To all anons, if you were offered $20,000 to kill a tranny, would you do it?

To all anons, if you were offered $20,000 to kill a tranny, would you do it?

Guaranteed no one would find out and that you would not get caught.

Of course, why not?

easy money. with a bit of online bullying on social media. they will kill themselves

most kill themselves anyway.


No b/c I'm trans (man)

I'd sexually assault a trans woman though

Yea I'd pay 20,000 for that.

Why a tranny?

20k to kill a tranny in particular? What are you some kind of faggot OP? Do you lust for tranny cock? Like who else but a faggot or a girl sits around thinking of dicks?

All of humanity is garbage so yes, I'd kill anyone for 20k.

You're fucking retarded sitting around making posts like that. This thread is cancer and you should die in a fire.

meh i think she's hot.
would bang 7/10

ur face iz cancer

can I fuck her first?

only a matter of time until you realise your mistake.

suicide will cleanse the abomination from your conscience.

>offered $20,000
>Guaranteed no one would find out and that you would not get caught.

nigga for those circumstances I'd kill my grandma

I feel like at 20g with the condition of zero strings attached, the tranny part has very little to do with the question.. as if by the time you find the guy who says "yeah I'll kill a stranger for 20,000 so long as I don't get caught" he's gonna take it back over his targets sexual orientation. A hits a hit, if you ARE some kinda mercinary and the tranny's a nobody, no combat skills no guards just Jo fucken shmo, that's easy for 20 grand

i'm one of those trans people who isn't suicidal and passes well enough unless my pants are down though so good luck with that

>Guaranteed no one would find out and that you would not get caught.

Dude, for 20k under those conditions, I'd kill nearly any one.

give it time

id kill anyone if there were no one were to find out

for 20k i mean

I would do it for free.

How long do I have to get the money together?


cock or gtfo ladyboy

I'd kill a tranny for a klondike bar, the fuck are you on about?

I'd do it for free if I would never get caught.


Whoa dude. Are you always this edgy... get a life!

i said above i'm a trans man, i don't have a dick


Tits or gtfo

they all are until the buyer's remorse hits

I'd do it for 20$ on a tranny, mostly because a lot of them go out of their way to make white men feel belittled because they have silly power complexes because they thought switching gender magically solved all their problems.

For 20k I'll coach the next five guys who are up to bat and deliver personal condolences to the tranny's family. Shit, we'll probably drink to it. If I act like a distanced but concerned lover they'll welcome me in and bam, I just made a new family.

I don't see how this is a question, I think tons of people would kill if they could get away with it just like that.

Underrated poast

Tits or GTFO!

i got them cut off a few years ago so you're still out of luck there

the only thing of note i can post is my clit and that's pretty much it dude

Less talk more pussy post!
Don't forget the timestamp.



Clit or gtfo


I’d do it for free.

>if i would get a shitload of money AND had no negative consequences, I'd get rid of annoying people


implying you are the perfect human being

no timestamp because i took this
picture two weeks ago, if the thread is still up in a few hours i can post one with a time stamp

I would do that fo free.