So fucked up from four locos and promethazine

So fucked up from four locos and promethazine.
Wife and kids left me.
Post good shit to die to/ hang myself or pass out to whilst eating a quesadilla.
I'm so funcked up I'm seeing at least doun\b;e, but probably triple

I fucked that up, you know what I meant.

Captcha's hard.
I'm gonna make a quesadilla now.
I'll be right back bros.

I'll be back bros.
Have some beautiful J Law titties while I make that quesadilla.
Love you guys.

Please don't leave me too.
I would marry Jennifer Lawerence if given the chance.
She seems like not only a fun gorl, but also very nice.

she deserves all the praise she gets

Guys I'll be back in like 5 minutes, plaese don't leave me. I love you.

Keep this threrad alive and I'll post more stuff if you stay with me.
I promise

Please don't leave me, I'll be right back

I have to pee and then make a quick quesadilla in the microwave.
Don't leave me, I swear I'll post more nice pics.
I love you.

Keep the thread alive beautiful people.
Maybe Jennifer will see this and fall in love with one of us.

Alright, I'll be right back.
]Love you

I have lots more celeb pics coming up.
If you're watching Jennifer Lawrence, I think you should marry me.
We would make a good couple and i would never leave you like you know who left me.

What the fuck guys, you didn't even help bumping the thread

you gonna let this glorious TNA go with out bumping at least once?
How about some Miley?



Anyone lurking?
I wouldn't marry Miley, but I'd have some fun getting fucked up with her

dump wife nudes before you go and childrens if they are 18 +

Thank you brother.
Here's some more Miley

Childrens are not 18+ and you don't want to see the wife.
She's old and has had 2 kids.
Have some Miley instead.

Feel free to post whatever you want.
Just looking for some company

Do you think Miley bleaches her pubes?
She's a natural brunette, but her pubes look blonde

Was AIDS an inside job?

I want to make JLaws vagina quiver in anticipation

But I'd settle for my wife and kids coming back.
The kids zre probably way cooler than JLaw, and that's saying a lot because she seems cool

Anther famous person.
I'm sure they're all nice people.

Time to make one more quesadilla and finish this Enjoy some more naked Miley until I come back.
Contribute if you want to keep the thread aliv e.
If you have good tunes to die too, post it. If you have beautiful women to post, do that.

You rat bastards didn't help at all

post some good tunes to die to or something

The beautiful Jennifer Lawrence

The New York chic with the sexy raspy voice

Fuck it, I'm probably out

What is this from?

Can I get a hug before you go?

No idea

Love you user

Be safe user. Remember that things are always different beyond the looking glass. Keep your head up :)

Hopefully I'll die in my sleep, bu I'll probably just wake up with a hangover.
goodnight anons, love you.

>Hopefully I'll die in my sleep,
We hope so, too.
Maybe then you'll stop whining.

Here's a beautiful pigeon. I hope you pass in peace, user.