Does monogamy work for men?

Does monogamy work for men?

As much as it works for women, sure.

If you are not a sexual degenerate, it will work for anyone.

Would you want to fuck someone else?

Not if I am in a relationship/married.

How is that even possible? Did you cut your balls off?

No, people are just different. I'm not asexual because I am attracted to women, but I don't think with my dick 24/7, at least not like I did in my teens/early 20's. Which isn't really a problem as long as I don't marry someone who needs a dick daily.

The more women you can be monogamous with at the same time, the better.

death of monogamy means the death of humanity.
enjoy your diseases and lack of moral, cuckfaggots.

well, in most developed countries (think g8)
it better work for you, coz if it don't one of your harem will leave, and take your ass to court, cleaning you out in the process.

unless you one of those mormon fucks in utah, they make it work somehow.

as for me, i have had enough headaches just from maintaining a single gf at a time, i would not want to get a 2nd. costly too.

I'm waiting for dick vs brain chess game to even out. In my 30s

Kek. Way to think outside the box.

As long as both parties are in agreement about what they want. Why would it not work??

Don't hide your desires from your partner. That's when shit rolls downhill.

In a healthy relationship you would be doing it at least once a day.

I just see it as.. in moderation I enjoy it during the times I do have sex. If I do it daily, then it becomes boring to me.

Hey Sup Forums. I need some advice. As much as I can get. I'm in a lot of confusion right now.
So, this friend of 5 years got into an fwb thing with me and we've been together like 5 times after (Live in different cities).
And she wants to end things because she went through a heartbreak before me and she believes that doing it with me with lead to love and she doesn't want that. I think I can do love with her. So I don't want to call it off.
She also thinks this is not the way to find love. Like from an fwb to maybe I want more and then maybe she'll leave me at the end of it because she may feel it's not what she wanted.
What do Sup Forums? Please help

Or that's all it becomes. I've been in a relationship like that but it become toxic after a few years. Too much of anything is a bad thing.

It is simple biology.

Men try to promote their genes into as many females as possible.

Women try to promote their genes by getting the male with the best genes to mate with them.

everything else is just a sheer veneer called society that we use to hide the biological truth


Men are naturally polygamous. Women are naturally hypergamous. Monogamy isn't a 'natural' thing for humans, it's a social construction.

Works for me. Rarely wanted to cheat on anyone I was in a relationship with; and if I felt like I did, I ended it.

yes and no. I'm married, got two kids and live my family. Sex is ok as well. love them all and i don't want to leave them.

but after so many years, i do fuck around. just some one night stands, hookers and a couple of fuck buddies. as long as I'm no emotionally attachted, i don't concider it cheating.

YOU* feel that way, not everyone.

Only sane comment in the thread.

does your wife do the same? would you be upset if she did?

If they don't know then you are a shitstain.

It's not an opinion, its biological fucking fact.

agreed. but if you want to take care of your genes, you should be caring, advising and offer a good role model for you kids.

no we're not monogamous, and yes we care care about our offspring.


YOUR biology. Stop spreading garbage "science", especially with no sources. I am monogamous, fact.

Thanks m9

we made some agreements before getting married:
- if you "cheat" aka have sex, and it doesn't mean anything. dont tell the other. but male sure he/she doesnt find out (so use condoms).
- even if you dont fuck, but fall in love with another person: confess and talk about it.

no worries.
i mean, bang!

You're completely retarded.
Men have an inborn natural instinct to fuck as many women as possible to spread their genes. This is why men get urges to fuck other women and get bored in relationships.

Women are not monogamous as is popularly thought; women are hypergamous. Hypergamy is a frequent rotation of differing mates. In other words, a woman will usually be with only one man at a time, but will switch those men out. There is a significant turn over in desirable men that women are instinctually aware of. The whole point of this is to secure the best possible genes for her children.

All of this is confirmed by every single credible biological investigation into human sexuality that has ever been done, and can be found by a simple google search.

fair enough. that's a better system than being swingers/polyamorous imo

you are "monogamous" just like you are "religious or atheist" o "vegan or omnivourous".

It is a personal choice that you have made, and it does not mean that it is not a good choice or even a desirable one.

Your body is biologically made to impregnate as many women as possible if male or to choose the best mate to procreate with if female. This is not an opinion, it is the reason why humans have survived for the last few thousand years and you can easily google "Are Humans Meant To Be Monogamous", idgaf if you are too lazy to do so

We don't know what's "natural" in regards to human sexuality because all human beings live in cultures with different views on sex and relationships. Humans vary on a lot of stuff, surprisingly. Even chimps and orangs from different groups have different ways of organizing sex and relationships.

Good thing I am able to think beyond the thought process of a caveman. So sure, my hormones might have the "desire", but I psychologically do not feel the attraction because I like what I have. And I know 1 moment of strange sex is not worth throwing away what's in the bigger picture.

Maybe you two should stop using the "well it is in my nature to...." and start thinking critically. Now if you want multiple partners, go for it. But you cannot tell me what I want and don't want. Conversation is now over, I will live happily monogamous because I am not a sexual degenerate who thinks just because humans are designed a certain way means I have to feed into those desires that typically results in negative outcomes.


Wrong again, on ALL counts. Polygamy in men and hypergamy in women is based on biological FACT, not the nebulous, ever-shifting societal differences across the globe. Monogamy arose as an attempt to create a stable family unit, since they tended to create offspring capable of fitting in with society. But even if the monogamous family unit has good outcomes for offspring, it does not change the basic facts of human sexuality, which is why most marriages completely fail.

Sources please.

We don't have to tell you. Your instincts and natural urges will do it for us.

Over time you will lose interest in the woman you are with (if any), and find another woman more attractive. No amount of mental gymnastics you do will change that. It's in your nature.

Whether you act on it or not is dependent on your willpower, but I will tell you that the desire to do so will continuously grow stronger until the stimulant (in this case the other woman) is removed.

It's bs, humans are creatures of culture. Most human behavior cannot be described by simple biology, why did we spend time on shit like art and math if we're just a bunch of cavemen? The appeal to nature argument is just a way to make your counter-culture lifestyle seem legitimate.



Shouldn't the dick be rolling away on the balls like a racecar?