Cuck here wwyd with my gf?

cuck here wwyd with my gf?

Make her clean my house

Play with her piercings

she wouldnt do lol

post her nudes




You don't have a gf so that doesn't make you a cuck. That just makes you a delusional beta faggot

why should i post her if she isnt my gf? wouldnt turn me on then tbh

Post the nudes, faggot

Post nudes

yes sir

Any ass pics?

yes sir

Kek I wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole dude she’s fuckin fat

Good boy, pissing pics?

Full frontal?

post her nudes on Sup Forums.

Lemme see her soles

thank u master no sorry



nice idea
only have feet

Spank her ass bright red
