I'm planning to an hero a while from now. I have nothing left to live for. Anyway...

I'm planning to an hero a while from now. I have nothing left to live for. Anyway, does anyone know fast and painless suicide methods that are dramatic?

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Helium on livestream. Your brain registers it as oxygen AND you'll sound hilarious.

I'm not livestreaming this. I'm thinking more "dramatic" types.


>does anyone know fast and painless suicide methods

This is posted over a hundred times a week.

Non-helium. I was thinking of explosions.

this is now a stream poll thread
i vote for facebook live

OP here, despite your desperate sociopathic pleas for a livestream, it's not going to happen.

Don't do it op.you don't know just how lucky you are. I have stage 4 cancer and would give anything to have my life back. Don't throw it all away


Well, at least you have people who give a shit about you.

Also, if you have stage 4 cancer, how are you typing right now? I may be wrong, but doesn't stage 4 cancer partially paralyze you?

Guess it just hasn't reached that point yet, alao I'm not on any chemo regiment, which would cause weakness and severe sickness. Maybe I have it handier because I'm only 30. Gots that pancreatic cancer though. Shits in my liver and bowel too

That sounds bloody awful. Do you have any chance of surviving? You sound like the type of person who doesn't deserve to die.

Me too user. The only thing that's been stopping me is my parents finding out, it would utterly break them.

Fuck I hate myself.

Death by asphyxiation (hanging etc.) is supposed to be mostly painless. Think I'll be going out hanging.

On the off chance you're serious, don't.

I still have to visit my dumb friends grave with his family and it's awkward as all hell so don't so that to people.

He hated his life but so do I. If you really want to rub it in lifes face you have to stick around. Life can go fuck itself with all the bullshit, and it needs to know you won't fall for it. Tell life to fuck itself and keep living till it kills you.

Or don't.

Either way good luck and I'll see you on the other side.

Same as well. My parents are the only people who give a shit about me at all. They feed me with delusional nonsense in order to make me feel better about myself... but you can't deny the objective truths.

That's the problem. I have no friends. Or at least real friends. All of the friends I have ever made are backstabbing traitors with two faces.

So fuck them man. So you don't have any friends for a while. It can come back around. Death is an answer, which I know sounds good because at least it's an answer. But cool your jets. Shit doesn't need an answer just yet.

Why not explore life, since you're here anyway?


Read that shit.

So fuck other people, be your own friend. Shit, I know people and am happy to make friends if I find someone cool but I always have myself to fall back on if there isn't anyone. Focus on yourself my dude, if you are incredibly desperate then put up a front personality to make some.

Killing a bunch of people over an issue you personally are having is pointless, especially because of the outcome for yourself. Focus on the reality there is nothing after life, you will no longer exist and will be viewed as a depraved monster by those who hear of your spree.

Not Elliot Rodger, not planning to commit a murder spree.

Everyone already hates me anyway, so nothing to really lose if I kill myself.

Easier said than done.