Stop using the N-word

Stop using the N-word.

No, nigger

>Stop using the N-word.

The N-word kills niggers?

Good to know....

Sup Forums is fucking dead. OP is a massive faggot, this bait doesn't even have any fucking effort put in to it.

Either all of its okay or NONE of its okay

If black lives mattered they wouldn't kill each other in gang wars and such. Black lives don't matter even to blacks. Why should they matter to other races?

> neighbor is the new n-word

Yea, you certainly don't want them for neighbors.



Negatives are Necessary Nigger

or things are a bit more nuanced and we actually use our brains for once to make the distinction.

NO i need this repulsive word to express my dislike

> WE


Make me...porch monkey.

Random fag here, not OP, but does saying nigger anonymously ever get old to you guys? Does it lose its novelty at all? I always get the impression that people here feel like they're getting away with something when they say it.

or your a disgusting fucking jew like ethan from h3h3 and you suck nigger dick

I'm with you OP. All lives matter!

>Random fag here, not OP, but does saying nigger anonymously ever get old to you guys?

Not as long as there are niggers that get butthurt over a white guy saying it, but then go out with his friends, calling them niggers, to buy the latest rap album where they pay to listen to some nigger say nigger on 14 different tracks.

Stop killing white people. Also You should stop using the N-Word also.


Nigger will never get old as long as people react like its literally genocide.


but i legitimately only like it because of the sharp shapes the mouth makes in fully enunciating the word. and in rap.




Based Blackman

OP is a Nigger Faggot

Biggas on Sup Forums will always say nigger. They all mostly live in a society where they're never allowed to say it out loud. Let them have their fun. Gotta give their lives a little happiness. Half of these cucks want to off themselves anyway. But they don't want to upset mom or whatever. Kys.

Nigger, Coon, Porch Monkey, Abid, Bootlip, Pickaninny, Schwartze


If they don't like it then why use it in their nig music?


No guys, seriously...think about it...he is is such a sahmeful disgusting word...we should stop...we WILL soon as you do first.

What a rebel

this frankly


trips of truth

Since White's coined the n-word, then when Black's use it, they are guilty of cultural appropriation, amirite?


I have to say that I am African-American Myself & I don't care when white people say I don't care what anyone says anyone should be allowed to say whatever they want someone calls me it and it never gets a rise out of me because if I become violent because someone calls me a word and that defeats the purpose of taking power away from the word right so keep saying it Fuckin' Niggers

Fuck off, I'll say nips all I want.



>use our brains

What are you? Educated? Fuck off!

Nigger has become tired and overused. Lets move on to moolie


Stop using ALL N-words!


nubile: of marriageable condition or age; sexually attractive —used of a young woman

Fuck you, nigger. It's OUR word, WE invented it. Go back to Africa, NIGGER

Saw this same thread posted about a week ago, same results, what is the point of this OP?

No! Err, never.. NJET! Nicht? NEIN!

Wild shot in the dark here

1. Sincerity, and wants us to stop saying it

2. Insincerity, and he wants a thread where it gets thrown around frequently


You're fucked in the head, my dude. Nigger, fuck, troglodyte, retard, gook. They're all words intended to be offensive.

If I want to offend a black person because they're either saying some dumb shit or just plain deserve it then I'm going to call them a nigger because it's going to get the job done the best. Go ahead and hate it, that's the whole fucking point of the word.

You may as well go around telling everyone to stop being "mean". It's beyond childish ideology.

Tbh, I do go around telling people to stop being mean

Expressing anger through abrasive speech is a natural and necessary part of human function. Nobody's saying you should be an asshole on principal, but telling people not to use one swear you don't like is both stupid and hypocritical.

been dead for years b u d

If white people are so racist then black people would still be slaves you niggers should be thankful

stop being the N-word


>Expressing anger through abrasive speech is a natural and necessary part of human function.
Just because it is natural doesn't mean it is right.

We all are naturally naked and skinless, doesn't make it right for us to go around naked. Just because we have an aggressive nature doesn't mean we have every right to express it in every situation without regard to other people.

>telling people not to use one swear you don't like is both stupid and hypocritical.
Are you one of those guys that seriously believe that stupid words dont hurt me shit?

Hi, just wanted to say I'll stop because of this cancer thread.
Pic of me and my friends



nice? why not?

>They're all words intended to be offensive.
Yes, and also C O N T E X T M A T T E R S.

Jesus you keep preaching "lol it's ok to be mean" but you probably are too scared shitless to ever even go up to someone and say it, let alone be with someone who isn't white or male.


then stop saying nigga, nigger



Too bad even educated black kids feel pressure to look 'gangster' by their peers and have to act accordingly, even though it defeats their better judgement

I've seen some black kids who've done/seen half the shit i have, and when a rap comes on when your out, abd you guys get out the car to go to the spot, they all of a sudden uave this g swagger and speak in ebonics, or when other niggers show up

Black people>niggers
White people>white trash
Brown people>mudslime
Asian people... china#1

they're americans who voted for trump. thats never going to happen.

Even in thos use, to display the difference vetween a decent upstanding being, as apposed to a deplorable on.. nigger is just a vernacular I'm not too fond of, if I'm referring to one of my gangster friends, i usually use the term, "cat"

Both of these are me, realizing now i shouldn't have fed this cancerous beast because no matter what someone will be arguing some race in a racist ass manner , and all comments will be used as fodder for the agenda of seperatism


If Randy Marsh can say nigger then I can to.

non factual and entirely homosexual


Dubs and I’ll never say nigger again

Nigga shut the fuck up

Bait detected Nigger !!
