Gore thread

gore thread


im curious who the fuck is doing shit like this and why.

Neat. Sauce?


Nice, that thing looks cool


I laughed. I need therapy.



You and me both pal.


me too

In the tap left part he looks like a titan from Attack on Titan

What the fuck happened? Story?


pushed too hard for a fart in the bath

damn niggers stealing organs too

It was a suicide by toaster in bathtub. Her body basically decomposed until she was found and turned to mush basically


It was a greyhound bus murder. In Canada I think. Some chink did it

Could any of you degenerates explain what you get out of rekt threads? Is it a fetishistic thing or sadism or do you just find them funny? I've seen anons say that they're desensitising themselves for the future but I don't quite get that.

kys death isn't something to joke about


You know the story of picture related ? If so, can you tell us.


Who the fuck took the time to photoshop a regular penis onto him? I've seen that hundreds of times, that is not Chris's wiener.

Tim McLean was his name. Google him