Dubs Decide

Dubs Decide

Other urls found in this thread:


I eat a lot of ass

I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.

Text back with your titties on it or don’t text back at all


My momma says I can't talk to strangers unless they're hookers.

Please help, I have misplaced a carrot in my rectum. It just glided all the way in.



Who is this person?

Also, if dubbs tell them

>I'm going to need some assistance getting it out, mind coming over? Please bring some peanut butter.

This is all a joke, im sorry to have wasted your time, i have been posting screenshots of this convo to a message board for entertainment, please ignore anything i say after this and block me

You must be fun at parties...

Can you suck it out for me?

Thank you. I will send you a dime bag of my mother's ashes for your kindness and help. Give me your address.


Can i finger your ass please.


problem is i'm so stimulated by it, I can't stop cumming

when i fart it smells like carrots

Yes, when I Farr it smells like carrots.

"A carrot" is my cat's name

send her this


HELP! I lost a pair of pliers up there trying to get it out

Time to provide, OP

send nudes

ogga bogga show me your nigger feet

checked, kek


You're a stupid cunt and we both know I shouldn't require your consent.

aborted nigger fetus

Wow... So creative. Can we stop talking about things being shoved up butts please?

smegma encrusted fart smeckled ass wart

smegma encrusted fart smeckled ass wart


send her this

I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.

Smchmega encrusted fart smeckled ass wart

Oh boy


the fuck you doin OP

Lets be completely incoherent... Seen it too many time, it's boring

I want this sent.

Wanna see my collection of beer bottles I have next to my acoustic guitar?

OP is a fag

Make me a sandwich you disgusting whore.

I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.


I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.

I like turtles

we need him to send "I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.


got alot of experience with this?

OP is a fag

can you please remove carrot with you teeth

>>>>>>>end test

I like to eat scabs off my grandmother's pussy.

Deliver OP!

Someone dox OP

Op is a faggot.

op is a faggot

Deliver faggot

Omg what a faggot!


More doubles faggot

Dubs have spoken, op is a giant faggot

The faggotry amongst OP today is very strong.



