Congressional committee approved $15 billion for the WALL -- yep Adios mexifags!

Congressional committee approved $15 billion for the WALL -- yep Adios mexifags!


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you don't understand how Congress works do you?

anyone still saying maga at this point should be should have their Internet access restricted to r/the_donald

>mexico will pay for the wall
top kek

He just said that for votes but it's definitely happening, just paid for by our taxes now.

yeah no biggy right lmao fucking kid

Two words...GOD EMPEROR

Trumpettes are literally the deepest of the bottom of the barrel level of stupid.

That's not how our government works OP. God why are trumpfags so clueless about everything?

They don't know how the government works. I guess ignoring school because it was liberal brainwashing really worked out for them.


Wait Mexico is going to pay for it right?

how retarded can this person be?

fail kid

$15bn seems like a lot of money for a wall

i mean, you can defeat a wall with a ladder, or a shovel

and all it takes is one pleb liberal to be elected in another few years and it'll be torn down symbolically

rip $15bn in taxes
rip hundreds of hospitals and schools and homes

you don't understand how much of a retard you are.

bitter tears


At least I didn't vote for Trump.

yet you post the same shit every day.
how is your president doing?
she done making excuses for her failure?

sure kid
same old, lame old excuses

It better be Mexican congress coz that's what daddy promised.

implying I did.
this is the best a retard can do folks

fresh butthurt served up every day
thanks op.

so bitter
fucking loser

yes that 'wall' will keep all the Mexicans out.

more tears

Trumptards actually believe this means the wall will be built.

>Daddy lied to me but I don't care because he's mean to people I hate

>we're already massively in debt
>lets build a wall anyway
i wish canada would build a fucking wall.

the wall will have sensitive sensors informing them of tunnels.
much like prisons do

You don’t understand how import/export tariffs work do you? They’ll pay for it eventually.

aww more butthurt
and retarded implacations.

thanks obama

>sensitive sensors.

You're a sensitive sensor.

There is a statistic somewhere saying roughly 40% arrive by plane that they all ignore.

I guess that's why your alkie drug addicted shitlord Shillary lost, huh?

sure kid

The US walling off Mexico is like putting a sheet of plywood through a pile of cow shit.

Lmao ameritards you just paid 15 billion in taxes for a useless ducking wall kek

Mexico will just send a kaiju, wall will be useless. Trump better fund some jagers.

dumbest thing ever posted

so mad

sure kid

Butthurt murifuck detected

It’s called a joke son..let go of the hate and learn to laugh.

The United States should begin shelling Mexico and bombing population centers with napalm.

Of course he's mad. 15$ billion down the toilet just to keep up appearances is something to get upset about

sad response

Actually the American people will, because those tariffs will raise the price of anything coming from Mexico. Plus they will hurt American companies since it will raise the price of American good in Mexico, which will hurt sales.

I’d be more worried about how much $$ gets flushed down the toilet fighting perpetual wars and supporting lazy ass welfare recipients.



>Of course he lied to us, just like he didnt drain the swamp. People say things they dont mean during elections. Its ok, these actions will probably do something some day in a way that cant be measured and will likely never come to fruition as another president is in office in 4 years.

congratulations on your retardation

God Damn I love Trump. He really gets shit done.
Even under insane levels of libtard opposition he is able to do amazing things.

Such an improvement to this country already by simply putting the right guy in charge. America First!

the only joke here is you kid

>Thinking fifteen billion is a lot of money to the United States government

кaк пoгoдa в Mocквe?

let me know when trump doubles the debt kid

You’re murican, like I give a fuck what you think. Stay mad son.

As true as that is it's still a lot of money that could be better spent. Maybe on something you just posted for instance

stay mad kid
even your meme sucks

the delusion lives on.

my taxes..

sure kid

Canada knows a wall wouldn't actually do anything.

my guns..

Trumptards obviously need a little help understanding how things work.

No actually it's a lot of money to the citizens of th U.S. Which is where it should be spent.

Mexico is going to pay for it, do you understand how tariffs work? I don’t think you do...


niggers didn't pay any

It is being spent on us, Carlos. Wash your hands.

niggers won't lose any

Yeah ok junior, want to try actually responding with some substance? Or just gonna take the 10yo “nuh uh” position?

$15 billion of OUR tax money. I dont have a big enough problem with beaners to waste all this money on a wall.

Cool cuck is cool

Sue thing jr! Stay angry

deport niggers to nigxico.

They are a tax on imports/exports, that is then passed onto customers in the form of higher prices. At best people still buy the more expensive goods, at worst it shuts down Mexican factories, etc. and leads to more Mexicans trying to cross the border.

Either way it is bad, and not what Trump promised. Americans either pay for the wall, or more Mexicans come across the border.


You're not as cool as you think you are

Well there goes my kids getting an education and going to college. All in the name of getting some hard working pedros and juanitas out of the country.

Sorry but a wall won't do shit to help anyone but Trump's legacy and whatever insider construction companies get the contract to build it Zeke

When you spend 1 trillion dollars developing a pos jet a few billion is a drop in the bucket.

stay mad

actually, the other retard seems less retarded than you

imlpying you pay taxes

$10 billion was approved, not $15 billion:

More Mexicans trying to cross the border...with a brand new wall. Yeah good luck with that.

Great effort explaining this to the mathematically challenged.


>mexico will pay

watch and learn noob


Do you guys hate all mexicans by default? I mean, myself, I am a white mexican and I earn a fair living here in Mexico, I've always wanted to travel to the USA and spend my tourist money on your economy, would people look down on me or treat me bad? Because yeah some people have told me that only illegals get mistreated, but now I don't know what to believe, is this a race thing or just rightfully applying your laws to people who aren't following them?

Also I know the language perfectly but I still get some light accent issues I'm working my way up

Trumptards cant ever support their position

Ok kid, wake me when it actually passes Congress. And take a social studies class while you're at it.

That's $15B that could be spent on projects to rebuild American infrastructure, which would create jobs. And by the time those projects are done, we'd be at a point where we need to rebuild the stuff we didn't touch with the first set of projects.

We should spend that money on projects to rebuild crumbling bridges, replace aging gas and water lines, fix highways, etc.

Ikr? It's so boring to be shown how the president dupes his constituents

yeah! hope that will help your desolate educational system or the homeless vets or....
kek maga my ass.