What is you're job, salary, and age? No exaggerating:

What is you're job, salary, and age? No exaggerating:

>Sous Chef At Wendys
>$10.11 per hour
>27 years old


>7/11 (denmark)
>74dkk ($11.64)
>15 years old


Wait, you were making more yesterday. What happened OP?

About 14 dollars an hour this week. Delivering pizza.

>Construction engineering intern

This stale pasta again?

damn, only $13.50/hr for intern position? thats low brah, demand a raise stat

>Garden associate at Home Depot
>19 years old

>19 yo
I am become death

>17 yo

>Lighting Tech
>40 years old

Regional airline captain



>emergency paramedic

> 27
> unemployed fuck

Well at least i got 2 university degrees...
Got me so far in life I ended up here wow.

>Financial Representative at Northwestern Mutual
>$58k a year
>24 years old

>Photography Tech at private school

>systems analyst

>Contributor to my own demise
>Too young to be this jaded

>Age 23

Dank meme at dank memes Inc.
100k a year
24 with an 8 inch dick

Help Desk Technician
19 years old
$17 an hour

I bet you go to Starbucks a lot, and drive a Tesla or BMW convertible

is this some kind of insider i dont get
or why is it always a tanrnation wendys staff that is posting this stuff?

Pedo porn producer, 47k-89k/year untaxed income and all the kids I want, 34yo.

>Site Engineer

£7.50/h ($9.85)

Yeah, turns out there's not a lot of jobs around for people with a biology degree...
I wish I had gone with Engineering instead, at least then I would have some practical skills.

>production line worker
>22$/hr when i feel like working. +250$ every month for going to Uni, getting an extra 340$ a month cause i have to drive there in car and can't use public tansport. (takes 1 hour each way)

I only go to local coffee shops, but I do drive a tesla

>Cabinet Manufacturer
>260K in 2016 (1/3 ownership)

what type of biology? usually pharmaceutical companies love that shit.

stainless steel metal worker
34$ p/h

>sneaky wendy PRing jew detected

>feeding the wendy shill
sage in all fields


>26 yrs

Warehouse manager. 34yr old salary translates to $42.30 an hour

Wanna know my favorite herb ?


only sage can help us now

there's feces in the meat


>"you are job"


Usually, yes they do.

However, I'm living in the middle of nowhere with a minimum wage job, and I can't afford to move to where the Pharma jobs are.
Jobs that I won't be guaranteed to get because the government managed to persuade everyone (including myself) that going to University and getting a degree was essential.

Need at least a MSc to stand out from the crowd now.

Oh well, we do the best we can with the hand we are dealt...

Entertainment Lawyer
$112k a year
26 yo


Horse meat is alright.
It's not the best, but it's certainly not inedible.

Tried it in France a few years back.

You seem like a 19-year-old who thinks watching Rick and Morty makes you a super genius.

AV Rigger

16.00/Hr Boston

I give so little shits if the whole thing falls and kills everyone.

Not paid enough, so cutting corners happens alot under time constraints.

Putting load on no- load bearing points.

Using incorrect or faulty shackles

Overloading lift motors above capacity.

Fucking shitty in house AV company.

Why not live off of neetbux instead user?

Software Engineer
£50ph (sometimes £75ph for small jobs) - work through my own company

>Busser at high-end restaurant
>12.50 + Tips = 50-60k after taxes

>sub-surface welder
>$48-70/hour depending on contract and nature of job
>pic related

Fucking cool.
What education do you have and was it expensive?
I really wanna do something similar.

>What education do you have and was it expensive?
Welding course 3-4, diving certificates for it and normal construction.
Didn't cost me much, some books pretty much. I live in Sweden so education is openly available.

how long can you work in one go? 45min 15 rest for gas pipes or how is that regulated were you are from....
cool job imo

29 years old

Underage b&

Maritime warfare officer

Depends on our equipment and the conditions.
But yes around 45 minutes up to an hour sometimes.
For some reason a lot of our job is done during the winter when it sometimes is -30C in the air and 0C in the water. Then we need heated suits and can still only stay down for 15 -20 minutes before our balls fall off.

Is that a Coast Guard position?

Isis fighter
72 virgins on completion

I respect the shit out of you. That job is crazy difficult.

It's also a lot of fun.
Been a diver since childhood so combining it with my job was just logical.

That's awesome. I grew up in a family of firemen so naturally I took the test as soon as I could. Wanted the job my entire life and got on in my early 20s and couldn't be happier.

It really is true that if you enjoy your work, it's not work.

Yep not work when its fun. Totally agree.
I was afraid I'd lose my love for diving but it only made it stronger.

selling bespoke holidays (fishing and shooting)
50,000 pounds

28 years old
25,000euro / month

>loader/unloader at cintas

>Assistant manager for a convenience store in North scottsdale, arizona
$13 per hour, required to work 43 hours a week
>23 years old

cintas you come into my convience store and refill our soaps towels and shit
thanks for your hard work!

much respect for studying that but you should be payed more than me for that ask for a more


guardion or securite officer you mongol?

because a Neurologist is more important than my stupid job

Phone System Engineer