Am I going to die, Sup Forums? I just pissed out blood clots and have been pissing blood all night

Am I going to die, Sup Forums? I just pissed out blood clots and have been pissing blood all night.

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yes you will die, you have space aids

i'm fucking scared. I've never had this happen before in my life.

Don't worry, it's just your period.

i'm a dude

Better see a doctor.

So see a doctor then fuckin retard

xelcome to the exciting world of either kidney stones are a serious infection. anyway you dead user

Well, don't go to Sup Forums about it

that looks brown
did you piss shit, op?

Could mean a kidney stone is on its way. It's happened to me before. Not fun. I suggest going to a hospital ASAP though.

Tits or gtfo

Dip your dick an a glass of have astendintus

sorry to tell you the bitter news but actually all humans have to die.

I've got an appointment scheduled for tomorrow at noon. this would happen while i'm in a third world country shithole.

go see a doctor, asap.

If you don't know the cause, see a doctor. There are many causes of red urine. It doesn't take much blood to make urine red.

If you are in excruciating pain, it could be a kidney stone.

There is hope. I had the same problems along with uncontrollable bladder issues. 800 usd in hospital bills and no answers so i waited it out. Fine now guy.

it was most painful last night, it's since subsided but there's still some blood in the urine. doesn't hurt until the very end, and it's pretty god damn painful. i dont have any back or side pain, just some slight abdominal discomfort (and, well, the blood)

the blood clots is what freaked me out the most

Sounds like some serious kidney stones.
Get yer ass to the emergency room NOW!

Sounds like your stone is moving slowly and making some micro tears as it's moving down. You'll know for damned sure if it's not moving at all. You'll be balled up in pain and sucking your thumb it hurts so much.

I agree, kidney stones.

KEEP THE STONE if you piss it out. Your doctor will want to analyze it!

You got the Kidney Stones. Gonna have to wait until you piss out a diamond. It's gonna hurt like fuck.

Or Bladder Cancer. In which case, RIP.

Those who had a kidney stone... I always hear it's.
Super painful.

Out of a scale of 10,how painful is it?

maybe don't fuck a hooker without a condom

Try to piss, even if kidney stone is partially blocking your urine. It will relieve the pressure.

Don't OVERdrink fluids. It will only build up too much pressure and cause more pain. Eat and drink normally unless the doctor tells you otherwise.

one of those worm things that swim up your urethra in water. Or uti, or kidney stones, or combo.

Get the fuck off Sup Forums and see a doctor ASAP, you have internal bleeding

I had one that was pretty fucking painful, and another one that I could manage with asprin for a few days up until like the day before my surgery, at which point I needed a prescription painkiller.

So they vary.

Aspirin stops blood from clotting nimrod. You're making it worse. Go to the doctor.

You probably passed a stone and cut yourself. Worth getting a urine test (or swab, as much as that's going to suck if you've managed to get a urethral/urinary staph infection).

Happened to me once - urinary tract staph aureus infection - pissed and trickled blood and clots for a week. A round of antibiotics and two weeks without sex and I was back to normal.

I wasn't pissing blood; I just had to manage the pain. My case was different.

>two weeks without sex

i'm sure that must've been so hard to pull off

man I don't know if I passed a stone or not. Maybe? I wouldn't know if I did, having never done it before. Each time I pissed was very painful and very short, and the blood clot piss felt like I was pissing out lava. Fucking sucks dude.

I pissed again earlier with no pain whatsoever, but there was still some blood. Peed again a little after that and it was painful again with a miniscule clot.

Medical professional here (medical student) and it sounds like you got your self quite the UTI. I would consider seeing a doctor about that.

That's what I assumed so after looking up my symptoms too. I spoke with a nurse friend and she said it was either a UTI or kidney stones but was concerned about the clots. Going to a general physician tomorrow.

leave off the fucking ketamine you cuntlick

i don't use drugs

Trust me, searching your symptoms online does you no good. So easy to find symptoms to anything and assume you have it. But it sounds like a complicated UTI that has gotten to the kidneys (pyelonephritis), hence the blood. Waiting any longer could lead to bacteremia (bacteria in the blood) and subsequently sepsis.

PS. nurses do good work but don't know how to diagnose.

I hear you. I made an appointment as soon as I can get in (currently in the Philippines) at a Mayo clinic. I just went to piss again and (after drinking two glasses of water since this morning) my piss was getting clearer, but still had some blood in it. Not NEARLY as bad as it was last night, so I'm hoping that is good. I am definitely going to see a doctor soon.

Well, a rock goes through your dick so you can imagine...

Getting/Passing a kidney stone is commonly reported as the most excruciating pain experienced in men. Even a high percentage of women say it is worse than childbirth.

No user that's actually healthy, this is normal


Kidney stone. Drink more water (or, vitamin water) to avoid this in the future.

it could also be 3 forms of cancer.

No history of cancer in my family thankfully, and I'm fairly young so I don't have reason to believe that's the case, but I'll find out tomorrow I guess.

You gon' fucking die.
You are already dead.


what the fuck


>autism the post


If it's a uti just pray it doesn't travel down to the balls
Happened to me before and it was extremely painful

fuck i dont even want to imagine that