how can you take seriously someone who goes so easily? i mean sure, there can be x excuses for why she did it, but in the end it just speaks of her personality, and i am not trying to make you depressed about it or anything, just you know

Maybe that's the key, go for a chubby slut with low self esteem who will do anything for you (sexually or otherwise)

she's been with so many douchebags who used her in the past even a halfway decent man she will fall head over hells in love with

So much this.

They're no different. Women of all ages = problems.

this is wisdom

> 'smoke me up'

> 'flower child'/'raver'

Never had a dad, nor really a mum.

Most girls who do stuff like that are just desperate for attention and want to please someone ussualy an older male figure and then guys take advantange.

For the record she regrets all of it and feels "unclean"

plus when I first got with her I had this weird thing where I found it kind of hot but I have dug within myself and found out that was due to insecurity issues with a previous relationship and a coping mechinism.

It's mainly just loneliness in this case. She get's terribly lonely and wants someone to be there for her, and the easiest way for girls is sex, it's not that she's a massive slut who just really likes sex so I guess that makes it kinda better.

But yeah it was always really easy, we fucked on like the second day we met and she just got super attached to me ever since then, actually I think she does that with everyguy, I just didn't leave.

We are pretty happy now though. Lol late night Sup Forums DnM's

She's hot too, I just think maybe her mental issues and so forth were too much for other guys to deal with

Those are the excuses i am talking about tho, no matter the reason your actions are still your actions and speak for who you are

any girl that hasn't spent more than a couple weeks single since first dating

Well yeah, no shit.

What I meant those is that sometimes it's more complicated, sometimes they just like cock.

Not anything wrong with either really, other then as you say it does speak for their personality and some people don't want those personalities as a partner.

Maybe "depressed" was a too strong word to use, it doesn't bother me that much.

girls that are still friends with their exs

any girl that like rap music

so fuking tru

Single mothers. Too much of a headache.

this is actually pretty wise

rap is a very diverse genre though.

But music tastes in general can be very telling tbh.

Some music is just really dumb and the whole scene is too.

If the girl is into shit like Post Malone and Lil Uzi Vert, Lil Wayne ectra tho then yeah she's probbaly a no go,

Main thing that bothers me to be honest is that I have only been with 2 girls and probbaly will only ever be with two girls now because I never got to experiement or see plenty of other people, and im in a serious relationship now.

Like, she's fucked other guys in her past, but I fucked only 1 other girl.

Sounds kinda selfish and ungreatful maybe, but then again part of me hates the silly game of trying to chase people down and stuff, sometimes it's better to just have someone there whenever you want

as i get older i'm learning it seems to be more about expectations than anything

>does she expect from herself
>do you know what she expects from you?
>are you ok with it?

i always knew the last 2 but the importance of the first becomes more and more evident

Those whose tinder profiles say they are "highly sarcastic" or they "speak sarcasm." Code for dog shit sense of humour and thinks she's funny. Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit and humour and for many women, it's the benchmark for comedy.

>rap being diverse
>nigga nigga nigga nigga
>I'm 200% nigga
>We thugs with drugz mayne
>Why the white man keeping me down when I sling crack?

Same shit just redressed in new tech.

Really hate those types.

They also tend to just straight out be bitchy or make insults ectra. And then try to claim it's sarcasm or a joke whenever someone calls them out of it, even though it's obviously not,

Not all raps like that, not even the old school black rappers. You just ignorant.



Op should avoid girls in general. Op shpuld instead invest in guns, and destroy anything that crosses his path. Op should lay waste to his enemies, and literally drink from their skulls.

If op doesn't do any of these, then op is a massive faggot.


what kind of faggot music is that

Reminds me of ShinG when he worked with Nujabes for Modal Soul.

lol muricans

it also tends to be really generic sarcasm. "random much?" "okkkkkkk" "cooooool." Friend's currently dating a girl who says shit like that all the time and I want to flying jump kick her

or "just sayin'"

Doesn't mean you have to personally like the style, just saying you're a fucken idiot if you think raps only about money hoes guns nigga ectra ectra.

You and I both not it's not faggot.

Also funny how people who say that ussualy listen to rock whose slogan was sex drugs rock n roll same shit different sound but doesn't mean everything in these genres is about that anyway let's not start a shitstorm over this and stay on topic ye?

Fuck, I dated all these types of girls to the point of becoming fed up with women in general
Then I read the center text and even that was right
Are those women so common?

Woah! Put your hoe on a leash, man!

biggest red flag, avoid like the plague

I've met several of each type. Harder to think of any who didn't fit one of those molds.

Sad that that photo sums up 90% of girls in our generation.

>girl who wants to live on her own and be "independent"


but make you're she isn't a slut, chubby sluts aren't rare either

Women that are passionate about liberalism in politics. Passion about being conservative is a good thing though.

Who gives a fuck about rap? Are you seriously getting sensitive about this?

This is that guy up about that was complaining about gf being slutty when younger, these days she is super conservative/traditional and just wants to raise kids on a farm and stuff. Another thing that makes me look past all the other problems. rare find

so much these
In my experience, every girl that liked rap was either:
1) Communist/Anarchist
2) Feminist
3) Emotionally unstable/suicidal/self hurt
4) All of the above

It's also related with stoner girls

Stay away from girls who like rap, I liked rap and knew enough of them to learn to stay away

Bitches with crazy eyes, too much fake shit (tits, eyebrows, eyelashes, nails), any female with a child this should showcase her inability to make sound decisions.

Lol how am I getting sensitive?

There is a such thing as truth and a such thing as lies is all is someone says obvious bullshit I'm gonna call them out on it,

Besides guyz, I'm a rapper myself. Check me soundcloud ;)


>rap is a very diverse genre

Girls who had a black boyfriend

yeah but they are so many genres you can say that about, emo, heavy metal, smooth freakin jazz...

Most girls these days are the things you listened anyway I guess Sup Forums just hates rap maybe cause it hates niggers but what about w h i t e rappers?

Hey ! Are you lost ? You must go back to tumbler! You need to take your very inspiring intelligence to reddit. They will love it!

You fagz can get mad all you want. It's still true.


I'm black and I think rap is the most annoying repetitive noise I've ever heard.

>Besides guyz, I'm a rapper myself
I suppose this explains everything.

I don't hate rap even though I don't like it anymore, but that might be because of the horrible memories I have about listening to it and dating these kind of girls

And there are many genres, yeah, but rapper girls can be fucking dangerous for your mental health

I'm just kidding it's actually guitar solos, ambient and harsh noise music. I'm not a rapper I'm an edgy Sup Forums'er like everyone else!

Pretty much every american chick. They're fucking vain

add the "oh my gawd that is sooooo X" kind of girl

>girls who had a black boyfriend

>girls who have a kid

>girls who like horses

>girls who are still "friends" with an ex

>girls who cheated in the past. Even ONE time. Once a cheater, **ALWAYS** a cheater

>girls who make you pay for every single thing

>girls who don't pony up or offer to split the bill on dates

>girls who talk frequently with any other dude who isn't you

>girls that listen to everything thier friends/family say and 100% of the time follow thier advice

>girls who yell at you/emotionally abuse you

>girls that are narcissists

>girls that don't kiss you or hold your hand in public


my dik is vain

>girls that like rap music (aka nigger music)

>liberal girls

Avoid the females with vaginas and penis.

nah but seriously check out my soundcloud


Trve Norwegian Black Metal

girls who are not interested in:
>work / earning money
or heavily interested in:
>make up

Females are the real niggers

Unknown to many is the factoid that Rap is actually an acronym that stands for rhythm and poetry.

Hip hop is that nigger music you speak of.

There's a difference.

do you speak spanish? because I haven't heard that acronym outside of that language

I speak every lanague cause i know everything you FUCKING VITCH