True love doesn't exist, and monogamy is for ugly people

True love doesn't exist, and monogamy is for ugly people

what did she mean by this?

>monogamy is for ugly people

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
never truer

Love exists, it just doesn't last forever. Asexuality is for ugly people. Unless you're a female, you still have a chance.

You live in a vector in which the collision of variables can mathematically add up to anything within it's physical laws. Except that you are wrong, and address the root of your bias.

I cheated on my past 3 girlfiends because I found a better girl, both physically and personality wise, every time; yet I'm the bad guy. It's not wrong to want to upgrade, and I "love" my current girlfriend but if I see something better I will dump her and go for it

I don't see the connection between the greentexted statements? The first greentexted statment is true?

>willingly cheats on both significant others
>plays victim
Oh Sup Forums

You're not a scumbag for breaking up with your girlfriend, youre not a scumbag for wanting something better. Hell, youre not even a scumbag if you believe monogamy isn't real. No. YOU are a scumbag for cheating. Someone who enters into a relationship with someone who clearly wants a monogamous relationship, even though they themselves aren't monogamous, that makes them a scumbag.

I would love to have any Gamy... I have no gamy to give. Mono, Poly, tri... I only got lubedhandogamy

you must be in your early 20s

You have to try, disabled men have girlfriends.

you're probably get used to this behaviour and continue it until you're well past your prime at which point it'll be difficult to get girls and you'll have to settle for scraps

I guess at one point you get too old to have a choice huh?

True love does exist. Just because you can't find any one who loves you doesn't mean it isn't real, faggot.

"Oh but people do love me, I don't love anyone though"

Oh pardon me, youre just edgy. Shocker.

you'll reach a peak at a certain point, and then it's all downhill

Yeah I wish... To omega for a GF.. but at least I realize it.
Not virgin, fucked a slut and have full custody of my son.
Just lonely sometimes but realize I am now to old to date.
Going to die alone is the only thing I hate to think about..
At least there is a ton of free porn :P

No. It's called maturity. Sleeping around with people all throughout your teen years and 20s/30s is cool because youre young. No one wants to be 50 years old and alone. You reach a point where your sexual libido is just not as strong as it used to be and you just want someone to love and care for. Don't think of it as "not having a choice". Think of it as just growing up.

where's the fun to be chasing tail between age 40 and 80?
you get lazy, and the pickings get worse and older and trashier and wrinklier and nastier
you've already done it all before by then
the excitement is gone
so why keep doing it?
but if you're not 30 yet you just wanna keep fucking

Fuck off troll.

More info...
35 years old.
Living with my senial old dad (70 years old)
Have one child.
Working at McDonalds because I can't leave the house for two long.
Not ugly but no self confidence.
Had a GF who cucked me.
Fuck her, got full custody of kid.
Now knowing I will die alone sucks.