Am I the only one that doesn't buy the story that we're being told about this ole chunk of coal?

Am I the only one that doesn't buy the story that we're being told about this ole chunk of coal?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nope, you're not

No, there are lots of morons like you.

No, there are tons of stupid conspiracy dipshits out there.

What's the story that's being told?

Yes, you and some other incredibly stupid people. He did it

I don’t think we’re being told the whole story but I also don’t give a fuck about murica and it’s gun happy psychopaths.

Well, we live in a country where any idiot can get 50 guns and go crazy whenever they want.

Some people can't handle this, and get desperate to think of some, any other more complex, alternate story to explain these things, rather than face reality.

Of course we're not being told the whole story. That's how investigations work. There is always information that is withheld from the public. That doesn't mean there's some sort of conspiracy happening, it just means that the police feel that releasing certain information could hinder their investigation.

I hate being that tin foil hat guy but I don't believe any of this. It's just too convenient that there were literally 20,000 people there but only like 2 videos and 1 picture that were shaky at best. You can't tell me in the year 2017 with more cameras on earth than people and literally no one has any true evidence. But if it is real I'm not surprised it was a baby boomer. The entire thing seems sketchy and I don't believe it at all.

Exactly. Life is actually pretty simple, things are seldom all that complicated. When shit happens, usually the simplest explanation is the correct one. People just don't want to accept that sometimes random crazy shit just happens.

A sick person did a sick thing. That's all there is to it.

You're an idiot. Do you really think people who are getting shot at are going to prioritize taking videos to post on the internet?

I also don’t trust these so called “investigations” they figured out in an hour that it was bin laden responsible for 9/11 but after a year can’t figure out Russian hacking/collusion?

why do these threads keep disappearing before reply cap?

I don't even know where to begin pointing out the stupid in this, so I'm just gonna call you a dumbass and leave it at that.

Not the user you’re talking to but yes I believe there are plenty of people out there (especially in murica) that would reach for their phones to get video.

Nice response, want to try again?

Because the Zionist NWO keeps deleting them. They don't want us to find out about their false flag carried out by their MK Ultra assassin.


I am the user you were talking to and I would totally believe people would prioritize taking videos. It's literally our culture to do so now.

We know Russians supported Trump. It's a fact. The investigation reveals evidence, which becomes a case, that will be executes via indictments at some point.

All the US intel agencies agree it happened. Can't wait to see Trump impeached!

I don't know, I steer clear of the news, but when I heard about this I'm like,"Oh, mass shooting? They'll tell us it's a terrorist attack before the crime scene's even cleaned up." But I do understand random things happen, people snap, but we're more comfortable thinking it's a terrorist attack than just a random guy who was pushed too far - blame the War on "Turrur" in Dubya's immortal words

I had nothing to do with it. Honest.

He decided to kill as many people as possible and kill himself when he realized that he was circumcised at birth

When you make claims like that usually evidence is required, please show me the 100% proof they have...I’ll wait.

No, it's all bullshit. It is so fucking obvious this is a setup from the Trump administration to improve hotel security. Trump is tired of Russians with guns showing up at his hotels.

none of you conspiratard schizophrenics believe anything.

>durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 9/11
>derpppppppp Sandy hook durrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Typical, respond with “you’re dumb” but offer no counter...

Sure kid

My only question, I've seen that theory, is hotel security really that big a business? xD

Not when you're panicking and think you're about to die. Plus, there may be a lot more footage that simply hasn't been released. It's entirely possible they were asked not to release it. You're making assumptions, this is what conspiracy nutbags do. Don't assume things, and don't listen to internet "experts" who probably have no clue what they're talking about. I've seen so much misinformation in these threads already. Make sure you know what you're saying is true before you say it.

To make room for more trap threads

info warrior in the making.

>Make sure you know what you're saying is true before you say it.

I've literally haven't said any lies so what are you talking about.

I'm not implying anything, I'm just skeptical and there isn't anything wrong with that.

Also were talking about Americans here, there isn't a doubt in my mind that they wouldn't take videos during the situation and post it immediately afterwards. It's literally and I mean literally what they do.

Vegas has more security cameras than any other us city but yet there is a lack of footage showing what happened, not to mention somehow an old man got all those weapons into his room without raisin any suspicion? It does seem a bit weird.

>what do we know about what happened ?
>be philipine gov
>realize your country is getting fucked by ISIS (aka cia funded/trained/supplied terrorist group)
>kill and frame some eyebrowless faggot for the biggest massacre in america since the civil war
>be china, laugh and promise to protect philipine if america retaliates
>philipine grows big balls and goes through with it
>americuck government and citizens are busy capitalizing on this tragedy rather than searching for the real perps
>even if americuck retaliates china will BTFO americucks
the fuck do you think their shitty country has worked towards building ties with china as of late?

American citizens and companies put around 15.7 billion into cameras/security last year alone. It’s only gonna go up from there.

We need more security check points and metal detectors.

so random, vote Democrat

Doot doot

Fuck off alex jones & the russian shitposters

Ok now that everyone thinks you’re cool do you actually have something to add to the discussion?

No, it does not. Again, police may have specifically asked the various hotels not to release the footage as part of their investigation.

Also, what seems weird about someone bringing bags with them to a hotel room they checked into? You know guns can be disassembled, right? They wouldn't take up as much space as you think. He was also checked in several days prior and supposedly brought them in over several days. Have you ever been to a hotel? Did they ever check your bags? It's not unusual for people to bring a lot of bags with them, and it's not unusual for people to buy shit while they're on vacation and bring stuff back to their hotel room.

There is a very simple explanation for both of those things. You are making this more complicated than it is. That doesn't make you smarter than everyone else, it makes you an idiot who doesn't understand what's going on.

It would be so much convenient if he was muslim...

What the fuck?

Basically this. Filipino wife has ties to chink mafia so some white guy in America who had guns was going to take the fall.

>Be you
>Guy with AK47 is shooting at you.
>Guy with AK47 is also shooting at other people.
>People around you scream in horror and die.
>Bullets ricochet off the pavement around you.

"Oh, dude! I really gotta get me a selfie of this shit!"

>Yeah, right. Die in a fire, faggot.

Please explain why it is so hard to believe that someone would want to shoot up a crowd of people. Have you fucks never had murderous thoughts? Really Sup Forums?

LOL, AK47, do you libtards even know gun?

You understand he didn't just walk in with a bunch of AK-47s tucked under his arm, right?

I just watched an interview by his brother. Seems like he's the kind of person that would.

No, we do not.

If you want to play gun control psy-ops, you don't use the same rifle ISIS uses. You use big black scary AR platform rifles, not slav shit.

You're not the only one. I'm asking questions and so are a decent number of people. Every time I ask, though, I'm met with the typically, "fucking tin foil hat, trump supporter, NRA member tard, blah blah blah."

>I'm with you

you probably believe all sorts of crazy shit so what you believe or don't has no bearing on anything I care about

Lot of shills on here. How does it feel to be slave?

Why would it be a gun control psy op? Because the last few dozen have produced such spectacular results for the anti-gun crowd? We had hundreds of these shootings over the past w0 odd years and gun laws have actually become LESS strict. You think they have changed tactics by now.

Lack of information.
>58 dead
>500 wounded
Were they all kill and hurt by bullets? How many were chaos caused.
>all bullets
>he would have had to have sprayed 1000's of rounds
>full auto
>bump stock
>gun recoil
>gun rise

LV Sherriff today stated they have leads on the motive but can't reveal it yet because they're investigating a possible accomplice

Has Marutei Tsurunen been mentioned already?

>Tsurunen was representing the democrats in the upper house of the Japanese parliament during they years 2002-2013 as its first Western-born member.

A fucking major achievement considering how doubtful the Japanese are against foreigners. Of course Finland is an exception of some sort, the older folk knows and appreciates Mannerheim and Finns.

Apparently a very conservative politician and that's exactly what japskies like.

Hmm, I fucking wonder? What bill was about to pass related to making gun laws less strict?

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks

Prescription drugs kill more people than guns by a long shot.

Why don't we ban prescription drugs?

>No, it's all bullshit. It is so fucking obvious this is a setup from the Trump administration
because slaughtering your own voters, is what gets you wins?

>he's never been to a concert
people having their phones out recording the shitfest is done by hundreds of people at a time, especially at a venuelike this.

>Cancer kills more
Ban cancer!

1999 + 18
>Trolling for Columbine


You were doing so well, but then you had to get insulting..

I’m not saying it’s some “conspiracy” I was more thinking about leaks for one...(they never happen right?) and the weight of those disassembled guns (lotta bags and rather heavy)

But sure, just go ahead and be a typical Sup Forums tard, [insert insult here]

Most of the wounded were from getting trampled.

They knew of the Russian collusion, it was obvious without even evidence. The real question is, was that actually a crime or not.

People demand proof of conspiracy theories
All show us proof
>Asshurts deny truth and call treason, war crime

Tell us who is autistic?

>it was real
>no evidence

You only get to pick one billy.

Rita Katz suddenly said he was a converted to islam

Greg? Is that you?

Maybe this guy has been sponsored by the NRA. Maybe the NRA made him shoot this festival in order to promote the sells of weapons because people would get afraid after the shooting, that weapons are being banned from the country. By the same time the blame would go to the noise of country music.

Sucks when he finds out those 40 virgins waiting for him are all 30yo neckbeard basement dwellers.

What a failed, austistic riddled example.

Your "cake" doesn't fire 200 rounds a minute, but to use your infantile cake example.

This cake will say causes anyone who looks at it to get hit with frosting, Frosting which in this imaginary example is deadly.

We say "Hey that's pretty dangerous, maybe only responsible people should have those cakes because the bakeries cake laws were made when they founded about 100+ years ago".

We say "Hey it's not a good idea to let people buy frosting enhancing tools"

Your kind, Instead of seeing the danger of said frosting smash the cake into your beet red face screaming 'ALL I GOTS IS CRUMBS!!!!!!" When in reality you have an entire 3 layer sheet cake in front of you.

Well I mean Bin Laden literally made a public announcement he would attack the US a month before 9/11. I think the real thing people miss is Bin Laden was originally a CIA agent who went rouge. If 9/11 was an inside job Bin Laden probably still did it, but the US probably knew it would happen and purposely ignored it to justify war.

You're so random ecksdeeeee haHAA rawrrrrrr

All the people who think Sandy Hook was a staged hoax are right there with you, buddy!

Just FYI, the "had to have some help" bullshit is just standard cop-speak for trying to freak out anyone who might have known into making a mistake

>went rouge
so he went red?

these disinformation agent faggots like OP are really trying to tarnish the validity of other, real conspiracy theories like 9/11 by giving any horrific event the same title - conspiracy theory!


Stay away from some else's cake.

>what you do when it's a drone and c4 dropped on concert?

I mean that's more likely than the shit posted on Sup Forums or twitter at the moment.

You know, I gotta say, I loved The Big Lebowski, but I wasn't a fan of this sequel. They went way too dark on the ending.

Yea boy you know it. All these peeps have ties to strange groups.
The aurora shooter studied mind control and this guy had some type of job for lockheed
And sandy hook wasnt fake but that kid mightve been motivated into the attack by someone.
Destroyed hard drives and rumored accomplice who fled into the woods.

This, American gun show reality makes so little sense the mind rebels

It's almost like no one knows the difference between rouge and rogue.


I find when it comes to big conspiracy theories they are rarely as complex or true as they are stated to be, but there is always some element of truth. If your gonna do something secretly you don't want it to be complicated because that increases your chances of getting caught.

It's a shame he couldn't get a hold of a VSS. The results would've been much lower but he would have had a far greater chance of a successful escape strategy.

Fuck off Killary-fag, if those ppl in that concert had assault rifles they could of fought back.

Sorry for misplacing a single letter in that word. I have commited a cardinal sin. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!

Could have*

Could have, would have, should have.


He's not wrong though. We keep "compromising" a constitutional right, the only amendment in the bill of rights which says "shall not be infringed".

Acess to firearms is already heavily regulated, and even with all those laws crime still happens. I don't think that gun owners should have to compromise their rights any further.

No, they would've killed more people. They are civilians, not soldiers, they are not trained to handle actual combat situations. Just because you can hit a target at the range doesn't mean you can be functional when you're panicking, it's dark out, people are running around screaming and dying in front of you, you have tunnel vision from the adrenaline, etc.

Combat is stressful. Actual trained soldiers, people who are broken down and built back up into actual killing machines find combat stressful. They come back with PTSD and all kinds of shit. You are not John McClane. You are not just gonna keep a cool head and be able to respond to the situation in a rational way. Real life is not a movie.

What would actually happen if everyone there had guns is half would freeze up and not do anything, the rest would panics and start firing blindly and probably kill a bunch of other innocent people. Not to mention, that would make the situation more difficult for the police to deal with because it would make it harder for them to find the shooter, because there are multiple people shooting.

That's fucking disturbing as fuck