New loli thread

new loli thread.
discord: fxRAD69




don't let the thread die

I'll guess I'll join.



Looks okay, in that discord. I think I'll stay.


















bumping this lad

Too bad her show sucks ass.





pedophiles lol
why risk it with cp when you can use your imagination with loli

Sleep tight dragon loli


I was groomed when I was younger, and exposed to Loli. Its always been the only thing I can get off on. I was never attracted to young girls. I was attracted to the idea of older, bigger men taking advantage of girls who look young.

requesting anzu futaba

Ok pedo in denial
So how often do you use tor?







Define "groomed".

Lately been on this one more actually, MassageRooms are incredibly hot vids.

>Drawn images
are u guys fucking cavemen?



IRL videos/images of the particular subject matter of loli threads are generally frowned upon and, in fact, quite illegal.




nah mate, its one of the best lesbian gay shows I have ever seen tbh
And I am a straight male.

lel this pasta

Essentially exposed to, conditioned and trained to be sexual and act sexually by a handful of older men both online and offline.

>Implying you do not know what i mean by it


It's specifically not yuri, Kobayashi specifically states she's a virgin and wont lose her virginity to any of the dragons. On top of that she's just a stand in for the male author so it's like a tranny cuck show if anything.



Ah. Got it.
I had similar upbringing but, it was the mid to late 1970's. From about 5 to 8 yrs old.

How have you dealt with it since? Do you find it negatively impacts your social relationships? Do you consider yourself a victim, or just more aware?


Sauce anyone? plox

Honestly, there wasn't much repercussion from it. I'd hardly characterize myself as a "victim". I don't carry any animosity towards those family members and others whatsoever. I was a very curious boy and if that very first person were alive today, he'd probably say that it was my curiosity that weakened his willpower. Not that that is an excuse but, it is a powerful motivation. I ended up being bisexual and had many experiences with friends/neighborhood kids/teens thereafter. I married, and led a rather normal existence. Until USENET came along That's is! Haha! I eventually had kids of my own. They're nearly out of HS now.

What is this discord?
Can i just lurk in and grab some image?

> discord
> totally not entrapment.. totally not


it's a trap. feds setup discord, people trade images, discord hands over all personal details of users to feds. it's simple.

kill yourself, fbi.

nice story, fbi. please fucking die.

> im totally not the fbi
> really truly! look how i try and fit in
> i'm so not an agent that smells like pig shit

kill yourself, faggot.

Nope. Don't associate me with that clown user. What I wrote was my life as I lived it.

fbi: detected.

Maybe you should just go ask mom if your pizza rolls are ready yet. Fucking reet.

Don't want ot eat u

God damn I would have never thought that big ass woman had such strength

Sleep tight dragon loli





All ready


is it about dragons?

no it's about slaves