Have you hugged your sister today user?

Have you hugged your sister today user?
If not go and give her a hug and tell her how much you love her (and maybe even pat her head and call her a good girl) and post the results here.

Don't forget to tell her how much you love her.
(Mothers can be hugged to)

Don't have a sister.

Go find one


Why is this a Sup Forums trend?

Because Sup Forums likes hugging sisters?

>she told me to get off her and to fuck off


I hugged my mom and my sister.

>Oooo.. k?
She said.

How did they react?

She clearly wants the D, you know what to do.

Dude she is 13

Even better, perfect age for a good dicking

My sister has an extremely rare skin condition called coxsackie virus and the doctor said he had only ever seen 2 cases in his entire career and it is extremely contagious. Quads and I will hug her and post results

dew it

My younger sister is 41 and in another state.

Go there now.

Thanks, my dude.

All brothers, and I don't live with my family anymore. I also would imagine having a sister would suck worse than having a faggot brother.

Does body pillow count as sister



This. Sisters are for cucks! Brothers are for real men!

My stister has to leave the home because she did not earned money and she failed to enter at master college. She's really far now and word in a factory.

you have to give love to your sista', do it fag