Watcha think lib-fags?

Watcha think lib-fags?

Where is all the gun crime in South Korea and Japan?
Guns are easier to control than narcotics, many of which can either be grown or manufactured with legal chemicals.

Guns are durable and resilient, coupled with ammunition they last almost forever. Black market purchase is easy via dark web and your local ghetto. America will never get rid of guns, and the smart ones have accepted that.

Well, I'm a pro gun centrist.


I'm a pro gun lib you fucking nazi. I'm anti stupid. Go play some country music really loud somewhere

They don't have niggers. Take out ours and we are around the same levels as they are when you factor in population size.

>Then why have any laws at all?

Fucking cuck. Go jack off to your Bernie shrine, faggot

apples to oranges

there nothing addictive about guns that would cause repeated patterns of behavior

The fewer, the better

You've never shot one, have you?

Fucking this. Laws don't DO anything. How can they LITERALLY stop somebody? What a STUPID LIBCUCK idea. I bet 9/11 was against the LAW.

>hes never been overtaken by the bloodlust
You've never been alive.

Gun control won't make everyone who has murderous thoughts not murder, so we shouldn't at least try to make getting guns harder for them. Good logic there.

perhaps the worst comparison ever as proven by every other country in the world where guns are controlled. just look at the stats from countries with gun control. gun control works, its not even an argument

I consider myself a classical liberal / centrist, but I have issues calling myself that because modern democrats are all fucked up. What I'm about to say applies equally to many modern liberal talking points.

Banning guns addresses the symptoms of much larger issues and punishes law abiding citizens for the crimes of a few. It's like setting off a firework, and then running around the base of it while it's spraying everywhere trying to put out the fires it's starting in the grass. You look up, and there's 10 new fires in the time it took you to put out one.

People in our society are angry. Angry for being sold out to the rich and foreign interests. Angry at how much they have to pay for these social bandaids. Angry that they're not getting a fair shake, even if they can't articulate how, they sense it. Angry that everything feels stacked against making a comfortable living by working hard and keeping their heads down. Angry that people with personality traits antithetical to a healthy and stable society are the ones who often get ahead. Angry that their elected representatives seems totally ineffectual.

They're angry, and you can hardly blame them. So... no, banning guns isn't going to fix shit.

Life is not an anime
Back to Sup Forums with you.

Those countries dont have a bunch of fucking niggers.

where is all the gun crime in new zealand, which boasts less firearm homicide than its notoriously (actually often the only example liberals wish to use as "this works trust us) much more strict neighbor Australia?

Its far easier to get a magazine fed rifle in NZ than it is in Australia and yet they have significantly less firearm homicide than Aus.

In several communist or former communist countries, firearms are tightly regulated and anyone found to be in possession of an illegal firearm is either killed or thrown in prison - in spite of this, firearm homicide is quite common in these countries.

Theres about 40 countries that have significantly higher levels of firearm homicide than the US do, and have so in spite of far more stringent gun control legislation by their states.

>communist or former communist countries
Haha right. Let's talk about the rule of law in places that have some of the most corrupt government officials around.

nice job with the selective reading

> Theres about 40 countries that have significantly higher levels of firearm homicide than the US do, and have so in spite of far more stringent gun control legislation by their states.

of those 40 the majority are "democracies". To which you will try to smug about how they are shitholes full of violent subhumans or whatever. Which of course should lead you to the realization that its almost as if the people in your society matter more than the laws you enact to play make believe

he only killed about 0.0000182% of the US population. its not a big deal....

>guns should be banned because people use them to kill
yeah that so true ! H-->hillary
>religion should be banned because people use it to kill