Should I kill myself?

Should I kill myself?

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Yes but tell me who that is before you do

No, Most likely there's nothing after death so being alive is surely better than nothing?

How do you plan to kill yourself

How is the absence of anything considered bad
Are you legit retarded?

Same, also dubbity dubs

Sorry, there's a lot of evidence saying the universe is a simulation , there's a good chance your program continues after death.

not when there are still cute kitty girls with stripey socks in the world

No. We're not living in a computer simulation. It's impossible.

don't kill yourself

sell your kidney and live from the profits of it

after all, you were going to kill yourself!

No. And frankly you shouldn't be looking to people on Sup Forums to give you advice. It's normal in life to go through periods of depression. It might seem endless but there are always options. If you have the mental acuity to question your existence (IE: Not completely psyched out insane) then your answer should always be no. Talk to somebody. I don't know you, but you probably have a family, maybe friends, a boss, somebody. Tell someone you're experiencing depression, get to a therapist if you can afford one. Just don't believe it isn't worth it. You can make it through. Depression isn't forever.



Is that you in the pic? If it is no if it isnt yes unless you can make yourself look like that then no

No you shouldnt trust me ive thought the same but im still here and i enjoy my life now

Yeah honestly they're not lying when they say it gets better. Don't do it.

Try beating Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse without using a continue, then decide if suicide is something you still want to do.

There's also a good chance that I'll just delete you motherfucker.

Go to Los Vegas and An Hero in style.

>there's a lot of evidence
Like what.